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ilikeplanets 01-26-2019 03:52 PM

You Know I'm Chat Thread
Let it out, folks!

Mals Marola 01-26-2019 04:43 PM

chatpac: resurrection

Mals Marola 01-26-2019 04:46 PM

i dunno if this is supposed to be the new long chat thread or if we're literally talkin' angry neighbors here, so i'll go ahead and share this:

not quite angry neighbor, but startled neighbor. earlier today i was saving something to an external hard-drive, rendering out a video which was gonna take about 30 min to complete. about 15 min through i was moving something past my computer & it fuckin' tapped the cord that conencted the HD to my comp, which was enough to unplug the damn thing. so naturally, the render stopped, & i was gonna have to start it all over again.

in my disappointment & anger, i go to the bathroom saying aloud to myself the words: "utter horseshit!" i was just about in the doorway of the bathroom when i said this, and immediately afterward, i hear from the other side of the wall: "is somebody there???"

this was fucking hilarious to me as a) i had no idea anyone was even in that room anymore & b) dude probably thinks his place is haunted now. LOL!

ilikeplanets 01-26-2019 04:53 PM

yes, this will (please?) be the new chat thread! But I always love a good angry neighbor story. My neighbors aren't angry at us, but we're ALL angry at the HOA. We demand umbrellas at the pool, damn it! And if we all have to have ugly earth tone houses, why does one stick out as a stark white and black, on the CORNER yet? Rules are for everyone or no one, and let's see a spreadsheet to how our dues are being spent. Thanks.

ilikeplanets 01-26-2019 04:53 PM

Also, fuck January. I'm over winter so hard.

Shallowed 01-26-2019 07:29 PM

I prefer my neighbours to my flatmates

redbreegull 01-27-2019 03:53 PM

I refuse to go back to the old chat thread and no one can make me. not smashingbinladen, not anybody!

redbreegull 01-27-2019 03:53 PM

Who is with me?

ilikeplanets 01-27-2019 04:06 PM

Me, obviously.

ilikeplanets 01-27-2019 04:07 PM

Out with the old and in with the new and the angry!

redbreegull 01-27-2019 04:14 PM

If the mods refuse to shut down the stinking decay of the old thread, we the people will sink that shit.

vixnix 01-27-2019 04:17 PM

My parents’ neighbours on one side bought the house so that they had an in-zone address for a local high school, and could send their son there. They don’t live in it. They continue to live outside of the zone. I can’t stand people like that.

So the house sits empty except when the teenage son and his friends use it as a place to get drunk. Then they get all brave and shout stuff like “fuck my pussy”.

I nearly shouted back “not with your pencil dick” but then I thought of my son, who is about to start at the same school. So I held my tongue.

Fucken dickheads

FoolofaTook 01-27-2019 04:32 PM

Hold on. Aren't they saying "fuck my pussy," as in fuck them in their pussy?

If so, this is some straight Borat shit right here.

ilikeplanets 01-27-2019 05:34 PM

Day 4 of a cold. I really hate winter. I'm donning a mask to try to keep it contained to myself. :'( Can we have hot weather and sunshine and noncommunicable disease season now, please?

ilikeplanets 01-27-2019 05:42 PM

Also, teenage boys are the worst. I wonder how I'd properly raise one if I had a son. Good luck, vixnix. Although teenage girls are no walk in the park, either. Mine already has like triple (or more) spunk (ATTITUDE) than me. I'm screwed. She was such a wonderful sleeper, but now almost every night she manages to have energy to throw a 3 HOUR tantrum begging to come out of the crib, but obviously I just have to endure it because she's not allowed to roam the rooms at midnight. Who has stamina for anything for 3 hours??? Especially a full on tantrum? Help. Sick. Tired.

But then she smiles and runs down the hills outside right into my arms, and brings me books to read, and grabs my hand to walk up steps, and laughs when we play hide and seek and I can somehow endure it. Seeing her get so big makes me want a second one but I think I have PTSD from the complete sleepless torture of the first 11 weeks of her life. Plus you can't make a baby by yourself.

This post brought to you by eating Nutella straight from a spoon.

reprise85 01-27-2019 06:04 PM


redbreegull 01-27-2019 08:00 PM

see what people power can accomplish? good work everyone.

ilikeplanets 01-27-2019 08:51 PM

I was going to credit the kindness regime for my bravery, but I knew the matter would come up anyway. Thanks, KR!

redbreegull 01-27-2019 11:41 PM

do you guys think it's time to replace the sad sex weekend thread as well?

ilikeplanets 01-28-2019 12:50 AM

please delete it forever

ilikeplanets 01-28-2019 12:53 AM

actually i'm less embarrassed (for me) than i am of the previous drug thread. if there's a way to erase that for good i'd be pretty relieved.

Fonzie 01-28-2019 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4495866)
My parents’ neighbours on one side bought the house so that they had an in-zone address for a local high school, and could send their son there. They don’t live in it. They continue to live outside of the zone. I can’t stand people like that.

So the house sits empty except when the teenage son and his friends use it as a place to get drunk. Then they get all brave and shout stuff like “fuck my pussy”.

I nearly shouted back “not with your pencil dick” but then I thought of my son, who is about to start at the same school. So I held my tongue.

Fucken dickheads

CGT will sort those CUNTS out!!!

Cool As Ice Cream 01-28-2019 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4495872)
Also, teenage boys are the worst. I wonder how I'd properly raise one if I had a son. Good luck, vixnix.

get them the dvd box of the inbetweeners?

Elphenor 01-28-2019 01:50 PM

The Struts tried to fuck my gf greasy talentless bastards

Mals Marola 01-28-2019 01:54 PM

^ coming from you i'm genuinely not sure if that is angry or a statement of gratitude

ilikeplanets 01-28-2019 03:53 PM

sounds like i have a new band to check out!

Elphenor 01-28-2019 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mals Marola (Post 4495979)
^ coming from you i'm genuinely not sure if that is angry or a statement of gratitude

only if they didn't pay Dad rock

Disco King 01-28-2019 08:27 PM

I'm guessing it wasn't "tried" as in "asked politely?"

FoolofaTook 01-28-2019 10:03 PM

Disco King 01-28-2019 10:06 PM

What fucking year is this

Disco King 01-28-2019 10:06 PM

Why is this still allowed

ilikeplanets 01-28-2019 10:17 PM

They look like Metro Station

ilikeplanets 01-28-2019 10:19 PM

He just wanted her to Shake Shake, Shake Shake-a-Shake it

ovary 01-28-2019 10:49 PM

aint it funny we pretend we’re still a child

ovary 01-28-2019 10:49 PM


ovary 01-28-2019 10:51 PM

MCIS disk 1 is stuck in my car’s disk drive

ovary 01-28-2019 10:51 PM

if i try to remove it it says ERROR ERROR ERROR

Mals Marola 01-28-2019 11:07 PM

just tell it you want to put Twilight to Starlight in, should fix things right up

reprise85 01-28-2019 11:21 PM

i like the struts.

reprise85 01-28-2019 11:21 PM

sorry they tried to fuck your girlfriend or whatever

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