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ilikeplanets 09-12-2019 01:18 AM

September has been great for viewing Jupiter and Saturn this year

yo soy el mejor 09-12-2019 06:30 PM

i had acupuncture and a cupping today \m/

toase 09-12-2019 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4518027)
September has been great for viewing Jupiter and Saturn this year

I saw jupiter and the moons last month for the first time but I just couldn't manage to take a picture :(

yo soy el mejor 09-12-2019 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by toase (Post 4518077)
I saw jupiter and the moons last month for the first time but I just couldn't manage to take a picture :(

ella 09-13-2019 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4518076)
i had acupuncture and a cupping today \m/

What was the cupping for and how did it go? What’s it feel like and where did they put the cups?

Disco King 09-13-2019 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by ella (Post 4518108)
What’s it feel like and where did they put the cups?

If the answer is "back in the cupboard," that would explain why my morning coffee tasted funny today.

Ram27 09-14-2019 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by ella (Post 4517787)
Ok that’s what I thought! That’s quite a chunk of change. But a good investment that’s for sure! You’ll have to post of pic!

yeah with my job i spend like $500 a month on gas. more fun to spend it on a car payment instead

it's so fun to drive.

FoolofaTook 09-14-2019 01:37 PM


redbreegull 09-14-2019 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4518027)
September has been great for viewing Jupiter and Saturn this year

All summer has provided a great view of these two. Pretty much every night I have been able to look out my window and see Jupiter and Saturn hanging out near the moon

vixnix 09-16-2019 11:48 PM

I have to write these mini-essay blog updates as part of my internship, describing what I’m doing there, and I’m trying to figure out if I should ******* crying uncontrollably for five minutes in a bathroom cubicle.

Putting on my ‘being sensible’ hat, I think probably not. But putting on my ‘you asked, motherfucker’ hat, I think yes

slunken 09-17-2019 09:21 PM


vixnix 09-17-2019 11:23 PM

Yes. I agree.

Elphenor 09-27-2019 04:16 PM

I'm in Austin

SLA fest

couple nights of post-punk

FoolofaTook 09-27-2019 05:34 PM

You? Listening to post-punk?

Get outta here!

Ram27 09-27-2019 05:50 PM

i'm just livin in my head

imma have my post count down for the next 4 weeks or so. gotta go to rehab and they don't allow netpho there. which is lame

jimbo got his chops back after 1996/07/10 and the overdose with an electric kit, right?

qwerty sp 09-27-2019 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4518893)
i'm just livin in my head

imma have my post count down for the next 4 weeks or so. gotta go to rehab and they don't allow netpho there. which is lame

jimbo got his chops back after 1996/07/10 and the overdose with an electric kit, right?

Good luck ram

Disco King 09-27-2019 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4518893)
gotta go to rehab and they don't allow netpho there.

Like, they don't allow internet access in general, or they have something against outdated '90s-alt-rock-group message boards specifically?

Disco King 09-27-2019 07:14 PM

Is it because of me? Do they not like me? Do they think I'm not a healthy influence on your recovery? I can change!

Elphenor 09-27-2019 08:38 PM

I'm still no good at making friends even in a place full of people that like everything I like

disapointing, life is passing me by

on a list of problems to have, I'm super lucky to have this one, I get that

yo soy el mejor 09-27-2019 09:44 PM


FoolofaTook 09-27-2019 09:59 PM

^^^i was waiting for this

yo soy el mejor 09-27-2019 11:01 PM


Ram27 09-28-2019 11:57 AM

hey friends - i’ll be in rehab for like a month - i get out on 10/22 [v I met Jimmy]

redbreegull 09-28-2019 12:09 PM

good luck Ram. you can do this. you have your whole life and so much drumming ahead of you. alcohol feels good in the moment but it's not worth it. fuck this monster right in the dick, my dude.

FoolofaTook 09-28-2019 12:41 PM

yeah go for it rambro. destroy that liquid demon like it's the jelliebellie intro!

myosis 09-28-2019 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Elphenor (Post 4518909)
I'm still no good at making friends even in a place full of people that like everything I like

disapointing, life is passing me by

on a list of problems to have, I'm super lucky to have this one, I get that

you're not alone like this, it might feel diminishing but i hope you can learn not to sweat over it.

Shallowed 09-29-2019 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by Elphenor (Post 4518909)
I'm still no good at making friends even in a place full of people that like everything I like

disapointing, life is passing me by

on a list of problems to have, I'm super lucky to have this one, I get that

In my experience, I'm actually less likely to get on well with people that have similar interests to me. It's like there's less to talk about because we already know so much about the things we like, we'd just be preaching to each other's choir, without learning anything new about anything. Not that learning new things is the most important thing when it comes to making friends, but it makes for far more engaging conversations. My most successful and meaningful relationships are with people whose personality gels well with mine, regardless of our mutual interests.

Elphenor 09-29-2019 03:54 AM

I actually had a blast that night

and made friends because they approached me and complimented my fashion

and ran into an old friend from Dallas

smashingjj 09-29-2019 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Elphenor (Post 4518985)
and made friends because they approached me and complimented my fashion

smashingjj 09-29-2019 09:21 AM

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