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teh b0lly!!1 03-21-2019 11:41 PM

i see you wanting to pull rank there, CW.

do it.

pull rank!

reprise85 03-22-2019 12:08 AM

for an autistic person cw sure doesn't know what being autistic looks like. mods might be k-r-a-z-y but aint none of us autistic

whatever cdub, didn't have to be this way but you evolved into a clueless predatory jackass. booo-urns

Disco King 03-22-2019 12:18 AM

Even though I do not agree with the verbal put-downs Gary Shorter and Gretchen Roberts Shorter said to Kimani as a child, I still think that Kimani should listen to Gary Shorter and Gretchen Roberts Shorter when they tell him to quit his quiz endeavours and to do something worthwhile instead. Gary Shorter and Gretchen Roberts Shorter only want what is best for Kimani Shorter.

Catherine Wheel 03-22-2019 01:28 AM

flirting with women or fooling around with women that are already with someone has become an issue and that’s something I need to accept. Something I’m truly in denial of. They haven’t alway been like that but more lately they are. I don’t know what soy sauces real life is like but there is a level of sinisterness mischief gone too far to her and she really is like some women I’ve actually known recently. I don’t date or even flirt with nice women. And maybe that’s a problem

buzzard 03-22-2019 01:34 AM

Nobody cares / believes you.

That is all.

Catherine Wheel 03-22-2019 01:37 AM

You can believe what you want but I’ve known enough spider women / parasites / tricksters to know that I clearly see it in her

buzzard 03-22-2019 01:45 AM

Nobody cares / believes that, too.

Catherine Wheel 03-22-2019 01:45 AM

I would even go as far as to say that she has the look of a witch. There is something definitely witchy about her. And on here she clearly shows it.

buzzard 03-22-2019 01:50 AM

Guess how many people I think are going to care about or believe that.

qwerty sp 03-22-2019 01:55 AM

I don’t want dubs banned. He’s the most entertaining thing since trots

queenoftheswine 03-22-2019 01:59 AM

I do believe the bit about parasites, though.

Catherine Wheel 03-22-2019 02:45 AM

I’m saying this from a distance cus I’ve been dating women since I started this stuff with her on here. It’s just more an observation

teh b0lly!!1 03-22-2019 04:22 AM

lifting the mask from a local clown feeling down like him

Cool As Ice Cream 03-22-2019 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Catherine Wheel (Post 4503586)
it’s over 21 club so no high schoolers aloud.


vixnix 03-22-2019 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes (Post 4503585)
Basically mashed potato with kale and fried onions n shit. I'm sure there's probably a much more apt definition, but it's what I am eating/ate.

Also steamed a fuckton of spinach that was about to turn. Totally gonna poop again tomorrow. :smoke:

I’m gonna have to pull colcannon rank here on you and tell you that your kale can fuck right off out of this dish

How to ruin any dish

1. Add kale

yo soy el mejor 03-22-2019 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by Tyler (Post 4503635)
The worst part about CatWheel is how dreadfully boring he is. It seems to me that once you've read one CW post, you've basically read them all

srsly. and it's so odd when he tries in vain to say things he thinks will bother me...even that's boring.

i must really trigger something in the little dude though.

yo soy el mejor 03-22-2019 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes (Post 4503611)
Man, I can't wait for Us.

You gonna see it today or this wknd or what?

FlamingGlobes 03-22-2019 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4503676)
You gonna see it today or this wknd or what?

Next weekend. I tend to wait for the crowds to die down, and also I am a little busier than normal this weekend (which is probably a good thing).

FlamingGlobes 03-22-2019 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4503670)
I’m gonna have to pull colcannon rank here on you and tell you that your kale can fuck right off out of this dish

How to ruin any dish

1. Add kale

Them are fighting words!

Somebody must've fucked up your kale, because kale can be tasty when done right.

FlamingGlobes 03-22-2019 06:46 AM

The first step is making sure your kale is cooked and not crunchy.

yo soy el mejor 03-22-2019 06:52 AM

kale rox but yeah it at least needs a good steam until it's bright green

vixnix 03-22-2019 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes (Post 4503682)
Them are fighting words!

Somebody must've fucked up your kale, because kale can be tasty when done right.

I started eating kale in 2006 before it was cool, because it was (then) the cheapest leafy green at the organic store and my husband and I were 25 and 26 and we had a 1 year old baby and needed to eat what was cheap.

Cheapness was the only reason I ate it. Then it became more expensive than spinach and I was like WTF you gotta be kidding me, nobody's gonna pay that much for kale

well, I'm certainly not going to pay that much for kale

It's ok. It's nothing special. It adds nothing to any dish IMO

I always make colcannon with cabbage. I'm so scarred from all the kale I forced us to eat back then, because it was cheap, I just can't stand it in anything now

Elphenor 03-22-2019 07:36 AM

contemplating about how I've had a lot of great experiences in the last 2 years really

But the entirety of the days I actually enjoyed add up to about a week

smashingjj 03-22-2019 07:40 AM

well at least you seem to be over that heartbreak quickly

vixnix 03-22-2019 07:41 AM

I'll tell you something else I hardly eat now: cauliflower

that used to be a vegan staple because it was so cheap and filling. I used to make hummus and then chop up a bunch of raw cauliflower, celery and carrot be all like look I'm having hummus and crudités for dinner, how lovely

and then there were Indian spice dishes like Gobi Jalfrezi and Alu Gobi.

