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Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4501798)
sexual harassment will get you banned CW just a warning, probably your last.

You have even less social cues and skills than DK to not see that she’s playing along. You truly deserve to be here and remain here for rest of your life

ilikeplanets 03-09-2019 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4501798)
sexual harassment will get you banned CW just a warning, probably your last.

plz do it, and i don't ever say that. bring back fuzzy and even TOC before letting this asswipe stay.

Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 02:54 AM

Then ban her also. Because she’s a mischief maker as much as me. Living in the swamp as much as me. I love to see how this goes. If justice exists or loonies truly are running the asylum

Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 02:56 AM

Your little bizarro world club here is threatened by logic and reasoning
Hate to turn every conversation on here into a lesson on how to lighten up and not be a hypocrite

reprise85 03-09-2019 02:59 AM

doing laundry at 2am so i can sleep late tomorrow thisis33

reprise85 03-09-2019 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by Catherine Wheel (Post 4501805)
Your little bizarro world club here is threatened by logic and reasoning

i know you're autistic and i have a good friend who is also autistic. he has about 10x the social intelligence you do. i feel sorry for you that you'll never have real connection with anybody, but you're also an asshole and deserve what you get. you have misinterpreted basically everything going on on this forum and you have zero clue. it's quite amazing

reprise85 03-09-2019 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by Catherine Wheel (Post 4501802)
You truly deserve to be here and remain here for rest of your life

is this supposed to be an insult. oh no! i hope you get to stay where you like to be. i'm crushed.

Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 03:07 AM

Youre projecting Erica. I’m a mellow extrovert. Entp or entj

Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 03:09 AM

I wouldn’t expect you to be able to read that I’m a mellow extrovert seeing as how you have split personality ptsd and clinical depression. That’s all of it right?

Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 03:14 AM

Erica you yourself said in some thread last year “see where that narcissism gets you” you don’t even have right to be a mod here you are so mentally impaired and forgetful of your own words

reprise85 03-09-2019 03:17 AM

i'm sooo mentally unhinged you're right

go to bed

reprise85 03-09-2019 03:20 AM

one last comment

split personality is not a diagnosis
myers briggs is bullshit pop psychology (but not worse than your bullshit)
i don't see how you can assume i forgot about posting that, i certainly didn't

stop harassing DK and yo soy pls thanks

Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 03:22 AM

Every time these threads are derailed it’s because of this Netphoria self preservation thing. Just remember that. You and others need to preserve your way of life on here where everything is backwards

reprise85 03-09-2019 03:24 AM

you're going to get banned and until you do i will start editing posts with you harassing people. fair warning.

Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 03:25 AM

I don’t harass dk. I just kind of put him in his place sometimes . If you truly call this playful stuff between me and soy sauce harassment you are so far gone. But I always kind of knew you were so far gone

Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 03:28 AM

But you don’t seem to know yourself that you are so far gone. You are clinging onto this hope or idea that you aren’t. Jesus why they let you be a mod with all of your issues?

reprise85 03-09-2019 03:35 AM


i never requested mod status. i was asked to be a mod because people trust my judgement and sense of fairness. but of course you know the truth and everyone else is blinded by my... charm?

i'm not going to keep replying, have a good night

Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 03:35 AM

You know if you don’t ban her as well this becomes a case of sexism and making her seem like a victim cus she’s a female. She never presents herself as a victim. She presents herself on here as a sexually Agressive mischievous woman. Which is funny cus that’s like the opposite of you.

Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 03:54 AM

Erica you are = loonies running the asylum. You are actually living proof of that. So there is no doubt about it. So of course Netphoria doesn’t make any sense

smashingjj 03-09-2019 04:01 AM

Cool, that was it then, finally. Good luck with the overwhelming success of yr typology

Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 04:07 AM

You’re doing me a favor linking this. Cus all these threads are just lessons learned. You know all these threads are just lessons learned? Or soy sauce being a shorter Typology groupie? One or the other

Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 04:13 AM

In every one of those threads you link there is either a lesson learned or she’s acting like a groupie

vixnix 03-09-2019 04:13 AM

That’s Mrs Soy Sauce to you

vixnix 03-09-2019 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by Run To Me (Post 4501787)
F it, drop out if u wanna, i'd back that

The internets big and wide enough frankly i'm astonished u aren't already eschewed the formal educations in favor of getting click rev off some hit essays

Your writings like, friekin pretty good, right? As good as anyone on this board?

That’s very kind of you and I wish that was true

Maybe we should do this writing thing together, good cop -bad cop style...

Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 04:26 AM

That’s all Netphoria is at this point. Lessons being learned or her borderline stalking me or egging me on in a obsessive groupie sort of way

Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 04:50 AM

I’m going to say this from a purely clinical standpoint : I truly do believe and suspect that when she is on here she is sometimes not always drinking and also sometimes touching herself. I definitely get that impression.

smashingjj 03-09-2019 05:35 AM

doesn't sound too clinical

Disco King 03-09-2019 06:41 AM

"I am a mellow extrovert" kinda sounds like "I am a very stable genius."


Originally Posted by Catherine Wheel (Post 4501828)
I’m going to say this from a purely clinical standpoint : I truly do believe and suspect that when she is on here she is sometimes not always drinking and also sometimes touching herself. I definitely get that impression.

I do believe and suspect that when you are on here, you are huffing paint and eating crayons.

pavementtune 03-09-2019 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Catherine Wheel (Post 4501828)
I’m going to say this from a purely clinical standpoint : I truly do believe and suspect that when she is on here she is sometimes not always drinking and also sometimes touching herself. I definitely get that impression.

when Cathy is right, he's right. I feel intoxicated reading this, and yea, you could interpret what I'm doing - from a clinical standpoint - as touching myself

smashingjj 03-09-2019 09:19 AM

Let's all clinically touch ourselves

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