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FoolofaTook 01-30-2019 03:32 PM

what exactly did you do? i want all the sordid details.

redbreegull 01-30-2019 03:56 PM

pissed on the landlord's gamecube maybe

Cool As Ice Cream 01-30-2019 04:56 PM

that's the only explanation i can think of

yo soy el mejor 01-30-2019 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Eulogy (Post 4496276)
Are you guys doing anything to prevent frozen pipes or another similar calamity?

Luckily our furnace is pretty new and has been able to keep up. Not looking forward to the gas bill.

(To top it all off I was going to drive to work yesterday but my car wouldn’t start even with a jump. Still not sure what the problem is)

A guy on the news this morning said to leave the faucets dripping just a trickle to avoid frozen pipes. I don't want to take any chances so we've got that going. Plus, yeah. I can feel the gas bill getting higher.

I hate being confined like this, too. I wish I had thought to buy some wine or whisky when I was out yesterday. :[

Disco King 01-30-2019 05:33 PM

Has anybody ever moved without losing their deposit? They will always find something.

You can steam-clean the goddamn carpets, and they'll still tell you "sorry, we had to clean the carpets."

Might as well just have the time of your life pissing landlords off and on Gamecubes anyway.

ilikeplanets 01-30-2019 05:37 PM

That's a definite no

FoolofaTook 01-30-2019 05:48 PM

I got my full deposit ($600) back after living in my apartment for a year.

i spent a week scrubbing that fucker down though. the oven was something else (i cooked a turkey therein).

FoolofaTook 01-30-2019 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream (Post 4496292)
that's the only explanation i can think of

are you redbreegull? no your not, are you now?


Elphenor 01-30-2019 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4496282)
what exactly did you do? i want all the sordid details.

well I woke up in a small puddle of my own blood after a night of drinking one day, freshly dried and irreversible damage

ilikeplanets 01-30-2019 07:03 PM

W/r/t Bundy I'm pretty sure he had a "reason" for killing, and that reason is complete psychopathy and narcissism and no impulse control, amongst other serious mental/mood/behavioral disorders. It's not really something ordinary people can even begin to relate to, so it makes him one of the most monstrous imo.

Mals Marola 01-30-2019 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4496299)
are you redbreegull? no your not, are you now?


how do you know he didn't think of it prior to reading breeg's post, then saw that breeg had ALSO Thought of it?


FoolofaTook 01-30-2019 07:54 PM

so you're helping ass cream steal breeg's thunder?

just like you stole mine when i shut down the chat thread with that judge judy gif.


Mals Marola 01-30-2019 08:02 PM

good lord, you're really "fixated" with that, aren't you.

a) i made the post before you put up the gif

b) smashing jug johnson quoted my post


Disco King 01-30-2019 08:04 PM

Closed already? Shortest-lived chat thread ever.

Mals Marola 01-30-2019 08:13 PM

not this chat thread

the other chat thread

the one where they claimed to know what i was doing in the chat thread before that

ilikeplanets 01-30-2019 08:51 PM

I don't know what I'm doing in ANY chat thread

redbreegull 01-30-2019 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Mals Marola (Post 4496032)
smashing jug johnson


queenoftheswine 01-30-2019 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by smashingjj (Post 4496202)
What happened to queenoftheswine? S

she died


bright_doom 01-30-2019 09:25 PM

In the beautiful Midwest, windchill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell is going on with Global Waming? Please come back fast, we need you!

Cool As Ice Cream 01-31-2019 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by queenoftheswine (Post 4496349)
she died



Cool As Ice Cream 01-31-2019 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4496299)
are you redbreegull? no your not, are you now?


i didn't say i thought of that explanation.
i'm saying it's the only explanation i can think of.
implying that, considering my extreme brain power, it is very likely that there are no alternative possible explanations.

FoolofaTook 01-31-2019 09:02 AM

more lies

Mals Marola 01-31-2019 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by redbreegull (Post 4496345)

how the fck did i get labelled ovary in this quote, lol?

redbreegull 01-31-2019 09:11 AM

Took, when I run for POTUS I'm gonna tap you for Vice

redbreegull 01-31-2019 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Mals Marola (Post 4496421)
how the fck did i get labelled ovary in this quote, lol?

what in the fuck I have no idea

redbreegull 01-31-2019 09:13 AM


I must have mquoted that ovary fellow recently?

Mals Marola 01-31-2019 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by redbreegull (Post 4496423)
what in the fuck I have no idea


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4496412)
more lies


Mals Marola 01-31-2019 09:13 AM

and the presidential campaign hasn't even begun...


redbreegull 01-31-2019 09:20 AM

Don't get cocky, Marola. You may be peaking but this is my board, make no mistake. I will bury you.

Mals Marola 01-31-2019 09:21 AM

well, that would explain why the main banner is of their SHITTY ALBUM A DOOR

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