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LaBelle 05-26-2023 07:06 PM

As pumpkins fans (lapsed or active) it's our duty to make sure the next generations just live in ignorant bliss of the band.
It's not worth it!

Joey Goldberg 05-26-2023 07:21 PM

we tell them they broke up in the early 2000s, came back briefly in the late 2000s for a solid record + tour then said "nah, we made the right decision the first time!" and called it a day to go make tea & jazz

MyOneAndOnly 05-26-2023 08:48 PM

everything Jimmy plays is jazz

Joey Goldberg 05-26-2023 08:54 PM

Ram27 05-27-2023 02:45 PM

noise complaint #1 [The Musician's Burden] in my apartment of 2 years. lease renewal coming up.... someone new just moved in across from me

charitably speaking, i suppose they're stressed from the move. but like, 1 PM on a Saturday come on dude.

at least leave a note instead of calling the land baron

yo soy el mejor 05-31-2023 01:28 PM

he's a dick. print out the city noise ordinance hours and put it on his door...or just write them out; this is coming from someone who takes noise seriously because i make it and am annoyed by it. you just gotta know when you can without dicks being dicks about it.

i woke up to my white gentrifier neighbor's kid banging on his drum at midnight and i know for sure that is illegal so i called the cops because i will readily call the cops on a white skirting the law no hesitation

yo soy el mejor 05-31-2023 01:33 PM

Chicago Noise Ordinance

Quiet time is generally designated between 10 PM and 8 AM in any area within 600 feet of a residential district.

Activities involving loading, unloading, opening, closing or other handling of boxes, crates, containers, building materials, garbage cans, dumpsters or similar objects must not be done in a manner as to cause a noise disturbance between 10 PM and 7 AM.

Motorized equipment (e.g. at construction sites) are not allowed to operate between 8 PM and 8 AM.
plus this:
Note that City of Chicago work (e.g. water & sewer mains, road construction etc.) and emergency private utility work are exempt from the City’s noise ordinance.

If you feel a particular situation requires emergency attention, you can call 9-1-1.

ilikeplanets 05-31-2023 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4625923)
i will readily call the cops on a white skirting the law no hesitation

A wee bit scary! I'm moving across the country and my incoming 1st grader will be zoned for a school that is 71% "Hispanic/Latino" (website's phrasing) and 6% white. My fear is that no one will want to be friends with her (or me), and my hope is that we make some amazing friends. She will be totally oblivious to anyone that would comment on her appearance in any fashion, aside from compliments about her hairstyle and shoes. I hate race politics from every damn direction. :(

ilikeplanets 05-31-2023 01:57 PM

Del double post .

ilikeplanets 05-31-2023 01:58 PM

Not that I think you're the ambassador for everyone's opinions, but I am curious about your thoughts since you're honest and insightful. Are we doomed to be friendless? I don't want to be mistrusted but I get it.

yo soy el mejor 05-31-2023 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4625925)
A wee bit scary! I'm moving across the country and my incoming 1st grader will be zoned for a school that is 71% "Hispanic/Latino" (website's phrasing) and 6% white. My fear is that no one will want to be friends with her (or me), and my hope is that we make some amazing friends. She will be totally oblivious to anyone that would comment on her appearance in any fashion, aside from compliments about her hairstyle and shoes. I hate race politics from every damn direction. :(

My white neighbors have 2 kids (now maybe 11 and 8) but they moved in a couple years ago. We have kids their age on both sides of us and the only reason they aren't friends with anyone is because the gentrifying couple can't deign themselves to build any authentic relationship and they suck

just be nice, open, and encourage your kids to say hello. if i see or hear the neighbor kids playing with a deflated ball, i offer to put air in it. i gave them some cascarones the other day, which was not a good idea in hindsight. the week we moved in, we had many neighbors come and say hi and introduce themselves. that does not happen in white neighborhoods.

