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ilikeplanets 01-14-2022 03:13 AM

SSRIs deeply scare me. And I'm not known for my fear of chemicals, historically.

MyOneAndOnly 01-14-2022 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4588630)
SSRIs deeply scare me. And I'm not known for my fear of chemicals, historically.

it's been years since I was off Zoloft. This was the worst withdraw i've ever had. I didn't once think it was my meds. I was starting to have weird conspiracy thoughts.

It makes me wonder whether i'll ever be able to stop taking this shit. Like... does taking these meds make it so my body won't ever be able to function on its own?

ilikeplanets 01-14-2022 05:00 AM

Everyone I've known who has taken them for any length of time hasn't been able to come off of them. I'm sure people do, but it seems like many are to be unable to function again without them. I'm not any sort of expert, and maybe it's just the depression causing them not to function off their meds, but there's definitely a lot of horror stories. I don't think I have true depression, but I have been prescribed SSRIs for my anxiety, and it was always a total mismatch for me. Plus the side effects caused anxiety and insomnia, among other things, so that just compounded my problems. Pass.

ovary 01-14-2022 10:58 AM

i took paxil for a couple years as a young chap and had a great time getting hard, no issues, hard as a motherfucking rock, surrounded by all of these beautiful young women craving seed, etc., etc., but i was unable to achieve orgasm by any stimulatory means. i'd just wank and wank and fuck and fuck and nothing.

clearly these chemicals derive from the devil

smashingjj 01-14-2022 11:11 AM

also, did you perhaps sometime feel like, the door was closed for you being hard as a rock, so to speak?

ilikeplanets 01-14-2022 02:02 PM

I also couldn't orgasm when I was on whichever brand it was (prozac, I think). I definitely couldn't handle that and only took them for a couple months. Unbelievably frustrating. Not sure how gaining weight, staying up all night, and not enjoying sexual activity is supposed to help intermittent panic attacks. I understand why docs are reluctant to prescribe benzodiazepines, but this drug class is ridiculous for anxiety patients. They gotta come up with something else.

ovary 01-14-2022 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by smashingjj (Post 4588651)
also, did you perhaps sometime feel like, the door was closed for you being hard as a rock, so to speak?

like trying to peek through a pair of closed concrete curtains

Ram27 01-14-2022 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4588636)
Everyone I've known who has taken them for any length of time hasn't been able to come off of them. I'm sure people do, but it seems like many are to be unable to function again without them. I'm not any sort of expert, and maybe it's just the depression causing them not to function off their meds, but there's definitely a lot of horror stories. I don't think I have true depression, but I have been prescribed SSRIs for my anxiety, and it was always a total mismatch for me. Plus the side effects caused anxiety and insomnia, among other things, so that just compounded my problems. Pass.

i fucking hate how they prescribe ssris for anxiety. i want acute treatment, none of that fuckin 'take this every day for 6 weeks and become dependant and maybe you'll feel better' shit


i don't know if this is true, but i feel like if you had a steady, legal supply of benzos it would be okay? they're not neurotoxic? and the doctor could give doses to taper off no problem

reprise85 01-14-2022 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly (Post 4588627)
I keep my meds in one of those pill trays with one compartment for each day of the month. Somehow when i loaded it for January i didn't ******* my SSRI. And then didn't notice until This Tuesday.

holy fuck don't go cold turkey if your'e taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Even when I have stopped my meds intentionally i tapered off. By last weekend I was so ass backwards i had convinced myself that we had a natural gas leak in our house and that i had a brain tumor.

Yikes, sorry to hear.

If I forget to take my night meds I won't be able to sleep, so I never miss them (no sleeping pills or anything, but I guess they calm me enough to sleep), but if I miss Cymbalta for 3 days I start feeling fucking terrible. I can't imagine two weeks...

reprise85 01-14-2022 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly (Post 4588633)
it's been years since I was off Zoloft. This was the worst withdraw i've ever had. I didn't once think it was my meds. I was starting to have weird conspiracy thoughts.

