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slunken 07-08-2022 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by buzzard (Post 4596717)
Shinzo Abe finding release from his crippling diarrhea IN HELL, anybody?

I wonder if there are any other assassinated Abes out there.


buzzard 07-08-2022 09:20 PM

thanks for reading

ilikeplanets 07-08-2022 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by slunken (Post 4596713)
the first thing kind of rules but yea the second thing is deplorable.

the biggest thing that turned me off during covid were these work from home slugs who would order door dash multiple times a day and get groceries delivered and post online about how it's "so easy to just stay at home"

if you have the means it's very easy to just digitally order this little slave to bring you the treats that you crave and pretend you were "doing the right thing" by staying at home.

get fucking real.

very laughable behavior for anyone even remotely in touch with real working class people.

Pretty much the complete opposite of bimonthly Costco trips that aligned with payday, 45 miles each way, to stock up while trying to avoid people as much as possible

ilikeplanets 07-08-2022 09:28 PM

I'm not mad about it anymore

ilikeplanets 07-08-2022 09:28 PM

I'm not still mad about it

slunken 07-09-2022 12:34 PM

yea i'm definitely not mad either

slunken 07-09-2022 12:38 PM


smashingjj 07-10-2022 10:09 AM

how are you doing slunken

slunken 07-10-2022 03:02 PM

i'm good. trying not to get fat and lose my mind.

what's up? how is your kitty kat?

mxzombie 07-10-2022 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by slunken (Post 4596713)
the first thing kind of rules

he doesn't sing, he wails operatically in spanish. sometimes we can hear his voice crack.

yo soy el mejor 07-12-2022 10:15 PM

i skipped ordering dinner online because it seemed absurd to pay $25 for one person eating at home alone. i chose to make dinner instead and it feels like i picked the longest recipe for shrimp and polenta (with collard greens) ever...oy vey. been havin' a good time in the kitchen at least with my tunes, but now i'm not even that hungry anymore.

edit: ;_;

Ram27 07-12-2022 10:22 PM

delivery app fees are complete shit. and the companies are so shit that they still charge that much AND can't figure out how to stay solvent

Ram27 07-12-2022 10:24 PM

i was notified today that i made the dean's list for last semester. feeling happy. haven't done that since 2016 [got all As that fall. i also met jimmy (chamberlin). coincidence?]

this is a pure brag post but damn i am happy i was able to succeed [so far] at going back to school

yo soy el mejor 07-12-2022 10:31 PM

tommy and i have found two local restaurants we can call and order from and skip third party delivery crap. they're both mexican--which i don't mind--but some variety would be nice. we have one place (a fried food joint basically) we can walk to and i've tried everything on the menu and it all sucks. their nachos were made with doritos and were floppy and just coated to death with too much stuff.

honestly, when i chose not to order tonight i felt bad because i thought about the person i would not be able to tip. lame!

ilikeplanets 07-12-2022 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4597036)
i skipped ordering dinner online because it seemed absurd to pay $25 for one person eating at home alone. i chose to make dinner instead and it feels like i picked the longest recipe for shrimp and polenta (with collard greens) ever...oy vey. been havin' a good time in the kitchen at least with my tunes, but now i'm not even that hungry anymore.

edit: ;_;

I'm rarely hungry after cooking an involved meal. It gets too hot in my kitchen and I gotta cool off. I fried up a bunch of eggplant tonight and still haven't eaten any.

yo soy el mejor 07-12-2022 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4597039)
i was notified today that i made the dean's list for last semester. feeling happy. haven't done that since 2016 [got all As that fall. i also met jimmy (chamberlin). coincidence?]

this is a pure brag post but damn i am happy i was able to succeed [so far] at going back to school

that's nothing to sneeze at!

i was a straight F student in a lot of classes--even ones I was interested in--growing up and dropped out of community college in 2004.

i was internally patting myself on the back every time i got all A's during my last college stint. you gotta do it if no one else will. one time i cried when i got a B but i got over it when i thought 'man, i would've been so happy with a B before'. or at least just accepted and thought nothing of it.

Congrats for making the dean's list, dawg!

yo soy el mejor 07-12-2022 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4597041)
I'm rarely hungry after cooking an involved meal. It gets too hot in my kitchen and I gotta cool off. I fried up a bunch of eggplant tonight and still haven't eaten any.

yeah everything is done and i am still standing here at the kitchen counter. do we just get sick of smelling the food or what? because it seems super common to cook an involved dinner to only not be hungry at the end.

smells good, though!

slunken 07-12-2022 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by mxzombie (Post 4596895)
he doesn't sing, he wails operatically in spanish. sometimes we can hear his voice crack.

if you don't like it march your butt over there and wag your finger in his face

slunken 07-12-2022 11:13 PM

i find it immensely fulfilling to spend 4-6 hours pouring over a single elaborate recipe.

few things bring me greater joy. it's like a special holiday the way it feels.

yo soy el mejor 07-12-2022 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by slunken (Post 4597050)
if you don't like it march your butt over there and wag your finger in his face

too many germs.

better to drown him out with better tunes or mock him loudly through the wall until he stops

ilikeplanets 07-13-2022 02:13 AM

Good job, Ram! If you're in college, ya gotta do it right like that.

buzzard 07-15-2022 03:47 AM

Leaked stills from the forthcoming album's launch video.

slunken 07-15-2022 06:39 PM

one of my gmail accounts stopped sending messages to my mail apps on both my phone and computer today and I legit almost had a full meltdown.

but we're back, baby.

slunken 07-15-2022 06:40 PM

lol "my accounts" "my mail apps"

ilikeplanets 07-15-2022 07:28 PM

I'm afraid to update my laptop to have Windows 11 because I'm not very computer savvy, and it took (huzzah!) me a while to configure everything for my job. If my bookmarks disappear, I'm fucked. I know that's supposed to be related to my Google account and not the OS, but I feel like it's going to disappear and I'm one unapproved restart away from having a problem.

slunken 07-15-2022 07:34 PM

just reading that gave me an anxiety attack

slunken 07-15-2022 07:35 PM

if we don't talk about it, it won't happen again

slunken 07-15-2022 07:35 PM

oh no my computer is grooming me!

ilikeplanets 07-15-2022 07:46 PM

On the humorous side of PC related things, my dad called me freaking out that his computer broke last night, which wouldn't be the first time, and wanted me to buy one for him while he was at work today. I went to gather it up and see if Geek Squad could run a diagnostic before spending $1000, and noticed that his charger was unplugged. So basically the battery just died, and he thought the entire thing fried. At least I'm not that computer illiterate.

slunken 07-15-2022 07:52 PM

you talk to Mooney lately?

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