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He died at 65 from heart and lung failure, after a 50 year 2 pack per day cigarette habit. He called anti cigarette advocates "hippy liars". And when he was in the ICU 2 months after retiring (3 months before he died) he told the doctor he didn't believe his diabetes diagnosis cause "he's been healthy his whole life!" RIP to the greatest generation |
I think they’re partly called the greatest generation because of their work ethic and resilience. One of my grandfathers is still alive and is 105. He caught COVID last year in his rest home, spent only one full day in bed, and described it as “not that bad”
Meanwhile, I freaked out after being a bit wheezy on the first night and called my doctor saying I had a fever and difficulty breathing and then went on paxlovid just to be safe. I am pretty pathetic in comparison. My generation is maybe the whiniest generation
Generally though, if you are only referring to a subset of anti-vaxers (and the uneducated manual labourers also exist in large numbers in the U.S., as well as the long term unemployed, etc.) maybe it is better to be clear about that each time you vent
It doesn’t have any effect on me because I’m on an anti-vaxer. But in my experience it would have a negative effect on a non-vaxing parent who was outside of that subset you are angry with, but just heard you making comments generally about people who don’t vax. I’m not trying to shame you. I’m just describing my discomfort with that blanket shaming approach |
I’d have to do research, and should, but I have some hunches about the demographic breakdown of antivaxx ideology
american boomers couldn't even beat little Vietnam...
FTR I'm paraphrasing my other grandfather |
"goddamn Jane Fonda and lazy hippie kids!!"
Although in NZ, specific to the Covid-19 vax, it was young Māori who were among biggest groups for vaccine refusal, and younger people generally, and the main theory I’ve heard for that is viral (ironic term) reels on TikTok, which are funnier and slicker than anything a government public health comms team can match, and which spread an anti-vax message more effectively than anything Govt/health agencies could produce to counter it |
That makes sense about winning the war. A lot of them would have come home to land parcels as a reward for military service, and became farmers, so straight into another life of sacrifice and hard graft My grandfather was too young for WWI and was a conscientious objector in WWII. So he never went to war or claimed any part of it but is still one of the hardest working people I know. Maybe he felt he had something to prove |
I can be more sympathetic to vaccine hesitancy in the latter group, but I still shouldn't have to accept that as completely okay, even if they are less at "fault." Contagious and harmful diseases are still contagious and harmful. |
All the indigenous land had been stolen by then. The last time they gave away other peoples' land here (I THINK) was after the Civil War. I found records of one of my ancestors who fought the English in the war of 1812, and he was given 80 acres by the Federal government ... in 1850. Lots of promises to give land to freed slaves.. but that NEVER happened. |
You can accept it as not OK, and you can want your kids to avoid illness, and you can still be empathetic and relate in a non-judgemental way (so, not making assumptions about why their kids are not vaxed, but asking questions and listening) to the group whose choices are different to yours.
I guess actually we agree about that. Maybe we are talking past each other a bit |
Yeah, this style of conversation gets jumbled pretty quickly
Del. Spread love!
del spread eagle
you forgot to put the n word in that post
del red breegull
Del the Funky Homosapien
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I got back from Chester last night. I'd never been before, but it's a really nice little city. I liked it a lot.
I’m sort of bummed out. I made a joke e-mail address for this site like over 20 years ago and I tried to log into it but Microsoft finds me unbecoming and invalid of my namesake. But somehow Face ID knows me. So hi. Can any of you dorks hack into my email for me? I want it back. I’ll give you 10 bucks.
my baby is going to get his ass kicked out of daycare if he doesn't shape up. he is chill at home but cries all day at daycare unless the lady holds him. not sure what to do. we've been pretty loosey goosey with sleep scheduling so we will tighten that up, and try to work on self-soothing at home. but he's already pretty good at that at home, so i duno. and we'll switch from doing daycare MTR to MTWR... maybe going more consistently will help.
it's pretty stressful if he gets kicked out we are fucked
They're seriously going to kick him out only for crying?
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