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Clench ur glutes
5:20 and I still haven't really left my bed.
And then I'll have to go back to work tomorrow and hate my job while thinking about how I had the chance to do stuff I actually like when I was at home, but didn't. I was just going to go out and practice doing some photography, but that would require going downstairs and passing by my mom and having to interact with her, and I'm too anxious to do that right now. |
and thanks took. was hoping for jimbo on a motorcycle lol ~~ Quote:
now i am going to learn drain you by nirvana. probably in drop d because i'm lazy |
@everlasting gaze
yeah i completely get that having to stay in my room thing. and hating going down when parents are home for ages and ages i couldn't play drums when other people were home cause i'd have to go downstairs then be loud and express myself and agh lately i've just been in bed on reddit or some shit |
haven't recorded a song since like april which is a big fucking F
2nd day in a row having toast topped with ricotta cheese and fried egg for breakfast. should have stuck to one toast and egg tho.
the other day we put broccoli and cooked chickpeas under the broiler for 4 minutes and then dolloped on some ricotta with lemon and olive oil and had it with toasted bread for dinner. y'all can steal that, if u want. i'm trying to do as little cooking as possible but with maximum returns. looking for that equilibrium. |
just applied to like 5 jobs. or, rather, tried. because half the fucking motherfucking pages break halfway thru and the other half don't even send a fucking confirmation email and i am going to die in the gutter and be happy about it
H E R A P Y D O E S N ' T W O R K |
You ever just wake up in the morning (or afternoon), try to brush your teeth, but then have to stop in order to alternate between balling/shaking your fists in rage and holding your face in your hands because you just hate the fact that you have to go through yet another day
but only every now & again! |
i'm still waiting to get back into some cool hobbies
Such as yelling at yourself in some kind of remorseful and semi-maniacal fit of rage and loathing?
yes, and painting. =]
i did invest a small sum of money in the stock market and it's proven to be a great distraction AND i made $60 since last week. it would be cool if i could make enough to pay for my school so it's like i got capitalism to pay for my schooling and i only put down $200. it's like gambling but no one frowns down on it. i peeped out my loan totals yesterday and also canceled my Chase account and am trying to get my money right which includes splitting my shit up and taking some risks with what i can safely lose without dying or starving. i moved everything from chase into an online bank that has a .65% interest on CHECKING (wow wow) and am going to open a money market account when my funds finish transferring. i timed this all wrong, tho, and i have NO access to money except the $75 in my paypal account, but that's to pay my bill. =[ classic! |
[IMG] 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAG4A5wMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABgcDBAUBAgj/xABGEAABAwMBBAYGBgcFCQAAAAABAAIDBAURBhIhMUEHE1FhcY EUIjKRobEVFiNSksEzQmJygsLRJUWTotIkRFNVc4Ok4vD/xAAZAQEAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAjEQEAAgICAgEFAQAAAAAAAAAAAQIDEQQxIUESBRMUYYEi/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwC8UREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQE REBERAK4WsL5Fp+xT1z8db7EDCM7ch9kY+PgCu47cFRfSPqL6e vr6enlDqGhcYowDnbk4Pf8Ayjz7V1cPj/kZYp69sc+X7dJlMuifUU1xop7Xcqh89bTHrGySH1pI3HOfInHh hWEF+bLRdZrJdaa5U7jtwPDizOOsZ+s3zHxwv0RabhT3W3wV9F IJKedgexwOd3Z+S2+o8WMGX/PUs+JmnLTz23ERF57qEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQER EBERARYTUwifqOtZ12Nrq9obWO3HYsoOUAjIwVVvS5aLZb7Tbp aC3UdLI+t2XPggawuHVvOCQFaR4KI9IunK7Utto6e3PgZLBUda eucWgjZc3kD2rfi3imatrT42yzVm2OYhXfRhRUlfqww19NBUxC kkcGTRh7c7TN+Crso6WmooWwUcEVPC3OzHEwMaPADcq+0Dom8W C/mvuMlGYvR3xgQSOccktPNo7FYEtZTw1EFPLK1s1QXCJhO9+Bk4 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MD1trl8ccFL/RoXEF7OsI4GQl5+K0qaxW6mrairip/tajHW7Ti4HHDAPDyws/y4a/YlFJbldaC5mgvVllpHbWGzMD5o3DtBa3ePDPgpi3S12c0Oa+hI IyMySD+VbbDNFvp6qoiPIdZtN9zshbjb7VUjQauKKaP70eWOHl vHxCvXkVszvimPOm/py1PtNE6KWRr5pZDJIW+zkgDA8gF1lo2u5w3OBs0LJGgjOHgLe WzIREQEREBERARF4TgEoPUyuBe9U0lokZHNDPI9/s7AGPmtEXy61kQkgbS0kRPE7UzyP8oB96pa8V7WrWbdJZkLDLW UsP6WphZj70gCiEkc1Qc1ldVzj7vWljfwswD55WKK3UUId1VJA wuzkiMZPmsZ5VfUNo48+0yZX0chxHVwOPYJAVsbQxnO5V3Raft lG2VkdPtxyn1mTOMjR4B2cLcjpvRyPQaiopNng2GU7H4DlvwUR ya+4ROCfUpxkL1RE3y6UEZknFPWQtIyd8TwPLIJ9y6tj1DTXph dTxTMLTgh4H5Fb1vFumVqzXt2URFdV//Z[/IMG]
Still liked that post better
that's actually secret internet code-talk for "I love cocks. I love mine as well. And i love my little farm"
I have thought about putting some of the money in a higher risk, higher reward portfolio for long-term investment. More risky investments are more volatile in the short run, but you're still expected to make money in the long term. Good for saving for retirement or something. I'd say it's not like gambling, because there is actual tangible information you can you to make educated predictions, whereas gambling is pure luck. Still, if I were picking my own stocks and bonds to make investments in, it would be gambling, because I'm not educated about investment decisions and I don't spend my time reading annual reports to know what companies are looking good. Some portfolio manager somewhere I've never met who presumably does know this shit handles that. |
![]() i was trying to post this actually tho i do love cocks. and my little ... farm. |
i signed up too and my free signup stock was a share of a shitty energy company. i sold it and now i don't know what to do. maybe i'll cash out and buy a pizza puff
I made $40 performing a same-sex marriage today.
