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The worst part is you can’t even throw the pull yourself up by the bootstraps advice in her boomer face, because she has inconveniently been really very good to you
I have no desire to...? That mantra isn't really our family's philosophy anyway. And having aging parents in your face is eye opening in many ways.
Sorry, ill-timed dark humour
Totally get you about aging parents...we’ve moved out but they’re still very much in our faces |
A woman in one of my FB groups about the town I live in says that a donut shop would "really put our town on the map" and recalls "piling in the car to drive several hours to get Dairy Queen. What a treat!" and calls that a memorable trip. Get me out of here and into a city!
you don't think people like that live in cities?
the dumbassery is just more heavily concentrated
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go to bed when the sun sets like god intended and you wouldn't have that problem
u guys have fast food in your tiny towns?
mine had 2 gas stations and two restaurants, not sure when they closed though and then like 3 florists, a tiny tiny library, and a thrift store. i think that was pretty much it. hardware store, i think it was actually an ace hardware which is kind of unbelievable right before i moved away they got a dollar general which was a big fucking deal at the time. there were not any grocery stores |
oh yeah there was a movie theater actually, one showing per day on weekends during the summer and a video rental place
i just looked through google streetview and there actually seems to be fewer businesses now somehow, well as of 2013 which is the last streetview video rental place is still there too, lol. but now i only see one cafe and neither of the old restaurants or the library. yeah, library's gone according to the website man tiny towns fucking suck |
obviously there's like 10 churches too
oh shit the fast food resturant is called fuzzie's. latest it is open is indeed 8pm. damn it's an actual restaurant now it seems like, it had no seating before |
yall are wack. tiny towns are awesome precisely because there are no people around. trees. sky. you can whip your dick out in the front yard. what else do you need, a different fuckin craft brewery for every night of the week? a fucking movie theater to go see some shitty fucking movie? more parking lots? cant whip your dick out in a parking lot!
my happiness is directly correlated to legality, availability, convenience, and ease of dick whipping
you just need to get famous and then you can do it without repercussions. and you'll have like at least a few years before you get completely cancelled
and even then you'll probably have a strangely adamant base of incels vehemently supporting you
if dick whipping is truly critical to your sense of happiness you should consider moving your life to China.
you could be walking behind a guy on a sidewalk and suddenly he breaks right and zipper's already halfway open |
admittedly, there's not always a zipper
and let me tell you something else:
New pasta shape dropping today.
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i just did that annoying fucking thing i heard about people doing which is cut down my social media time to 30min per day - which for some idiot reason i thought reddit didn't count as
but it is! anything that shows you so much content so quickly is a capitalist machine designed to have it overtake your life it is an addiction innit blue skies bring tearz. so maybe my internet usage will bleed into here. or maybe i'll kiss a girl |
everytime major bites another person im like fuck yeah major, bite another one! bite them ALL!!!
I think i found the perfect house for the Netphoria season of The Real World
https://www.redfin.com/MD/Brooklyn-P.../home/10392075 It's the bedroom that does it for me ![]() |
the white walls definitely soften the iron crosses
Oakland fans are really giving it to Houston by yelling racist remarks, that’ll definitely get your point across.
trying to apply for college, ram27 resume the pose tour 2021, and there's this smarmy ass horseshit fucking question
God i hate forms Hey human come over here so we can put u in tidy little box or several |
Is there at least an essay section? Could be a good idea to just let em have it in the essay. Show em you’re a special man, not just some boring boy
As a wise man once said:
"If someone builds a tree, it will bring him good luck, wealth and imagination, and he will wait until he is completely depressed." |
hahaha maybe it's time to let the god complex die
i mean i did cobble something together about mental health. applied for media and public affairs. luckily once i put that in it just asked me my username on any pre-2000 BBS forum |
Caring for an ill person. Don't have to mention it was yourself.
I had an F in Gen Psych in my first semester (as my only grade) that I could not get off my transcript (I left because I went inpatient), even though the grade got forgiven and I had a 4.0 GPA. Made for an easy way to start a personal essay in the end but man did it grind my gears. Not that I ended up going to grad school, but it did get me a scholarship went I went from Community College to University. |
nice! yeah i got all my grades from my last semester forgiven. i haven't even looked at my transcript but my GPA is still a 3.whatever. the application was really pretty chill, like, what type of degree do you want, what major, pick from the dropdown menu, submit
y'all amateurs--gotta grab them Ws before ya have ya nervous breakdown like i did
yeah i was too messed up to know wtf was going on in my life at that time
I think I’ve had enough of being a working parent for now
Would be great to be able to just hit a pause button, and spend some time alone, working on my novel and batch cooking I feel like the combination of working and parenting leaves not enough minutes for anything. I’m not a good worker, and I’m not a good parent. I’m just...a failure Maybe I’m just one good organiser app away from success |
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