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FoolofaTook 01-16-2020 03:48 PM

man smashingjj keeps a tidy domicile. look at that coffee table gleam!

buzzard 01-16-2020 08:02 PM

What if it's just slick with a mixture of human and cat grease?

teh b0lly!!1 01-20-2020 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes (Post 4527164)
Are we still saying 'cunt' in 2020?

FoolofaTook 01-20-2020 06:59 AM

teh bolly my darling you don't have to talk to me JUST LISTEN TO THE NEW ALCEST OK?

FlamingGlobes 01-21-2020 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 (Post 4527794)

FlamingGlobes 01-22-2020 09:00 AM

I had a dream last night that I was in a bar with Kid Rock and he shot me for making fun of him.

FlamingGlobes 01-22-2020 09:01 AM

I honestly think it was the byproduct of having to sift through the hideousness of fuzzy's Twitter feed.

FlamingGlobes 01-22-2020 09:01 AM

Thanks, Shallowed.

buzzard 01-22-2020 04:27 PM

I usually dream about unrealistic things, myself.

topleybird 01-22-2020 04:30 PM

On one hand, I am absolutely loving the increasingly desperate lengths corporations have to go to just to get our attention, anyone's attention, for even a minute

On the other hand, this is not going to convince anyone to stop buying store-brand peanuts

Rest in piss, dawg

topleybird 01-22-2020 04:37 PM

yo soy el mejor 01-24-2020 11:01 AM

i had a dream i was in a huge swimming pool with tim and our cat leon. but i grabbed another cat that was identical thinking it was leon. i was swimming around and hugging it but when i looked at his face, the cat's eye were freaky and bulging out so i let him go realizing it wasn't leon.

when i got out of the pool, i told a lady about the cat with bulging eyes and she told it actually eats other cats and dogs. then i was just disgusted that i was ever cuddling that kitty.

myosis 01-24-2020 11:37 AM

he probably ate leon so in a way you were holding leon...

yo soy el mejor 01-24-2020 11:59 AM

:cry: noooo

yo soy el mejor 01-24-2020 12:01 PM

def not worse than the time i was at an outdoor taqueria in my dream and a gun fight broke out and leon got shot cause he was running through the ruckus. i woke up screaming LEON! and i was so sad all day >_<

yo soy el mejor 01-24-2020 01:00 PM

you'd be sad, too. leon is the best because he's really big and cuddly but super gentle. he's the heir of everything right now. these photos are least 3 years old, though. we don't live there anymore and elsa is dead.

myosis 01-24-2020 03:31 PM

what a cutie!

buzzard 01-24-2020 03:36 PM

Points for reppin' 35mm, too. I really like the look of that third one.

yo soy el mejor 01-27-2020 05:03 PM

OG life hacks that still hold up ^

...and so many more!

yo soy el mejor 01-27-2020 05:08 PM

cool old magic tricks, too.


smashingjj 01-27-2020 06:24 PM

The establishment has always lied and manipulated the public and they continue to do so today.

This was a page featured in all of the top magazines in the 1950's

Nothing has changed. I always laugh at the sheeple who say "oh yeah, the instruments of the establishment lied to us all of the time BACK IN THE DAY but they surely wouldn't do it today!

Open your eyes, do your own research, don't believe the lies.

Shallowed 02-04-2020 07:07 PM

The US's electoral shit is all frigged up

yo soy el mejor 02-06-2020 12:34 PM

i just accidentally said out loud, "I hate you Richard", as I was reading an email in public. I don't actually hate Richard, though. I think last night, too, I started singing Hootie and the Blowfish as I was falling asleep and then I tried to play it off. Damn ass mouth.

Joey Goldberg 02-06-2020 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by smashingjj (Post 4528282)
The establishment has always lied and manipulated the public and they continue to do so today.

This was a page featured in all of the top magazines in the 1950's

Nothing has changed. I always laugh at the sheeple who say "oh yeah, the instruments of the establishment lied to us all of the time BACK IN THE DAY but they surely wouldn't do it today!

Open your eyes, do your own research, don't believe the lies.

run2pee 02-06-2020 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4529180)
i just accidentally said out loud, "I hate you Richard", as I was reading an email in public. I don't actually hate Richard, though. I think last night, too, I started singing Hootie and the Blowfish as I was falling asleep and then I tried to play it off. Damn ass mouth.

Which song? Also have u heard any of that newfangled Hootie? There’s new Hootie, everyone

yo soy el mejor 02-06-2020 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Run To Me (Post 4529190)
Which song? Also have u heard any of that newfangled Hootie? There’s new Hootie, everyone

Only Wanna Be With You. I started singing the part that goes, "I'm such a baby, yeah, the dolphins make me cry." I realized what I was doing around dolphins and then turned it all into a murmur and hoped Tim was already asleep.

FoolofaTook 02-08-2020 11:19 AM

So I have a couple of d-bag neighbors. They are super rich (she drives an audi, he drives a charger, both brand new) and super hip (they wear black leather and have trendy haircuts).

Anyway they totally ignore me. So I've been feeling rather bottom-feederish around them.

Then: Redemption!

I had eaten a great big bowl of oatmeal earlier in the day. Then I went on a mega walk. I come back and they are sitting on the porch (we live in condos). He's smoking a cigar, looking mighty hip.

As I approach my door (they are ignoring me even though I smiled and gave them a timid, faltering peace sign), I feel the unmistakable stirrings of a gust of flatulence in my bowels. Now, mind you, I am not one of those heroes who can summon and emit farts at will. So this was a "do or die" "now or never" "carpen deus" type of moment.

It was glorious. A truly magnificent rip, in a rich baritone, with a high pitched flourish at the end. Then I speedily fled the scene, collapsing in tears of mirth within the safety of my domicile.

Now they act like nothing has changed, but we both know it has. With one fell blow, I have seized control and am back on top! Wow!

yo soy el mejor 02-10-2020 12:12 PM

love getting comments like these from professors: This is one of the best DB's of the module. Continue your integration of the materials both in the posting and responses to others.

i'm also glad i'm not nuts for thinking the other students don't really give me much to work with/respond to and having to read through several before finding something to say to one.

FoolofaTook 02-10-2020 12:37 PM

DB = Doublesided Buttplug?

yo soy el mejor 02-10-2020 12:58 PM

i don't know what goes on in your sad rich life, y0. but it stands for discussion board. i thought net4ians would get that for sure.

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