Now look at the price of cauliflower would you, now that all these keto and paleo types are onto it

can rich people just stop being interested in cheap staple foods please

vixnix 03-22-2019 07:45 AM

I wonder if Shallowed is still vegan now

Catherine Wheel 03-22-2019 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4503675)
srsly. and it's so odd when he tries in vain to say things he thinks will bother me...even that's boring.

i must really trigger something in the little dude though.

I’ve stopped short of saying your behavior on here is crazy but it is. Nobody has to say anything to hurt you. You get that done yourself.

FlamingGlobes 03-22-2019 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4503685)
I started eating kale in 2006 before it was cool, because it was (then) the cheapest leafy green at the organic store and my husband and I were 25 and 26 and we had a 1 year old baby and needed to eat what was cheap.

Cheapness was the only reason I ate it. Then it became more expensive than spinach and I was like WTF you gotta be kidding me, nobody's gonna pay that much for kale

well, I'm certainly not going to pay that much for kale

It's ok. It's nothing special. It adds nothing to any dish IMO

I always make colcannon with cabbage. I'm so scarred from all the kale I forced us to eat back then, because it was cheap, I just can't stand it in anything now

Yeah, I get that. Cabbage is good too, provided your partner can keep his or her side of the sheets neatly tucked in at bedtime. 👍

FlamingGlobes 03-22-2019 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4503691)
I'll tell you something else I hardly eat now: cauliflower

that used to be a vegan staple because it was so cheap and filling. I used to make hummus and then chop up a bunch of raw cauliflower, celery and carrot be all like look I'm having hummus and crudités for dinner, how lovely

and then there were Indian spice dishes like Gobi Jalfrezi and Alu Gobi.

Now look at the price of cauliflower would you, now that all these keto and paleo types are onto it

can rich people just stop being interested in cheap staple foods please

Yeah, I don't ride for cauliflower either.

FlamingGlobes 03-22-2019 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4503692)
I wonder if Shallowed is still vegan now

Not sure, as I haven't tasted him in a while...

FlamingGlobes 03-22-2019 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Elphenor (Post 4503689)
contemplating about how I've had a lot of great experiences in the last 2 years really

But the entirety of the days I actually enjoyed add up to about a week

Sounds like someone needs more fiber in his diet. Have you considered adding any leafy greens to your favorite dishes?

yo soy el mejor 03-22-2019 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4503685)
I started eating kale in 2006 before it was cool, because it was (then) the cheapest leafy green at the organic store

could've just gone to the regular store.

and i hate that we feel compelled to say shit like this. a well-off honkie called me "bougie" (god, what a stupid word and i bet they think it's real) for saying i like avocado on toast, but my poor-ass Mexican father with an 8th grade education ate avocado on toast and was a vegetarian. he also collected vinyl and books, was well-read and "into coffee", which he made me drink with black beans. now everything we did together is trendy.

vixnix 03-22-2019 08:29 AM

yeah, it's true. We would have had a lot more food if I'd shopped there. I shop at the regular store now. I went through an organic stage when we had our first baby. we ate practically nothing processed because we couldn't afford it. we basically just ate fruit and vegetables, oats, rice, lentils and a tiny bit of ground beef and some chicken wings each week. Maybe nuts and eggs if we could afford it.

I had all this paranoia about feeding our baby bad/unhealthy food. I'm over that now, mostly.

vixnix 03-22-2019 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4503701)
could've just gone to the regular store.

and i hate that we feel compelled to say shit like this. a well-off honkie called me "bougie" (god, what a stupid word and i bet they think it's real) for saying i like avocado on toast, but my poor-ass Mexican father with an 8th grade education ate avocado on toast and was a vegetarian. he also collected vinyl and books, was well-read and "into coffee", which he made me drink with black beans. now everything we did together is trendy.

Yeah my mum grew up in Samoa where they had an avocado tree, so she grew up eating them every day when they were in season. And mangoes. And hormone-free, free range pork. And wild pole and line caught fish. And organic fresh coconut water. People are fucking stupid

FoolofaTook 03-22-2019 08:44 AM

You know whose worse then trendies? Ppl who give a shit about what's trendy or not.

FoolofaTook 03-22-2019 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes (Post 4503698)
Not sure, as I haven't tasted him in a while...

i just got wet

FoolofaTook 03-22-2019 08:47 AM

which reminds me. i've developed some serious bladder issues. like i piss 20-30 times a day. it's pretty ridiculous. sometimes when i am out perambulating i really need to go. so i usually scurry off into this little forest area. yesterday i did that, but when i finished, i found out that i wasn't really finished (i was nervous ok) and spurted a nice generous stream of piss into my pants. stained the left pant leg real good and dark. so i had to walk back home with pissed pants.

i tried listening to metal but it didn't help.

Cool As Ice Cream 03-22-2019 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4503709)
which reminds me. i've developed some serious bladder issues. like i piss 20-30 times a day. it's pretty ridiculous. sometimes when i am out perambulating i really need to go. so i usually scurry off into this little forest area. yesterday i did that, but when i finished, i found out that i wasn't really finished (i was nervous ok) and spurted a nice generous stream of piss into my pants. stained the left pant leg real good and dark. so i had to walk back home with pissed pants.

i tried listening to metal but it didn't help.

go see a doctor?

FoolofaTook 03-22-2019 09:03 AM

i have no insurance?

FlamingGlobes 03-22-2019 09:21 AM

Excuses, excuses

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