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topleybird 03-14-2019 12:40 PM

Similarly, I sometimes think about being in the background of other people's photos

You could be just a splotch way back, or you could be sitting right behind the subject on Splash Mountain

And someday, hey, there you are in a slideshow that person's family is playing at the funeral

yo soy el mejor 03-14-2019 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by cork_soaker (Post 4502781)
ever wonder who will be the last person alive to hold a memory of you in their mind?

ugh, yes!

Elphenor 03-14-2019 12:55 PM

as your heart yields to a slow stop and the darkness envelopes you in the long sleep your phone buzzes with one final Aladdin push notification

buzzard 03-14-2019 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by cork_soaker (Post 4502782)
it could be some kid you were standing next to at a bus stop one day, who, enamored by the pattern on your socks, looked up and inexplicably had the vision of your face imprinted into their brainstuff

and that decades after anyone who ever knew your name was gone, and the world had long since moved on — there you are, sitting like a pebble in the creekbed of this person’s memory

Do you have any writings that, if asked politely, you might be inclined to share?

Board posts don't count.

cork_soaker 03-14-2019 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by buzzard (Post 4502794)
Do you have any writings that, if asked politely, you might be inclined to share?

Board posts don't count.

that's kind of you; i can check the archives and see if there's anything that doesn't trigger an overwhelming desire to crawl into a hole — though admittedly i'm not too hopeful

cork_soaker 03-14-2019 04:15 PM

boy, it took just about every teaspoon of willpower to keep myself from pasting in the sonic johnny text

ovary 03-14-2019 09:08 PM

am i gay?

Mals Marola 03-14-2019 09:16 PM

very much so

reprise85 03-14-2019 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4502850)
am i gay?

can you have sex with your girlfriend?

LaBelle 03-14-2019 10:05 PM

ilikeplanets 03-14-2019 11:13 PM


ilikeplanets 03-14-2019 11:14 PM

it's a pointless venture, labelle. at least in my experience, and especially recently

redbreegull 03-14-2019 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4502850)
am i gay?

I don't think we can answer this for you

buzzard 03-15-2019 05:00 AM

How can this be a real quote from an Australian politician the same day that at least one Australian citizen contributes to the shooting deaths of at least forty-nine people in New Zealand?

"I am utterly opposed to any form of violence within our community, and I totally condemn the actions of the gunman. However, while this kind of violent vigilantism can never be justified, what it highlights is the growing fear within our community, both in Australia and New Zealand, of the increasing Muslim presence. As always, left-wing politicians and the media will rush to claim that the causes of today's shootings lie with gun laws or those who hold nationalist views but this is all clichéd nonsense. The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place."

buzzard 03-15-2019 05:01 AM


It's the fault of Muslim immigration in New Zealand that one or more Australians traveled to New Zealand to murder Muslims?

qwerty sp 03-15-2019 05:03 AM

Pray for NZ

vixnix 03-15-2019 05:49 AM

I’ve been puzzled by how everyone’s like “this is not us”

I mean technically

Ugh, nevermind

Fucking terrible

vixnix 03-15-2019 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by buzzard (Post 4502889)

It's the fault of Muslim immigration in New Zealand that one or more Australians traveled to New Zealand to murder Muslims?

I mean do we file this under “only in a Australia”, maybe?

Good grief

Fucking knob

smashingjj 03-15-2019 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by buzzard (Post 4502888)
How can this be a real quote from an Australian politician the same day that at least one Australian citizen contributes to the shooting deaths of at least forty-nine people in New Zealand?

"I am utterly opposed to any form of violence within our community, and I totally condemn the actions of the gunman. However, while this kind of violent vigilantism can never be justified, what it highlights is the growing fear within our community, both in Australia and New Zealand, of the increasing Muslim presence. As always, left-wing politicians and the media will rush to claim that the causes of today's shootings lie with gun laws or those who hold nationalist views but this is all clichéd nonsense. The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place."

Jesus Christ that is so vile

Who said that?

vixnix 03-15-2019 07:01 AM

That would be Australian Senator Fraser Anning

A special breed of Australian, hyper-racist, brain fried by the tropics, a literal redneck

smashingjj 03-15-2019 07:04 AM

like buzzard said: the same fucking day?

the message would be outrageous no matter when, but he's apparently blissfully unaware of concepts like basic decency?

vixnix 03-15-2019 07:09 AM

Yeah. Check out his twitter feed though. It really is the same bad xenophobic drivel day after day. I mean we’re the insane ones if we expect normal behaviour from a guy who publicly states that 99% European population of Australia in the 1970s has now decreased to 70% so we better do something about it

The man is not in full control of his facilities

This fact has been conveniently masked by the unfortunate fact that not many Queenslanders are

He’s been blending in quite easily

FoolofaTook 03-15-2019 07:18 AM

yo soy el mejor 03-15-2019 08:27 AM

got this msg from catty heel but i think it was for net4ia cause i sure as heck don't care. he thinks ur gonna miss him or something lol

I’m dealing with some stuff right now
Family stuff. It’s nothing against you. It’s just easier to not be on here while I’m dealing with stuff.

Mals Marola 03-15-2019 08:54 AM

there is a scene in modern cinematic classic The Hangover where Ed Helms says to Zack Galifinakis: "good to knooow" which i am constantly wanting at my disposal precisely for moments like these

FlamingGlobes 03-15-2019 01:55 PM

Well, what are you waiting for?

FlamingGlobes 03-15-2019 01:55 PM


FlamingGlobes 03-15-2019 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4502905)
got this msg from catty heel but i think it was for net4ia cause i sure as heck don't care. he thinks ur gonna miss him or something lol

I’m dealing with some stuff right now
Family stuff. It’s nothing against you. It’s just easier to not be on here while I’m dealing with stuff.

"My family Googled me to see what I've been up to and were horrified by the results".

topleybird 03-15-2019 02:53 PM

Disney just rehired James Gunn to direct Guardians of the Galaxy 3, adding an unexpected last-minute twist to a very bizarre tale

LaBelle 03-15-2019 03:55 PM

I bet they calculated exactly how long they should wait until rehiring him.
A timeframe that allowed people who were mad to stop being mad, mildly progressive Captain Marvel that made progressives happy and the end game trailer that has everyone hyped.

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