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FoolofaTook 09-29-2019 12:27 PM

Is that real? Is it, like, a thing?

smashingjj 09-29-2019 12:53 PM

It's called fashion, look it up

FoolofaTook 09-29-2019 01:03 PM

listen, friend-o: i'm very stylish

Shallowed 09-29-2019 09:57 PM

buzzard 09-30-2019 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Elphenor (Post 4518985)
made friends because . . . fashion

Told you so.

Elphenor 09-30-2019 03:21 PM

not the type of fashion you recommended

but yes I bought new clothes

buzzard 09-30-2019 03:39 PM

I hope you included a massive pair of white sneakers as per frosty's advice.

Cool As Ice Cream 09-30-2019 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Elphenor (Post 4519098)
but yes I bought new clothes


vixnix 09-30-2019 04:31 PM


FoolofaTook 09-30-2019 04:35 PM

Is something funny to you fools? Do you think Elphy's stylishness is some sort of a joke?

FoolofaTook 09-30-2019 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by buzzard (Post 4519101)
I hope you included a massive pair of white sneakers as per frosty's advice.

ur dad's got a massive pair


FoolofaTook 09-30-2019 04:35 PM


Elphenor 09-30-2019 06:22 PM

I think that meme is almost a decade old now

still buyin new clothes

or I suppose old clothes repurposed as new

Elphenor 10-02-2019 01:09 PM

I got an email from Shad0wland today

only Oboarderz would know

buzzard 10-04-2019 12:42 AM

I think he created that shit after getting banned from the 'phoria.

smashingjj 10-04-2019 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by Shallowed (Post 4519044)

Thanks for the advice. I'm 9 days sober and counting. I've been gaining some realizations and have been getting down to the bottom of why I drink so much and how I'd rely on it as a crutch to cover up confidence or anxiety issues.

One thing that helps me is remembering that I'm in control of my own mind, and if I'm struggling and feeling like drinking I just think " so what, you're too weak? Not in control of your faculties?"and then I think "no man, fuck that". It's sort of like that old adage of the angel and devil on both shoulders. I kind of just look at it as a challenge.

It's been going well, but I've been literally not hanging out with anyone outside of work. I think a big test will be going out with friends and restraining from it. We'll see how it goes. Right now I'm quite honestly taking it 1 day at a time.

But I really am doing a lot more soul searching this time than the last time I tried.

yo soy el mejor 10-04-2019 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Elphenor (Post 4519113)
made friends because they approached me and complimented my fashion

and ran into an old friend from Dallas


and i bet that person is actually from plano or frisco or some shit.

yo soy el mejor 10-07-2019 02:06 AM

i wrote a beautiful cover letter and got an interview for a job i assumed was out of my league. it stinks when i get an interview for a job i want because it gets me really nervous and that's never any good.

when i'm just eh about the job, i do really well in the interview 'cause i don't care and am just there for the experience. anyway, this at least has encouraged me to go for more challenging stuff.

i finish school june 2020 so i really want to have a long-term job situation figured out instead of wondering what to do then. this job is part-time to start, combines outreach, fundraising, & research for labor rights education, and prefers a 2+ year commitment (not in writing or anything) so it's just what i want.

it's in a department at my school, but it's a staff (not student worker) position so if I get it, I would definitely get some discount for graduate school. maybe free? i don't want to get ahead of myself.

Eulogy 10-07-2019 05:34 PM

Soooo we are moving even though I vowed to never move until we bought a place. I’m afraid of change I guess. New place has two bathrooms instead of one, two parking spots, a fireplace, and bigger bedrooms. But much lower ceilings which is gonna drive me nuts for at least a little bit. But updated appliances and whatnot. And some fun spots for food and drinks within walking distance. Will add 10-15 minutes each way to my already awful commute.

Did I make a mistake

Eulogy 10-07-2019 05:39 PM

Also landlord seems kinda mad but he was the one who was too lazy to get a lease to us for year three so shrug

topleybird 10-07-2019 06:04 PM

My last landlord was so pissed I moved out that she stopped being a landlord

Kicked out everyone else and sold the place

Kill All Landlords

smashingjj 10-07-2019 06:43 PM

i have a great place that is getting torn down. which will probably cause me to leave it at some point.

smashingjj 10-07-2019 06:45 PM

how many luxury apartments does a city need? how about just some so-so apartments? or just not very luxury at all but not bad at all cause who needs luxury?

smashingjj 10-07-2019 06:45 PM

you've reached Luxjoeri Enterprises, how may I help?

Shallowed 10-07-2019 10:30 PM


yo soy el mejor 10-08-2019 08:14 AM

we're never leaving this apartment until we leave this state.

Eulogy 10-08-2019 01:34 PM

It was really unexpected. I was super on the fence. Now facing down the packing process : (

topleybird 10-08-2019 04:00 PM

I've packed for moving enough. My thought each time has now turned to a certainty: If I ever have to do this again, why not simply burn down my entire life and start over?

Eulogy 10-09-2019 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by topleybird (Post 4519633)
I've packed for moving enough. My thought each time has now turned to a certainty: If I ever have to do this again, why not simply burn down my entire life and start over?

We do plan on throwing a lot out.

Eulogy 10-10-2019 03:38 PM

We may be able to start moving stuff over a week or so before the first of the month. Which would make a huuuuuge difference.

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