basically, don't go acting white and insular and you'll be alright and invited to barbecues

yo soy el mejor 05-31-2023 04:13 PM

btw, cascarones is what whites call confetti eggs and the only gifs i could find show white people even though it's not their tradition

it's a hollowed out egg shell filled with confetti and you crack it on someone's head for laughs. i showed the neighbor kids by crushing one on my own head and then gave them each one and they ran inside their house to use them @_@

ilikeplanets 05-31-2023 04:45 PM

Yeah, giving free reign of confetti to kids is a grave offense for EVERY culture!

yo soy el mejor 05-31-2023 04:58 PM

i usually even make sure it's okay with an adult to give a kid candy. but it is hard to stop myself from being a kid version of an edgelord or whatever.

when kids are gross, i encourage it. some girl named ladybug kept burping and wouldn't say excuse me so i kept laughing and got her into saying 'uh-pardon me'. she had no idea she was basically saying excuse me!

yo soy el mejor 05-31-2023 05:03 PM

at least it wasn't glitter though


yo soy el mejor 05-31-2023 05:13 PM

Yikes! ^ This dumbass probably thinks columbus "discovered america"

Pasty skinned North Americans get to move across the world and no one makes them sleep in a tent, cuddle up with an aluminum blanket, take 20 years to gain residency, or insist they don't speak English.

My family is from Texas when it was part of Mexico, so if anything, you should go back Europe if you're sick of people "bitching" about you for good reason.

slunken 05-31-2023 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4625923)
he's a dick. print out the city noise ordinance hours and put it on his door...or just write them out; this is coming from someone who takes noise seriously because i make it and am annoyed by it. you just gotta know when you can without dicks being dicks about it.

i woke up to my white gentrifier neighbor's kid banging on his drum at midnight and i know for sure that is illegal so i called the cops because i will readily call the cops on a white skirting the law no hesitation


slunken 05-31-2023 05:16 PM

does anyone remember those articles from a few years back about people in mexico complaining that a ton of whites were moving there and fucking up their local economy and jacking prices up?

i half remember it, but i swear it was real

yo soy el mejor 05-31-2023 05:18 PM

I am native. Quitate, fool.

yo soy el mejor 05-31-2023 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by slunken (Post 4625954)
does anyone remember those articles from a few years back about people in mexico complaining that a ton of whites were moving there and fucking up their local economy and jacking prices up?

i half remember it, but i swear it was real

" Plenty of europeans move to places like Quintana Roo and living the high life. It's not like they resent mexicans " cause they don't have to interact with them and they live like rich white people but on the cheap and fuck up economies.

And their pasty skin means no one has to sleep on the ground or get deported back to Ohio

yo soy el mejor 05-31-2023 05:25 PM

20 bucks the altar needed to look up quitate before coming up with something to say

yo soy el mejor 05-31-2023 05:25 PM


yo soy el mejor 05-31-2023 05:29 PM

my ancestry is a bunch of indigenous and asian-looking Mexicas. big noses. little eyes. sturdy people.
it's so pathetic when whites like the altar act like arbiters of anything. okay, white boy, we get're white!

slunken 05-31-2023 05:31 PM

if it makes you feel any better i'm getting priced out of my 3rd neighborhood in 20 years

i have to stop moving to places that later become desirable

slunken 05-31-2023 05:33 PM

because everyone right now is very concerned with how you feel

yo soy el mejor 05-31-2023 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by slunken (Post 4625963)
if it makes you feel any better i'm getting priced out of my 3rd neighborhood in 20 years

i have to stop moving to places that later become desirable

i h8 the feeling, but what hurts most is my home neighborhood of Oak Cliff going through the mess.

For so many years people would hear Oak Cliff and ask me if it was dangerous, but it's so fucking bourgeois these days and white people still give themselves credit for living there.

My mom almost bought a house at 80k after her divorce but could not afford it in the 90s; that house would sell for well over a million today

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