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Mals Marola 09-06-2019 02:12 PM

you don't need a hyphen for man up

f o o l

FoolofaTook 09-06-2019 03:01 PM

that was a test. i did that on purpose, i swear.

Mals Marola 09-06-2019 03:07 PM

you've been spending too much time around the Mikey Campbells of this world... getting SOFT where it matters: your grammar usage on the internet

FoolofaTook 09-06-2019 04:01 PM

ur dad's been getting soft

Elphenor 09-07-2019 01:36 AM

thought I bombed my first math test but I actually got a 90%

that's cutting it too close and I'll need to put in more work, but I can do this

math is the one subject I'm worried about as far as community college, get an A in this class and I think I can go on to make the Dean's List

yo soy el mejor 09-07-2019 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by topleybird (Post 4517644)
That's when you must gather up yo soy's warrior spirit and hiss some invectives at them to make them respect their surroundings and community

and if that don't work i email the professor a nice little note lettin' her know about the distracting student and usually they've been privy to it for a while and i give them reason to call it out in class and out loud. there's an upshot to being a thirty something in college. idgaf. and teachers always like me.

yo soy el mejor 09-07-2019 02:08 AM

Anyway, I'm even better at demonstrating my moral purity by throwing my vote away. I always vote for the Buddha.

Elphenor 09-07-2019 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4517298)
you can't subtract.

but his math was right

I should know

ella 09-07-2019 09:19 AM

My boobs this morning bc little guy decided to sleep in.

image hosting

smashingjj 09-07-2019 10:37 AM

Whoa dude

smashingjj 09-07-2019 10:38 AM

I had no idea you were from Germany

ella 09-07-2019 08:05 PM

Nope And I’ve never tried coke with Fanta and no I won’t try it ever.

yo soy el mejor 09-08-2019 08:33 AM

last week i was offered a teaching assistant job at the university of chicago for an extended day program. i would have made it work, but it's 45 minutes to an hour from my house on public transportation so that would have been close to 8 hours of commuting a week. that's precious time, baby.

anyway. on friday i got offered another job as an ESL instructor i had applied and interviewed for but didn't get. someone left and they changed their minds. it's 6 - 9pm, M-Th, plus 5 hours of a curriculum building every week. that's means i will have most of the day time hours to tend to class and personal matters. And it's only 15 minutes away and i will be teaching class alone instead of assisting in someone else's room.

v glad to have this figured out right before school starts (tomorrow).

Ram27 09-08-2019 03:37 PM

45 mins is way too long a commute for my blood

Ram27 09-08-2019 03:39 PM

I bought a Tesla recently and one of the things you can do is name the car

I was gonna call it a Flyer because of some other nerd shit I like, but guess what the original owners called's a red car, btw

Ruby. Which fucking blows my idea out of the water. And since it has so many cameras and sensors, you could almost say I'd be looking.....


yo soy el mejor 09-08-2019 03:45 PM

i thought u were going to rehab. you bought a car instead? or did someone else pay for it?

ilikeplanets 09-08-2019 04:01 PM

I decorated for Halloween today. In early September. I don't even like fall. It looks good though.

smashingjj 09-08-2019 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4517743)
i thought u were going to rehab. you bought a car instead? or did someone else pay for it?

Choose option A or B

ella 09-08-2019 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4517741)
I bought a Tesla recently and one of the things you can do is name the car

I was gonna call it a Flyer because of some other nerd shit I like, but guess what the original owners called's a red car, btw

Ruby. Which fucking blows my idea out of the water. And since it has so many cameras and sensors, you could almost say I'd be looking.....


Aren’t Tesla’s mad expensive? Ballpark number Ram, about how much did you spend?

Shallowed 09-08-2019 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4517741)
I bought a Tesla recently and one of the things you can do is name the car

I was gonna call it a Flyer because of some other nerd shit I like, but guess what the original owners called's a red car, btw

Ruby. Which fucking blows my idea out of the water. And since it has so many cameras and sensors, you could almost say I'd be looking.....


Are you fucking KIDDING ME?

The universe itself serves you an opportunity like this, and you don't call it THE STARSHIP?


Shallowed 09-08-2019 06:48 PM

Elon Musk will be the first person to die on Mars.

He'll also be the first person to be executed on Mars.

yo soy el mejor 09-08-2019 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by smashingjj (Post 4517746)
Choose option A or B

someone def bought it for him.

Ram27 09-09-2019 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4517743)
i thought u were going to rehab. you bought a car instead? or did someone else pay for it?

rehab tomo at 9am. maybe rehab isn't the greatest word ever - it's an intensive outpatient thing, so i can still work in the evenings and pay for my starship.

i bought the car like a few weeks ago. my dad also bought a tesla, so gave me his old convertible to trade in to help towards my tesla


Originally Posted by ella (Post 4517757)
Aren’t Tesla’s mad expensive? Ballpark number Ram, about how much did you spend?

it's a model 3 which is the budget version. $44k but my dad's old car fetched like $14k, then as a birthday gift my parents paid 1.5k down, I paid 1.5k down, and now i have a $27k auto loan woo

if anything/everything goes tits up i'm sure i can trade it in for a garbage ass 95 minivan


Originally Posted by Shallowed (Post 4517759)
Are you fucking KIDDING ME?

The universe itself serves you an opportunity like this, and you don't call it THE STARSHIP?


i was definitely toying with calling it 'the starship' or some variation. but it came as Ruby and that just seemed too perfect

Not sure if I like TTEOR or Obscured more atm

__________________________________________________ _____

first [voluntarily] sober day in months. my head is fucking going to explode

yo soy el mejor 09-09-2019 10:03 AM

ram27 is suddenly striking me as a different type of monte

FoolofaTook 09-09-2019 10:41 AM

no that's me. i'm montevil.

yo soy el mejor 09-09-2019 10:46 AM

maybe you're like monte to someone else.

yo soy el mejor 09-09-2019 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4517740)
45 mins is way too long a commute for my blood

30 minutes is standard for what i expect to travel. 45 minutes is a long time, but for some things it just needs to done. 1 hour or more is for special occasions or if it's a job telling me I need to make that trip, I will ask to be paid for travel time or have an Uber reimbursed.

Your commutes are alone in a vehicle without the general public to keep you company so I bet a 45 minute commute for you goes a little differently for me.

ella 09-09-2019 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4517770)
i bought the car like a few weeks ago. my dad also bought a tesla, so gave me his old convertible to trade in to help towards my tesla

it's a model 3 which is the budget version. $44k but my dad's old car fetched like $14k, then as a birthday gift my parents paid 1.5k down, I paid 1.5k down, and now i have a $27k auto loan woo

if anything/everything goes tits up i'm sure i can trade it in for a garbage ass 95 minivan

Ok that’s what I thought! That’s quite a chunk of change. But a good investment that’s for sure! You’ll have to post of pic!

topleybird 09-09-2019 12:25 PM

Future thread: Ram27 autopiloting a Tesla IN HELL

toase 09-11-2019 07:44 PM


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