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yo soy el mejor 02-08-2019 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Elphenor (Post 4497465)
gonna get a large mcd meal when it comes in

v sexual

cork_soaker 02-08-2019 01:51 PM

weekend plans?

here are mine:

smashingjj 02-08-2019 01:59 PM

typical cork soaker weekend plans

Mals Marola 02-08-2019 02:06 PM

v sexual

FoolofaTook 02-08-2019 02:27 PM

Cork "Quirky" Soaker

Elphenor 02-08-2019 08:22 PM

why is half this board now foolf and mals spamming in conjunction with each other

FoolofaTook 02-08-2019 08:33 PM

is there some sort of problem? you lookin' to start something?

Mals Marola 02-08-2019 08:33 PM

because it's the way GOD (Billy Corgan) willed it to be, you son of a bitch!

Mals Marola 02-08-2019 08:34 PM

feel free to contest us by way of spamming yer little third tier post-punk-pop jangle bands cos lord knows we could use a little healthy competition!

FoolofaTook 02-08-2019 08:39 PM

shit just one strum of a takeshi/wata downtuned power chord would blast all those bands into utter oblivion

Elphenor 02-08-2019 08:54 PM

case and point

buzzard 02-08-2019 08:56 PM

It does end up feeling a little like when Reggaeluv2000 was posting.

FoolofaTook 02-08-2019 09:02 PM

duovamp 02-08-2019 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4497431)
did somebody say leather?

Saw these cats at Ozzfest, same year Sabbath and Slayer played. Hell of a year. HELL OF A YEAR.

teh b0lly!!1 02-09-2019 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Elphenor (Post 4497556)
why is half this board now foolf and mals spamming in conjunction with each other

one of the main reasons this board is utterly unreadable these days

FoolofaTook 02-09-2019 09:24 AM


smashingjj 02-09-2019 12:15 PM

There is this band White Lies playing an instore ons of these days in my town. This reminded me of a certain poster, but i forgot who

smashingjj 02-09-2019 01:52 PM

I think White Lies compare very good to some other band I would not go see though

smashingjj 02-09-2019 02:52 PM

And yes, acknowledging memory loss hurts

smashingjj 02-09-2019 02:52 PM

I won't deny the pain

Mals Marola 02-09-2019 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 (Post 4497605)
one of the main reasons this board is utterly unreadable these days

don't make us unleash the unholy powers of Shallowed on you again

Shallowed 02-09-2019 05:50 PM


Mals Marola 02-09-2019 07:49 PM


teh b0lly!!1 02-09-2019 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Shallowed (Post 4497626)


Originally Posted by Mals Marola (Post 4497642)



buzzard 02-09-2019 09:53 PM

Do you need a chat invite to roll again amongst us?

It's a mostly conflict-free zone of late.

ilikeplanets 02-09-2019 10:12 PM

And ever so riveting

ilikeplanets 02-15-2019 01:18 PM

I had to stay in a hotel with my little moon last night, and she had quite the meltdown at bedtime. I was also pissed, for various reasons, so I put on the lullaby versions of the Pumpkins songs and we were both asleep before it was half finished. Cute.

smashingjj 02-15-2019 01:56 PM

I like planets

smashingjj 02-15-2019 01:57 PM

this is about a planet called Venus, one of the closest ones from my home planet, probably different when you're on planet murca

ilikeplanets 02-15-2019 04:45 PM

Venus is only my 6th favorite planet in our paltry solar system of 8. Needs work.

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