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FoolofaTook 07-23-2020 11:52 AM

Edging is hard, imo. I gave up after a couple of tries. I stopped baiting but came anyway. It was just a weak dribble, with no real gusto. Very disappointing.

MplsTaper 07-23-2020 01:31 PM

toase 07-23-2020 04:54 PM

I kind of miss moshing
am I craving social interaction or is it just an internalized desire to be around sweaty men
maybe both

Ram27 07-23-2020 05:19 PM

i want to see a gig so fucking badly

rock invasion ii was meant to be my first gig not drinking which i was pretty hype for

Disco King 07-23-2020 05:35 PM

Not sure seeing what SP has become is a good idea if you want to avoid drinking.

Disco King 07-23-2020 05:35 PM

Jk, they can still kill it live, even if I don't really like the current singing style.

ilikeplanets 07-24-2020 10:00 AM

I had to re-home that adorable little puppy. I'm so heartbroken. She was extremely aggressive to the toddler and wouldn't release her jaws during play. She bit me pretty good a couple of times, and if she bit the little one like that...well. Teething is one thing, but she had to be pried off. She didn't bite my daughter, but only because I was physically separating them 24/7. I couldn't function not being able to ever trust them to be together, and it isn't fair to the dog to keep her crated or leashed all day. She's doing great with my friend who has no kids, though. And at least we can still get pictures! I think I will need to wait at least 5 more years before I attempt to get a puppy again. I thought this particular breed would be great with her age group, but it wasn't.

yo soy el mejor 07-24-2020 10:03 AM

puppy just saw your baby as another puppy and that's how they do. maybe search for an older dog with kid experience? check their resume and run a background report. puppies are cute, but they can't be trusted

ilikeplanets 07-24-2020 10:11 AM

I think an older dog might have been a better fit. I wasn't even thinking of a dog until my friend's dog had a litter of puppies. I feel less terrible because I was at least able to send her off with a ton of food, toys, and supplies. :( I'm definitely going to wait quite a while before I attempt pet ownership again, because I took it seriously and having to give her away was extremely disappointing. And honesty I don't think my nearly 3 year old really likes animals enough yet.

FlamingGlobes 07-24-2020 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4553841)
I had to re-home that adorable little puppy. I'm so heartbroken. She was extremely aggressive to the toddler and wouldn't release her jaws during play. She bit me pretty good a couple of times, and if she bit the little one like that...well. Teething is one thing, but she had to be pried off. She didn't bite my daughter, but only because I was physically separating them 24/7. I couldn't function not being able to ever trust them to be together, and it isn't fair to the dog to keep her crated or leashed all day. She's doing great with my friend who has no kids, though. And at least we can still get pictures! I think I will need to wait at least 5 more years before I attempt to get a puppy again. I thought this particular breed would be great with her age group, but it wasn't.

You did the right thing by your baby and your fur baby also. I'm sure it was hella tough tho.

reprise85 07-24-2020 10:40 AM


MyOneAndOnly 07-24-2020 11:22 AM

Sorry about that, ILP. The best thing for any pet is to be in the right home. If they don't fit into yours getting them to a new one is the best thing you can do. Especially when you have kids

LaBelle 07-24-2020 11:57 AM

I'd get rid of the kid before the pet, but that's really not helpful in this situation.

FlamingGlobes 07-24-2020 12:08 PM

Ever heard of canine trafficking? Yeah, that's what I thought!

buzzard 07-25-2020 08:54 PM

I'm going into this one assuming that they're putting some sort of focus upon the syphilis years — probably figuring that it's the very kind of less-explored avenue one might wring some cash from — but can't see Capone in that face any more than a sight-restored Moshe Dayan or exactly what they did with Depp for Black Mass.

Once again, I trust that Tom Hardy will prove himself an overrated disappointment that's outdone even Christian Bale for wasted potential.

buzzard 07-25-2020 08:57 PM

Somebody clearly had to knife open the old Gangster Transformations box.

yo soy el mejor 07-26-2020 02:45 AM

looks like ray liotta and jonah hill procreated ^

Disco King 07-26-2020 06:37 PM

The premise for that movie sounded good, but the reviews being trash kinda dissuaded me from watching it.