It makes me wonder whether i'll ever be able to stop taking this shit. Like... does taking these meds make it so my body won't ever be able to function on its own?

Most likely, yes. But how well was it functioning on its own before?

When I go down too fast on meds I start getting preoccupied with suicide in about two weeks, and it seems sudden and scary, but that's legit how I was all the time before that. So taking it away is just making me like that again, just suddenly this time instead of it taking years. That's the way I look at it anyway.

I have been going down on meds for the past year or so and want to be on as little as possible, but I don't expect to ever be off. The goodish news is there doesn't seem to be any long-term problems with most antidepressants on any other part of the body.

reprise85 01-14-2022 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4588680)
i fucking hate how they prescribe ssris for anxiety. i want acute treatment, none of that fuckin 'take this every day for 6 weeks and become dependant and maybe you'll feel better' shit


i don't know if this is true, but i feel like if you had a steady, legal supply of benzos it would be okay? they're not neurotoxic? and the doctor could give doses to taper off no problem

People do take benzos for acute anxiety, but there's a high chance of abuse. I think if someone can keep their dose to a reasonable amount and not abuse them then benzos are fine. But the longer you go taking them, the more likely you'll develop problematic behaviors.

While SSRI withdrawal will make you want to die, benzo withdrawal can actually kill you.

SSRIs are great drugs. They work for most people who take them. The problem with them is the side effects. Sexual side effects, increased anxiety for some, weight gain, zombification, etc. The next frontier are ultra-selective drugs in an attempt to get rid of the side effects.

If someone can get on psych meds (of whatever kind), get treatment, and get off them in under a year, that would be ideal. People do this, usually after some even like divorce or death of spouse, etc. And some people have anxiety with specific phobias, and that might be doable for them as well. Otherwise, I look at it like having type 1 diabetes.

Disco King 01-14-2022 09:45 PM

Depression medication has done almost nothing for me.

No side-effects or dependency, so that's good. But also pretty much none of what they are supposed to do, either. I dunno. The shrink had me try a whole bunch before throwing his hands up and going, "I don't have a fucking clue." The counseling side hasn't been much better. Somebody letting me vent for an hour does nothing to actually change my life. Sometimes I think mental health is a meme.

I don't even know how to go about finding stats for remission for mental health problems, or if "remission" is even the correct term. Like, a lot of physical diseases, we measure success by the person either no longer being afflicted with the disease, or being able to manage it in a way that lowers the disease's impact on their life. Have dermatitis? Here's a treatment. We'll know it's a success once you stop having dermatitis. Have a chronic illness like diabetes? Here's insulin. Sure, you'll have to stick a needle in your arm every day, but we'll know it's a success if your blood sugar levels are regulated and you stop collapsing on the floor every day.

Depression? Uh, well, you're in the danger zone if you want to kill yourself. Maybe success is just making life tolerable enough that you live your natural life span instead of killing yourself, even if you were miserable the entire time and held out on the promise that "things will get better." You survived. The guy dangling from his ceiling fan didn't. Or maybe success means actually feeling normal one day. I don't fucking know.

Disco King 01-14-2022 09:51 PM

I was prescribed clonazepam for my anxiety in the past. One of those "take as needed," rather than "take two every day" type deals. I guess that's a benzo.

I dunno. I would forget to take them. Never really depended on them. I don't have an addictive personality when it comes to drugs. Never once really "craved" a drug. I obviously stay away from heroin or meth because of how addictive they are known to be, but I never understood how somebody could get hooked on something like coke when it's so easy for me to just do it occasionally. It's also easy for me to have one or two drinks and not really think about alcohol.

But then when it comes to sweets, I can't put those down. I can't have "just a couple" cookies and put the rest away. I will be compelled to finish every last one. Even if I try to put the bag of candy out of sight, I will know where it is, I will be thinking about it, and I will retrieve it and eat it. Even if I don't keep sweets in the house, the cravings will get so bad that I will do a 3:00 AM corner-store run to buy some candy. I have no restraint around that shit. Sugar has fucked me up way more than any psychoactive.

reprise85 01-14-2022 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4588684)
Depression medication has done almost nothing for me.

