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FoolofaTook 02-15-2020 08:56 AM

I went to get some clarifying shampoo for my scalp issues but couldn't find it. So I asked the dude to help me. He took one look at me and asked, "Is it for men or for women?"

When will this nightmare end?

yo soy el mejor 02-18-2020 01:35 PM

or maybe he thought you had a girlfriend or mother and were being kind enough to shop for them.

yo soy el mejor 02-18-2020 01:35 PM

did u check the shampoo aisle?

FoolofaTook 02-18-2020 02:02 PM

Yes. I couldn't find it. I get nervous around humans.

But then another dude, a total stoner, helped me. He looked it up on his phone. Found exactly what I was looking for. He was chill.

The first dude can eat a bag of baby dicks.

FlamingGlobes 02-18-2020 02:39 PM

Your Shampoo Engages Mals

yo soy el mejor 02-18-2020 07:11 PM

might i suggest:

yo soy el mejor 02-18-2020 07:15 PM

i dont use that, though. i occasionally scrub my shit (scalp) with some teatree scrub, but i use one of two shampoo bars i have for washing. i made my own shampoo for a while, but i can't keep that up.

then i use an apple cider vinegar spray which smells like apple cider vinegar until it dries.

yo soy el mejor 02-18-2020 07:16 PM

/scared of products and chemicals

FoolofaTook 02-18-2020 07:35 PM

I got this at Walmart but it gave me hella dandruff.

This is way better.

ilikeplanets 02-18-2020 08:59 PM

I do a vinegar rinse with my hair sometimes too, mostly to strip away all the buildup from the conditioner that is a necessary evil.

FoolofaTook 02-18-2020 09:22 PM


Last year when I had wet dandruff (shit's fuckin gnarly), I used baking soda and it worked like a charm. Take that wet dandruff!

yo soy el mejor 02-18-2020 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4530714)
I do a vinegar rinse with my hair sometimes too, mostly to strip away all the buildup from the conditioner that is a necessary evil.

i just have some in a spray bottle and sometimes use it in place of conditioner completely. my hair is somewhere between straight and wavy and and is thin but frizzy and i hate it. acv seems to help it smooth out and make it look nice for company and acquaintances.

ilikeplanets 02-18-2020 10:11 PM

Mine is starting to thin a bit, which is actually a blessing. I have a LOT of hair. I use a ton of hair products. Laying off the dye for a few years has done wonders, too.

ovary 02-18-2020 10:44 PM

i dont use shampoo unless my hair actually gets some kind of dirt in it, or if my wife tells me it smells, which happens every once in awhile

Ram27 02-18-2020 11:16 PM

my hair's long enough now that 22 years of being a boy has completely not prepared me

it's just tangled always. and i just use head and shoulders like before

life's a bummer when you're hummer

FlamingGlobes 02-19-2020 12:00 AM

Stop quoting Smashing Pumpkins

Alice 02-19-2020 08:18 PM

Hair talk huh

ilikeplanets 02-19-2020 09:24 PM

And that's just the hair care on top of my head!

LaBelle 02-19-2020 10:22 PM

Chat sure got hairy

FoolofaTook 02-20-2020 08:29 AM

Remember when you said my hair looks like burned noodles?

I remember.

LaBelle 02-20-2020 09:18 AM

Sounds like a compliment to me.

FoolofaTook 02-20-2020 09:24 AM

ilikeplanets 02-23-2020 03:03 AM

I just found out Ben Gleib smokes pot and is running for President. This is the the fourth most exciting thing that happened to me today.

FlamingGlobes 02-24-2020 07:08 AM

fuzzy's gonna be heartbroken:

‘Mad’ Mike Hughes, who wanted to prove the flat-Earth theory, dies in homemade-rocket disaster

FlamingGlobes 02-24-2020 07:09 AM

I guess, in the end, he truly was a flat earther.

myosis 02-24-2020 02:50 PM

i'd be interested to know if one can be an engineer with the appropriate knowledge to build and fly a rocket successfully, while still failing to understand the physics of the earth being round vs. flat.

topleybird 02-24-2020 03:33 PM

topleybird 02-24-2020 03:47 PM

I've read a few articles about the guy and it sounds like he was 100% about his steam rockets and would say anything to keep launching them; an associate after his death called the flat earth theory stuff "a shtick" to get funding

I'm not sure if it makes him noble to do anything to keep his one true, deranged passion alive, or if that essentially makes him the same as a meth addict who'll betray everyone who has ever loved him for one more hit, but let us all reflect on pursuing our dreams with such determination

Rest in piss, Mike, at least you proved the Mike Hughes Is Dead theory correct

FlamingGlobes 02-24-2020 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by topleybird (Post 4531120)


FlamingGlobes 02-24-2020 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by topleybird (Post 4531125)
I've read a few articles about the guy and it sounds like he was 100% about his steam rockets and would say anything to keep launching them; an associate after his death called the flat earth theory stuff "a shtick" to get funding

I'm not sure if it makes him noble to do anything to keep his one true, deranged passion alive, or if that essentially makes him the same as a meth addict who'll betray everyone who has ever loved him for one more hit, but let us all reflect on pursuing our dreams with such determination

Rest in piss, Mike, at least you proved the Mike Hughes Is Dead theory correct

Well, whatever positive points we could give him should automatically be deducted for inspiring countless morons to steaming their way towards a swift death.

On the other hand, maybe that's a good thing and points should be awarded back? I think we can call it an even break.

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