MplsTaper 07-26-2020 08:31 PM

yo soy el mejor 07-27-2020 08:13 AM

oh, that's real?

FoolofaTook 07-27-2020 07:41 PM

The levels of LIGHT hitting the planet right NOW are incredibly intense. . . We’re being blasted by High-Frequency, Multidimensional LIGHT and LIGHT Codes.

This is truly flushing out All that is NOT in alignment with SOURCE.

We are moving into the Sense of NO Time. But in order to do that, we must first overcome the various programming that has us ensconced within the Sense of Time.

Time is irrelevant. Time is just a part of the frequency that is here in these moments, in this third-dimension. . . It is NOT Truly relevant outside of this dimension.

But as we are still somewhat in this dimension, certainly at times, many of us find our SELVES highly more and more in the fourth dimension, and even yet sometimes in the fifth when we feel that sense of BLISS come over us, when we feel that sense of BEing in NO time, when we feel the sense of spaciousness around us and within us, that feeling of BEing lost within our SELVES – THAT is the Fifth Dimension.

That is the Higher Frequencies that we are all longing to find our SELVES in more and more.

But NOW that the clouds are parting, in the sense that the Frequency Barrier is opening and BEcoming more and more fully open and dispersed, and allowing for the Rays of LOVE to come through, this is what is occurring NOW as we look up into the Skies, more and more of us, and we are seeing these colours coming through.

This is that Frequency Barrier dropping and allowing for the Higher Frequencies of LOVE to come through.

As we are preparing NOW in these weeks and these months ahead, always BEing in the Present Moment, as we prepare for the next moment and the next moment after that, which is leading us in this Ascension process, taking us to the next level.

We are ALL, my friends, moving to the next levels within us.

But in order to do that more and more frequently, more fully, we first need to Let Go more and more of that old programming that old programming that yes, has us contained within the sense of time more and more, that old programming that keeps us from realizing our dreams, that keeps our imagination from Becoming alive within our SELVES.

All of that programming we must Let Go of more and more, until the point where we arrive at the ZERO Point within our SELVES.

That point where all of Consciousness comes together in the ONE Moment. And at that point we realize fully who we are, fully what we are here for, fully all that we are about.

At that moment also the power within us rises. That power that comes from deep, deep within us at the molecular conscious level and rises up, and the SOURCE of our BEing Becomes our all in the moment.

That is where we are All headed. That is where we are all in the process of BEcoming right NOW.

So, ALLOW that to continue to come through You.

BE in the present moment.

KNOW that you are in the present moment.

And do everything that you can to find that neutral space within your SELF where nothing outside of your SELF matters anymore.

Where all the sense of fear is Gone.

Where sadness is replaced by JOY.

Where fear is replaced by LOVE.

We have ALL passed beyond the point of destructive Timeline.

NOW it is All about creating the Life that we want, creating the Planet that we want, creating this NEW Golden Age that we want.

Let’s continue to create the Life, the Consciousness that we all intend and have intended for many thousands of years to come to this very point, to come to this very moment, this moment centered in the NEW DAWN.

With Sacred LOVE of ONENESS

smashingjj 07-28-2020 05:23 AM

hi mom

run2pee 07-28-2020 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4554113)
The levels of LIGHT hitting the planet right NOW are incredibly intense. . . We’re being blasted by High-Frequency, Multidimensional LIGHT and LIGHT Codes.

This is truly flushing out All that is NOT in alignment with SOURCE.

We are moving into the Sense of NO Time. But in order to do that, we must first overcome the various programming that has us ensconced within the Sense of Time.

Time is irrelevant. Time is just a part of the frequency that is here in these moments, in this third-dimension. . . It is NOT Truly relevant outside of this dimension.