No side-effects or dependency, so that's good. But also pretty much none of what they are supposed to do, either. I dunno. The shrink had me try a whole bunch before throwing his hands up and going, "I don't have a fucking clue." The counseling side hasn't been much better. Somebody letting me vent for an hour does nothing to actually change my life. Sometimes I think mental health is a meme.

I don't even know how to go about finding stats for remission for mental health problems, or if "remission" is even the correct term. Like, a lot of physical diseases, we measure success by the person either no longer being afflicted with the disease, or being able to manage it in a way that lowers the disease's impact on their life. Have dermatitis? Here's a treatment. We'll know it's a success once you stop having dermatitis. Have a chronic illness like diabetes? Here's insulin. Sure, you'll have to stick a needle in your arm every day, but we'll know it's a success if your blood sugar levels are regulated and you stop collapsing on the floor every day.

Depression? Uh, well, you're in the danger zone if you want to kill yourself. Maybe success is just making life tolerable enough that you live your natural life span instead of killing yourself, even if you were miserable the entire time and held out on the promise that "things will get better." You survived. The guy dangling from his ceiling fan didn't. Or maybe success means actually feeling normal one day. I don't fucking know.

This is definitely a good point.

I guess there's just a lot of ways to look at it. I don't think forcing someone to just feel OK enough to not kill themselves is a real success. But it's also kind of a necessary step (for some people) on the way to feel better than that. I guess some people just have some kind of pure chemical problem and it's like a light switch, but SSRIs won't fix anyone's problems if they are more than that. They will help symptoms for many people, but that's really just the starting point IMO. I do know some people who were on higher doses, went through a lot of therapy, and try to get off meds and just can't. They can get really, really low, but if they go off they get symptoms again. Is that some sort of dependence in that their brain has changed to need the drug, or is that just showing the medicine is doing what it's supposed to do? It's impossible to say.

ilikeplanets 01-14-2022 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4588683)
People do take benzos for acute anxiety, but there's a high chance of abuse. I think if someone can keep their dose to a reasonable amount and not abuse them then benzos are fine. But the longer you go taking them, the more likely you'll develop problematic behaviors.

While SSRI withdrawal will make you want to die, benzo withdrawal can actually kill you.

SSRIs are great drugs. They work for most people who take them. The problem with them is the side effects. Sexual side effects, increased anxiety for some, weight gain, zombification, etc. The next frontier are ultra-selective drugs in an attempt to get rid of the side effects.

If someone can get on psych meds (of whatever kind), get treatment, and get off them in under a year, that would be ideal. People do this, usually after some even like divorce or death of spouse, etc. And some people have anxiety with specific phobias, and that might be doable for them as well. Otherwise, I look at it like having type 1 diabetes.

I guess SSRIs are good for actual depression patients, but they really don't help many with anxiety, and they are VERY often prescribed for that. I had every side effect you listed, so that's just not worth it. I'm not a true depression patient though, so maybe that's why I don't feel like they help.

The main problem I've had with benzos, both prescribed and personally obtained, is that the tolerance builds so very quickly. What half a pill took care of 2 months ago now requires 2 pills. I haven't used any meds in 5+ years because my symptoms are managed without them, thankfully. Just bothersome enough to ruin half a day every couple of weeks with panic.

ilikeplanets 01-14-2022 11:12 PM

As a severe germaphobe, Coivd has been like living in my worse case scenario for years now

Ram27 01-14-2022 11:21 PM

worst part of being alive is how our brains build up tolerance to drugs. like bitch did i fucking ask you to start resisting the effects?

reprise85 01-14-2022 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4588690)
I guess SSRIs are good for actual depression patients, but they really don't help many with anxiety, and they are VERY often prescribed for that. I had every side effect you listed, so that's just not worth it. I'm not a true depression patient though, so maybe that's why I don't feel like they help.

