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teh b0lly!!1 08-21-2020 02:55 AM

if you go to the dell forums there's some Justin who literally goes something like "I'm sorry to hear your Dell machine has not performed to your liking, if you would like to return it we would refund you".

more on the outlier among pc boosting enthusiasts, i dug up some long ass guides detailing how to address the problems, which basically means reverse engineering Dell's product for them. so far i've undervolted my CPU/GPU (which was a hassle in and of itself thanks to Dell sneaking some shitty BIOS update that totally unnecessarily prevented the user from doing so), and my next steps will be repasting and also adding thermal pads in strategic locations under the hood to improve airflow and heat transference from components that are prone to overheat.

if i address this from a positive angle, it's been sort of enjoyable to figure this stuff out and beating the challenge. but there's no excuse for how incredibly sloppy this design is, both on the software and hardware ends. totally unacceptable from a big company like dell, especially charging top dollar. i don't splurge often at all on this type of stuff and spent months researching models, only to still be dealing with this crap.

cork_soaker 08-21-2020 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 (Post 4556245)
under the hood

was just about to recommend taking it apart

in these types of situations, i think you have to take it apart

buzzard 08-21-2020 08:21 PM

After years of taking things apart, I realized it wasnt "bullet agate."

ovary 08-21-2020 08:26 PM

you spent months researching to splurge on a top of the line laptop...

and then you bought a dell?

teh b0lly!!1 08-22-2020 12:22 AM

lol true true

teh b0lly!!1 08-22-2020 12:26 AM

i'm just so repulsed by laptops that are geared towards gaming. why must they make them so god damn obnoxious? unfortunately, dell was pretty much the only elegant design around that packed power and didn't look like an action figure

Ram27 08-22-2020 12:35 AM

holy shit i totally agree

i feel the same way about cars // pickup trucks - they're so obnoxious

that being said i have macs and a tesla so

teh b0lly!!1 08-22-2020 12:44 AM

actually you could say most of my time went into research how not to buy a del but eventually i concluded that i have no choice except to buy a del

stil disapointed

buzzard 08-22-2020 02:19 AM

Anybody who knows anything about gaming knows you absolutely need the following three things:
- an AMD processor
- plenty of RAM
- red or green neon case lighting

reprise85 08-22-2020 02:26 PM

gaming laptops are one of the only things you should buy an extended warranty for

according to my friend, who owns a computer repair shop

something will always break, often overheating starts without a clear source

my dell workstation laptop gets hot as fuck, i have to use a cooling pad when i play games. but i'm going to get a desktop computer for work and gaming soon so i'm just dealing with it right now. i re-pasted everything, got a new fan, fresh install, etc

buzzard 08-22-2020 08:16 PM

Prison guards are going to have the time of their lives with the Full House puns as Lori Loughlin (along with even less famous people) head off for their semester inside.

hnibos 08-25-2020 02:24 PM

I'm running away to New Mexico on Monday

Ram27 08-25-2020 02:31 PM

i'm a fucking idiot. been drinking like a fucking moron the last three days. i called off work today - at least i'm learning!

i'm not functional enough to know anything rn. i wanna m*sturbate to barely sexy pics of my friend.

bet $100 on the astros. fucking cheaters better come thru for me

but if you don't mind sending me jimmy videos, it's probably best i masturbate to those instead


We don't believe in drum solos. If you want to watch somebody masturbate go to a...something. Jimmy will masturbate on the bus later. We don't do drum solos, what kind of English do you want me to say it in? [Spanish] No drum-o solos. [German] Neine sprechen the drum. [Spanish] This is our last "selecion", thank you very much for coming. We hope the rest of your acid trip goes as well.

teh b0lly!!1 08-26-2020 02:50 AM

update: repasted and applied thermal pads.

fairly dramatic and noticeable difference! i'm getting nearly 25 celsius degrees less than before on idle, and notably better performance under stress. not gonna lie, pretty pleased at the moment.

cork_soaker 08-26-2020 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by hnibos (Post 4556631)
I'm running away to New Mexico on Monday

all the way from alaska?

cork_soaker 08-26-2020 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 (Post 4556762)
update: repasted and applied thermal pads.

fairly dramatic and noticeable difference! i'm getting nearly 25 celsius degrees less than before on idle, and notably better performance under stress. not gonna lie, pretty pleased at the moment.

excellent news!

now you can finally start thinking about your sound card.