Usually I perform same-sex stuff in the tub. And for free. But this was a special occasion.
Well you can have this lap dance here for free
clench ur glutes
naw big slim dogg |
clench ur globes
![]() |
Who gave that picture to you?!
If you have never mimicked brushing off dandruff from your hair just like Ranveer Singh did in the Tattad Tattad song, you cannot call yourself his fan. Ranveer, who has garnered million fans since Sanjay Leela Bhansali's film Goliyon Ki Raasleela: Ram Leela in 2013, met Hollywood actor Will Smith for a reality show called Bucket List.
Will, who was recently in India for his brand new show, knocked a few ''to-do'' things off his bucket list. Learning about Bollywood songs from the Padmaavat actor was one of them. Talking about different elements in a typical Hindi song, Ranveer informed Will that when songs are shot in Bollywood films, it is more like a "carnival". Citing the example of his own song Tattad Tattad from Goliyon Ki Raasleela: Ram Leela, he showed the video and explained to Will how ''hero ki entry'' works in Bollywood. Reacting to Ranveer's entry, Will laughed and said, ''I so want to do stuff like that.'' Later in the video, a woman literally swoons when Ranveer does the pelvic thrust. Seeing this, Will shared a good laugh with him and learnt the steps - ''Bang Bang, Shimmy Shimmy Shimmy Shimmy, Bang. Lady Goes Down''. ''I am doing that, I am definitely doing that, '' Will said after watching Ranveer's performance in the song. Talking about Bollywood, Ranveer also told Will Smith that ''a traditional Hindi film, if it is good, people will say it is PAISA VASOOL''. He further said, ''A Bollywood film is like an all-in-one thali packed with all you want to watch---drama, romance, action, comedy with a pinch of songs and dance.'' Well, it seems like Will's trip to India was a ''full paisa vasool''. Starring Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, Goliyon Ki Rasleela: Ram Leela was directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The film was a modern adaptation of WIlliam Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and was released in 2013. On the work front, Ranveer is currently prepping for Kabir Khan's 83, which tells the story of the Indian cricket team's victory in the World Cup in 1983. |
yo, i felt a little crummy having to call the cops on a person today, but he was hitting a woman in broad daylight against the side of a building. saw her getting choked as we were walking perpendicular to him from behind and noticed passengers in a vehicle and city workers watching, too. i think the woman in the vehicle called the cops, too, cause she stayed parked until they came.
since i was outside and walking with tim, i yelled 'HEY. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STOP HITTING HER." by that point he was aggressively flipped up her hat and nudging his shoulder into her and pushing her in the chest into the wall. he told me to get walking or he was gonna fuck me up. i didn't say anything else but i didn't go away and called the police and waited for them, too. but then i saw the police let them walk off and he and the girl went down an alley. i was like WTF he's just gonna go beat her somewhere else so i ran up to the police and asked what happened. they said that the couple told them nothing had happened and everything was cool. i told them i saw her getting choked and that when i yelled at him to stop, he threatened me and i wasn't able to intervene at all and was afraid he was going to hurt her. they asked if i wanted to file a complaint and i said fuck yes (reluctantly, sort of---lot to consider), so they radioed other cops to pick up the dude. i could tell the girl was pissed, but i am not about to let that go. i ignore selling loose squares, smoking, loud music and other noises (i.e fireworks, late night parties), and lots of other ostensibly innocuous shit, but doing that to a woman in broad daylight? WTF does he do in private? |
Skin colour?
i'm like a toasted beige but maybe a burnt almond at my tannest
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