The main problem I've had with benzos, both prescribed and personally obtained, is that the tolerance builds so very quickly. What half a pill took care of 2 months ago now requires 2 pills. I haven't used any meds in 5+ years because my symptoms are managed without them, thankfully. Just bothersome enough to ruin half a day every couple of weeks with panic.

Yeah, I feel you. I have moderate anxiety I'd say, with a few panic attacks a year, but my main coping mechanism is dissociation so it's much better than it would be otherwise. I'm sorry you had all those side effects.

Did you first take benzos before you were taking drugs recreationally? I think it pretty much always builds in people, but that seems super fast. But it does build fast regardless and there's definitely a difference between missing a day or two of an SSRI and starting to feel a little bad after that and missing a day of Xanax and being in full panic and in danger of having a seizure at moderately high tolerance.

ilikeplanets 01-15-2022 12:15 AM

Yeah, I was first prescribed xanax when I was 14, around a year before I got into drugs. I was pretty severely anorexic then, so they didn't have a lot of options to get me to calm the hell down quickly. I think in most cases it's not great to give xanax to a high school freshman. When I took them recreationally/self medicated from that point on, my tolerance was always high. They were never my drug of choice the way weed and opiates were, although I did have a bad habit with them at a couple of points. I know the dangers of quitting cold turkey, but that's how I did it every time and the discomfort passed within a week. I don't think the dosage I took was ever astronomical. I had a friend who could take 10 mg in a day, for instance. Most people I know that have done them long term for anxiety and are not drug addicts haven't ever had a problem, besides getting them stolen when the wrong person discovered them.

smashingjj 01-15-2022 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4588679)
like trying to peek through a pair of closed concrete curtains

you were hard, but so was life

reprise85 01-15-2022 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4588696)
Yeah, I was first prescribed xanax when I was 14, around a year before I got into drugs. I was pretty severely anorexic then, so they didn't have a lot of options to get me to calm the hell down quickly. I think in most cases it's not great to give xanax to a high school freshman. When I took them recreationally/self medicated from that point on, my tolerance was always high. They were never my drug of choice the way weed and opiates were, although I did have a bad habit with them at a couple of points. I know the dangers of quitting cold turkey, but that's how I did it every time and the discomfort passed within a week. I don't think the dosage I took was ever astronomical. I had a friend who could take 10 mg in a day, for instance. Most people I know that have done them long term for anxiety and are not drug addicts haven't ever had a problem, besides getting them stolen when the wrong person discovered them.

Your use was very similar to mine in that they never were a drug of choice and I never took huge amounts, but they were in the mix and calming. I did actually use them as prescribed for a while, though I was already smoking heroic amounts of weed. I did, probably a few dozen times, take one or two bars with the intention of forgetting the entire day. The only times I ever had a tolerance and experienced withdrawal, it was from a very small amount, like .5mg I had been taking daily. And I just felt really anxious and couldn't sleep for 3 or 4 days.

I guess if you made me choose I'd say 1-2mg a day is a moderate dose, above that is high, and above like 4mg is very high. Most people will black out or have very hazy memory at 4mg even with a little tolerance, IME. But of course it depends on length of use. The benzo addicts I knew were in the 4-20mg range daily (xanax or kpins). And they often drank on top of them, which is blackout city for most people.