cork_soaker 08-26-2020 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4556384)
overheating starts without a clear source

i’m not a computer doctor, but it seems quite obvious the heat is generated by all the furious gaming

smashingjj 08-26-2020 10:59 AM


yo soy el mejor 08-26-2020 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4556384)
gaming laptops are one of the only things you should buy an extended warranty for

according to my friend, who owns a computer repair shop

something will always break, often overheating starts without a clear source

my dell workstation laptop gets hot as fuck, i have to use a cooling pad when i play games. but i'm going to get a desktop computer for work and gaming soon so i'm just dealing with it right now. i re-pasted everything, got a new fan, fresh install, etc

splurging on something so prone to breakage that gets carried and jostled around seems like a super bad and not smart idea. plus, carrying something so expensive in public?! i'd want avoid that sort of unwanted attention.

my microsoft surface has served me well for the last couple years (for general internet stuff, lots of typing, and moderate usage of things like excel, photoshop, recording), but when i finish grad school, i am going to treat myself to a gaming desktop although it might be hard to pull the trigger. i dabbled in gaming for pc, but in my experience, the people around who played were also good at building, soldering, and fixing their own computers---i'm not, but i'd like to be.

the people who could afford it just bought alienware computers and souped those up with fancy hardware. although i just checked and dell purchased Alienware in 2006 "in a rare acquisition designed to improve Alienware's supply chain and boost Dell's standing among PC enthusiasts" lol

yo soy el mejor 08-26-2020 12:16 PM

as of today, my stock investment from june 23rd has risen 110%

gonna pay off my student loans in no time and still have money left over for a car and plot of land


reprise85 08-26-2020 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4556796)
splurging on something so prone to breakage that gets carried and jostled around seems like a super bad and not smart idea. plus, carrying something so expensive in public?! i'd want avoid that sort of unwanted attention.

my microsoft surface has served me well for the last couple years (for general internet stuff, lots of typing, and moderate usage of things like excel, photoshop, recording), but when i finish grad school, i am going to treat myself to a gaming desktop although it might be hard to pull the trigger. i dabbled in gaming for pc, but in my experience, the people around who played were also good at building, soldering, and fixing their own computers---i'm not, but i'd like to be.

the people who could afford it just bought alienware computers and souped those up with fancy hardware. although i just checked and dell purchased Alienware in 2006 "in a rare acquisition designed to improve Alienware's supply chain and boost Dell's standing among PC enthusiasts" lol

I think a laptop (or tablet) is pretty essential at this point and understand why people wouldn't want to own two different computers. Also in my last place I had no room for a desk. So I get it for those reasons, but yeah I agree generally it's a bad idea. Although I was able to use this laptop for light gaming for a while and it's still pretty snappy (besides the overheating problem) and was only $330 used (mobile workstation with a dock). And I like playing games while laying down in bed too. I'll probably end up getting a new laptop in the next couple years and will still want to be able to at least play older games on it. I did just get an Amazon Fire HD for books/video too ($60). I'm trying to stay out of my bed more.

If I really wanted to do new games on a laptop I'd get it included in my renter's insurance policy (some cover things stolen even when not in your house) and get the warranty. No way I'd get a $1200+ laptop without both of those protections, especially if I planned on traveling with it a lot.

MplsTaper 08-26-2020 04:09 PM

Bud Light Seltzer looks to hire 'Chief Meme Officer' :banging:

teh b0lly!!1 08-26-2020 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by smashingjj (Post 4556794)

thank you

buzzard 08-27-2020 12:24 AM

In today's news, the Australian terrorist that murdered fifty-one people in a New Zealand mosque in March 2019 has just been sentenced to spend the remainder of his natural life in jail, apparently making it the first time a sentence of that magnitude has been issued down this way.

reprise85 08-27-2020 01:05 AM

the guy who live streamed it like it was call of duty?

reprise85 08-27-2020 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by MplsTaper (Post 4556843)
Bud Light Seltzer looks to hire 'Chief Meme Officer' :banging:

roses are red
bud light is bad

that's it that's the whole thing

LaBelle 08-27-2020 01:14 AM

I'll never live in tokyo and i'll never get to die in mexico

teh b0lly!!1 08-27-2020 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by smashingjj (Post 4556794)

you know why the laptop is better now?

cause i gave it thermal aids

ok bye

buzzard 08-27-2020 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4556899)
the guy who live streamed it like it was call of duty?

Yeah, he seemed to completely abandon whatever plan he must have had for turning the courtroom into some sort of platform when he fired his legal team and elected to represent himself. In the end, he declined the offer to speak with a simple, "No, thank you."

yo soy el mejor 08-27-2020 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by buzzard (Post 4556895)
In today's news, the Australian terrorist that murdered fifty-one people in a New Zealand mosque in March 2019 has just been sentenced to spend the remainder of his natural life in jail, apparently making it the first time a sentence of that magnitude has been issued down this way.

what kind of civilized society doesn't have the death penalty?


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