But as we are still somewhat in this dimension, certainly at times, many of us find our SELVES highly more and more in the fourth dimension, and even yet sometimes in the fifth when we feel that sense of BLISS come over us, when we feel that sense of BEing in NO time, when we feel the sense of spaciousness around us and within us, that feeling of BEing lost within our SELVES – THAT is the Fifth Dimension.

That is the Higher Frequencies that we are all longing to find our SELVES in more and more.

But NOW that the clouds are parting, in the sense that the Frequency Barrier is opening and BEcoming more and more fully open and dispersed, and allowing for the Rays of LOVE to come through, this is what is occurring NOW as we look up into the Skies, more and more of us, and we are seeing these colours coming through.

This is that Frequency Barrier dropping and allowing for the Higher Frequencies of LOVE to come through.

As we are preparing NOW in these weeks and these months ahead, always BEing in the Present Moment, as we prepare for the next moment and the next moment after that, which is leading us in this Ascension process, taking us to the next level.

We are ALL, my friends, moving to the next levels within us.

But in order to do that more and more frequently, more fully, we first need to Let Go more and more of that old programming that old programming that yes, has us contained within the sense of time more and more, that old programming that keeps us from realizing our dreams, that keeps our imagination from Becoming alive within our SELVES.

All of that programming we must Let Go of more and more, until the point where we arrive at the ZERO Point within our SELVES.

That point where all of Consciousness comes together in the ONE Moment. And at that point we realize fully who we are, fully what we are here for, fully all that we are about.

At that moment also the power within us rises. That power that comes from deep, deep within us at the molecular conscious level and rises up, and the SOURCE of our BEing Becomes our all in the moment.

That is where we are All headed. That is where we are all in the process of BEcoming right NOW.

So, ALLOW that to continue to come through You.

BE in the present moment.

KNOW that you are in the present moment.

And do everything that you can to find that neutral space within your SELF where nothing outside of your SELF matters anymore.

Where all the sense of fear is Gone.

Where sadness is replaced by JOY.

Where fear is replaced by LOVE.

We have ALL passed beyond the point of destructive Timeline.

NOW it is All about creating the Life that we want, creating the Planet that we want, creating this NEW Golden Age that we want.

Let’s continue to create the Life, the Consciousness that we all intend and have intended for many thousands of years to come to this very point, to come to this very moment, this moment centered in the NEW DAWN.

With Sacred LOVE of ONENESS

a) Marshall Applewhite b) notes from my last manic episode c) the label on the expensive shampoo from the healthnuts store, or d) shared by my trumplovin grandma on Fbook

Disco King 07-28-2020 08:56 PM

I'm pathetic at driving.

When I work early mornings, I usually drive to work with my mom, and then she'll drive the car back because she still needs it. As such, I've memorized everything about my route to work, and it's the only route I feel comfortable driving. Driving to literally anywhere else makes me anxious.

But the other day, my mom had me just take the car. Which sucked, because I had an appointment after work, which meant that I would have to drive an unfamiliar route probably parallel park somewhere.

It was in an area where there wasn't a lot of parking. I saw one free two-hour parking space, but it was along a road by a populated bar patio on one side and a park on another, so I've have lots of spectators. I wasn't confident enough in my parallel parking abilities, so I just drove past it.

Driving around a bit more, I didn't see any other free spaces, so I decided I had to return to that previous one.

I attempted a parallel park, but forgot how to do it. A car was waiting behind me, so I got nervous and just left the space and kept on driving.

After that, I ended up turning onto a narrow one-way street the wrong way. Cars started heading in my direction and I started panicking. I was able to give them room to get past me and get out the other end.

I contemplated just driving home and skipping my appointment altogether. I weighed it against the policy of not being allowed to schedule an appointment for a duration of time should I be a no-show twice, and even though this would only be the first time, I didn't want to harm my standing in case some future emergency forced me to no-show another time.

So, I eventually found a spot a few more blocks away in a residential area. Even then, I ended up not parking close enough to the curb, but it wasn't bad enough to obstruct traffic or be a hazard to anyone. Just bad enough to announce to all passersby that I am a shitty driver.