I'd love to be able to take 1mg of Xanax and get a really good nap in once or twice a month.

ilikeplanets 01-15-2022 01:46 PM

I absolutely never mixed alcohol with anything, really. If I had drugs then I never wanted booze. I'm not a drinker, the last sip I had was New Year's Eve turning 2021.The most xanax I ever did was 6mg in a day, more than once. But not at once, like as soon as it wore off I would take more. I was using them to cope with a severe nerve pain issue that has since resolved. And then I just stopped, no major problem besides discomfort. I have a dozen or so 1mg pills that have been sitting here for a solid year, so I feel more than in control at this point. I forgot I even had them until this exact moment. I had a prescribed valium for a medical procedure a few months ago, and barely recall tubes being shoved in me. Which I guess was the point!

ilikeplanets 01-15-2022 02:40 PM

Anyway, I think the next black market commodity will be N95 masks. Those bastards are $2 a piece! Not gonna be able to have a steady supply of them at this price, despite the recommendation. That actually pisses me off, like here's what you should wear but you will need to spend a solid $100/month/person. And we have no solution for you if you have 4 people in your family and can't pay that much. I guess enjoy Covid.

Cool As Ice Cream 01-15-2022 03:35 PM

just wear them for a month?

ilikeplanets 01-15-2022 05:00 PM

I'm considered high risk for another 5 months until I deliver my baby, and my oldest kid can't get vaccinated for 7 more months when she's 5. I've already resigned to the fact that I'm very likely going to catch it in the fall when my oldest goes to kindergarten, but I'm trying to stall until she can get the vaccine and I'm no longer pregnant. I need a six foot stick that I can just spin around in circles with so everyone keeps their distance when we're shopping, and maybe our crappy masks will fill in the gap in protection that way.

reprise85 01-16-2022 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4588708)
Anyway, I think the next black market commodity will be N95 masks. Those bastards are $2 a piece! Not gonna be able to have a steady supply of them at this price, despite the recommendation. That actually pisses me off, like here's what you should wear but you will need to spend a solid $100/month/person. And we have no solution for you if you have 4 people in your family and can't pay that much. I guess enjoy Covid.

A little cheaper. I think you can rotate them, like have one for each day of the week and use them a few times before getting rid of them. I don't even leave the house every day and when I do I'm wearing it for maybe 10 minutes to an hour, so I use one for a week or two before tossing.

ilikeplanets 01-16-2022 02:19 PM

I hate sounding whiny and contradictory, I just spend a lot of time in medical settings and have become extremely nervous about it. Especially with the new narrative that "everyone is going to get it"....I'm not submitting to that, especially not during this particular time. I feel like that framework has changed people's behavior too much, and has painted Omicron as some sort of allergy attack or minor cold. Technically every member of my family is high risk, so I can't look at it that way until vaccines or medication are better. Sorry, what a shitty depressing topic. I'm sure I'll curb spending for a few weeks and buy some pricey masks. Just wasn't ready to create a new Covid related expense.

ilikeplanets 01-16-2022 10:05 PM

Since we're on the topic of Covid, or I am talking to myself about Covid here, this is a nice quote from one of my ever dwindling FB friends today:

people just need to understand that we have all been attacked. A bio weapon was released upon us and it’s a spike protein. it was concocted first in a computer program then in a laboratory. There are things that we can all do and need to be doing to keep ourselves protected from the spike protein that is now shedding from those that have been injected with it

No, I'm not friends with TOC

Disco King 01-16-2022 11:17 PM

The fact that we still have people who think like this in the year of our lord MMXXII makes me think that stupidity and superstition aren't going to ever be relegated to the history bin by some forward march of progress, communications technology, and education. They will be with us forever.

It also seems to be more about personality traits than intelligence. Perfectly smart people with degrees can still fall into this conspiracy stuff, and often use their intelligence to better rationalize and convince themselves of their positions than stupid people can. What unites the stupid and smart people who think that there are microchips in vaccines seems to be a basic attitude to the world based on fear of the unfamiliar, and the narcissistic need to feel like they have insights into how the world works that the average "sheeple" lack.

Of course, this stuff is aggravated by certain political and financial motives, but though we'd have fewer of these people if not for Trump, Fox News, and social media platforms that make their money from engagement, we'd probably still have a whole lot of them, anyway. And we always will. We're never getting some sci-fi utopia where everyone is a philosopher-scientist critical thinker.

topleybird 01-17-2022 01:20 PM

Ah, my friend, this is where my compassionate plan for reeducation camps and eugenics comes in

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