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Cool As Ice Cream 06-07-2020 06:41 AM

belgium is actually nothing more than the little shed in a forest, where bill gates is brewing his vaccines. there are also pizzas, so this can't be a coincidence!

yo soy el mejor 06-07-2020 10:25 AM

poor bard

cork_soaker 06-07-2020 10:40 AM

am excite to visit belgian in future, pls reply

Cool As Ice Cream 06-07-2020 12:12 PM

don't go it's a trap

FoolofaTook 06-07-2020 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by cork_soaker (Post 4548837)

bro that's like their language

cork_soaker 06-07-2020 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream (Post 4548841)
don't go it's a trap

many thx we have canceled our holiday

MyOneAndOnly 06-07-2020 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream (Post 4548827)
belgium is actually nothing more than the little shed in a forest, where bill gates is brewing his vaccines. there are also pizzas, so this can't be a coincidence!

If you go into the basement of Belgium you will come out in the basement of Comet Ping Pong in Washington DC, which is not a country or a State or a Province. The pizza is good at both places

MyOneAndOnly 06-07-2020 02:06 PM

but if you go into the basement of Comet Ping Pong you will come out in the basement of Luxembourg, which is also not a real country

yo soy el mejor 06-07-2020 09:44 PM

why you dorks acting like Belgium and Belgians aren't real? harsh

i see u, bram. i see you.

yo soy el mejor 06-07-2020 09:45 PM

i love Brussels sprouts, too.

buzzard 06-07-2020 09:51 PM

I love the Jean-Claude Van Damme from Muscles or whatever he's called.

buzzard 06-07-2020 09:52 PM

MyOneAndOnly 06-07-2020 10:21 PM

yo soy el mejor 06-08-2020 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by buzzard (Post 4548865)
I love the Jean-Claude Van Damme from Muscles or whatever he's called.

bram, do you know him?

MplsTaper 06-08-2020 08:39 AM

FoolofaTook 06-08-2020 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by buzzard (Post 4548866)

mad respekt dude did a LOT of coke

toase 06-16-2020 10:15 PM

this game is good

Cool As Ice Cream 06-17-2020 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4548882)
bram, do you know him?

damme is only 3km away. and he is from damme. if that name is in fact fact.

myosis 06-17-2020 05:05 PM

yeah but his muscles are from brussels

yo soy el mejor 06-17-2020 05:06 PM

jean claude of the damme

Joey Goldberg 06-17-2020 05:23 PM

jean claude van damme i'm fine

buzzard 06-17-2020 09:46 PM

Jim-Claude White Van

MyOneAndOnly 06-18-2020 02:14 PM

one of my friends died. Looks like suicide. No warning.


MyOneAndOnly 06-18-2020 02:14 PM

Fuck this whole year!

Squish Squash 06-18-2020 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly (Post 4550570)
one of my friends died. Looks like suicide. No warning.


My condolences. This will be a very painful time obviously, but it is important for you to get help and support from those around you.

Squish Squash 06-18-2020 02:50 PM

I wish I had better advice and more comforting words to give here. I am not great at this and I apologize.

Disco King 06-18-2020 03:13 PM

Damn. I'm sorry.

MyOneAndOnly 06-18-2020 04:13 PM

Josh was not one of my closest friends, but I have known him for 5 years and he was very very close to a couple of people who are dear to me. After I came out and moved to DC he was one of the few people I knew who regularly checked up on me to see how I was doing. He and I like all the same soccer clubs. Three years ago he moved to Portland (we had a lot of mutual friends in Portland). But last year he and his wife divorced.

i had planned to catch up with him this spring. I had a visit to Portland planned for April or May. But that all went to hell when the virus hit

smashingjj 06-18-2020 04:43 PM

man that is rough. I'm sorry

reprise85 06-18-2020 05:03 PM

sorry to hear :(

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