I'm just so pathetic. High-school kids literally know how to drive. Despite having my license, I'm not fit to be on any road, which is shameful at my age. I would never be able to drive in a vehicle with people I know, lest they find out how pathetic I am. And it's not just this. I just seem to be delayed and incompetent at everything. I remember that it took me much longer than most children to learn to tie my shoes, to learn to ride a bike, even making friends and going out was something new to me that started happening in, what, the past three years? There's something wrong with me.

reprise85 07-28-2020 10:33 PM

only way you can get better at stuff is by doing it

i remember when i first started driving, it was terrifying. i was older too, and south florida is so hard to get lost in (since it's really just like 10 miles max west of the coast, so there's always the highways n/s and the coast n/s), and it was still terrible. i remember the first time i had to figure out the defrost because it was raining.

there may be something wrong but it isn't inherent in you, it's conditioning. i am sorry you seem so down right now, wish i could say something that would help. you know i have the friends problem too

hnibos 07-28-2020 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4554211)
I'm pathetic at driving.

When I work early mornings, I usually drive to work with my mom, and then she'll drive the car back because she still needs it. As such, I've memorized everything about my route to work, and it's the only route I feel comfortable driving. Driving to literally anywhere else makes me anxious.

But the other day, my mom had me just take the car. Which sucked, because I had an appointment after work, which meant that I would have to drive an unfamiliar route probably parallel park somewhere.

It was in an area where there wasn't a lot of parking. I saw one free two-hour parking space, but it was along a road by a populated bar patio on one side and a park on another, so I've have lots of spectators. I wasn't confident enough in my parallel parking abilities, so I just drove past it.

Driving around a bit more, I didn't see any other free spaces, so I decided I had to return to that previous one.

I attempted a parallel park, but forgot how to do it. A car was waiting behind me, so I got nervous and just left the space and kept on driving.

After that, I ended up turning onto a narrow one-way street the wrong way. Cars started heading in my direction and I started panicking. I was able to give them room to get past me and get out the other end.

I contemplated just driving home and skipping my appointment altogether. I weighed it against the policy of not being allowed to schedule an appointment for a duration of time should I be a no-show twice, and even though this would only be the first time, I didn't want to harm my standing in case some future emergency forced me to no-show another time.

So, I eventually found a spot a few more blocks away in a residential area. Even then, I ended up not parking close enough to the curb, but it wasn't bad enough to obstruct traffic or be a hazard to anyone. Just bad enough to announce to all passersby that I am a shitty driver.

I'm just so pathetic. High-school kids literally know how to drive. Despite having my license, I'm not fit to be on any road, which is shameful at my age. I would never be able to drive in a vehicle with people I know, lest they find out how pathetic I am. And it's not just this. I just seem to be delayed and incompetent at everything. I remember that it took me much longer than most children to learn to tie my shoes, to learn to ride a bike, even making friends and going out was something new to me that started happening in, what, the past three years? There's something wrong with me.

I know this sounds cliche, but don't be so hard on yourself. Most people suck at most things, to be honest. And like Erica said, the more you do stuff, the better you'll get at it. I was a terrible driver at first but no longer. Granted, I've driven 200k+ miles at this point...

Ram27 07-29-2020 01:00 AM

yeah, don't worry about that DK. all those are shitty situations with shitty circumstances that'd fuck with anyone - drunk people lounging around watching, the fucking police, parallel parking. i fucked up parallel parking on my exam but still passed cause they felt sorry for me lol. if i ever have to do it i just find another spot

the fact that you give this much of a shit makes you a much better driver than a solid 45% of the population that has no fucking awareness of anybody else

FlamingGlobes 07-29-2020 05:55 AM

45% seems like an extremely low estimate

FlamingGlobes 07-29-2020 05:56 AM

Anyway, Disco Stu, as others have said, don't beat yourself up over it. You're out there trying. Keep trying. Things get better, things get easier with time and practice. I promise.

ilikeplanets 07-29-2020 10:21 AM

I drive roughly 400 miles weekly, with passengers, feel extremely confident with it, and still cannot parallel park. I'll find another spot, as well.

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