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run2pee 04-16-2021 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4578064)
trying to apply for college, ram27 resume the pose tour 2021, and there's this smarmy ass horseshit fucking question

i mean how does high octane suicidal sound? fuck you

Those dicks

God i hate forms

Hey human come over here so we can put u in tidy little box or several

run2pee 04-16-2021 09:17 AM

Is there at least an essay section? Could be a good idea to just let em have it in the essay. Show em you’re a special man, not just some boring boy

smashingjj 04-16-2021 09:37 AM

As a wise man once said:
"If someone builds a tree, it will bring him good luck, wealth and imagination, and he will wait until he is completely depressed."

Ram27 04-16-2021 10:57 AM

hahaha maybe it's time to let the god complex die

i mean i did cobble something together about mental health. applied for media and public affairs. luckily once i put that in it just asked me my username on any pre-2000 BBS forum

Shallowed 04-16-2021 01:29 PM

reprise85 04-16-2021 02:13 PM

Caring for an ill person. Don't have to mention it was yourself.

I had an F in Gen Psych in my first semester (as my only grade) that I could not get off my transcript (I left because I went inpatient), even though the grade got forgiven and I had a 4.0 GPA. Made for an easy way to start a personal essay in the end but man did it grind my gears.

Not that I ended up going to grad school, but it did get me a scholarship went I went from Community College to University.

Ram27 04-16-2021 09:29 PM

nice! yeah i got all my grades from my last semester forgiven. i haven't even looked at my transcript but my GPA is still a 3.whatever. the application was really pretty chill, like, what type of degree do you want, what major, pick from the dropdown menu, submit

ovary 04-16-2021 09:50 PM

y'all amateurs--gotta grab them Ws before ya have ya nervous breakdown like i did

reprise85 04-17-2021 01:34 AM

yeah i was too messed up to know wtf was going on in my life at that time

vixnix 04-22-2021 01:51 AM

I think I’ve had enough of being a working parent for now

Would be great to be able to just hit a pause button, and spend some time alone, working on my novel and batch cooking

I feel like the combination of working and parenting leaves not enough minutes for anything. I’m not a good worker, and I’m not a good parent. I’m just...a failure

Maybe I’m just one good organiser app away from success

vixnix 04-22-2021 01:54 AM

Thinking about starting a YouTube channel/podcast for parents who return to full time work after an extended period as full time home makers

It will be called welcome to the bungle

ilikeplanets 11-10-2021 07:54 PM

I guess I'm getting to the age where everyone looks young to me. I had a meeting with my kid's teacher and her boss today, and I couldn't believe how young they are. Same with medical professionals, management, etc. How are they so young and so in charge?!

yo soy el mejor 11-10-2021 08:58 PM

i feel the same when i see a good-looking young man and think what a handsome kid! without being attracted to them in any meaningful way

Disco King 11-10-2021 09:31 PM

I think that's one thing that it's definitely more acceptable for women to do than men: comment on the attractiveness of kids in a totally non-sexual way without people thinking that you want to fuck that kid. I feel weird about publicly acknowledging that a seven-year-old is handsome or pretty or cute or something, because people would probably assume I mean "cute" in a "I'm sexually/romantically attracted to that" sort of way, like some creepy old uncle.

I mean, I understand why we have the double-standard. Most predators are men, so it's pretty natural to be less suspicious of women. I'm not really complaining about the double-standard, because it's not like I have a burning desire to comment on kids appearances, anyway (other sorts of compliments are probably better for their self-esteem). With most double-standards favouring my gender, I'm sure I can cope with the few that don't. I guess I'm just pointing out it exists for the sake of conversation because I'm procrastinating on my homework.

yo soy el mejor 11-10-2021 09:37 PM

the double-standard also hides the fact that plenty of predators ARE women. i also must say it chaps my hide that it's with regularity people talk about there needing to be more women CEOs and junk but not about the fact there are hardly any men who teach kindergarten or work in a daycare (or any sector historically and predominantly made-up of women). many want to be 'progressive' only when it serves capitalistic and/or patriarchal standards

i would never just tell a kid 'hey, you're a good-looking kid' but i might tell my neighbor i like the colors she picked out for her outfit or that i like the way her hair matches her backpack...i guess that is different, though, but i did see a boy who looked so much like my little brother i was inclined to tell him he was "very handsome" while adding he reminded me of my little bro.

procrastination in moderation

ilikeplanets 11-10-2021 09:41 PM

I am never actually attracted in a serious way to anyone more than 5 years my junior, and that's pushing it. I can definitely acknowledge when people have attractive features, but have no sexual desire towards anyone that has an immature manner of speaking/has college freshman vibes. I have no idea how people that are 50 can have sex with a barely 18 year old. Obviously many, MANY do, but I definitely get uncomfortable thinking about it.

yo soy el mejor 11-10-2021 09:44 PM

if i were old and single (plus rich), i'd just pay a young man to let me pinch his cheeks

not those cheeks

ilikeplanets 11-10-2021 09:45 PM

Maybe I'm just needlessly complicating it, but anyone that young can just garner aesthetic appreciation from me, and not actual sexual desire. There's a line there that I don't/can't cross.

Dogfighter28 11-10-2021 10:25 PM

Currently chatting with a lady 7 years older than me. Is this a fetish?

yo soy el mejor 11-10-2021 10:40 PM

for her or you? a 7-year gap at your age (higher or lower) is nbd at this point! go on with your bad self

Dogfighter28 11-10-2021 11:27 PM

She’s got a real Yelena Yemchuk vibe

reprise85 11-10-2021 11:39 PM

When I first started working at a grocery store when I was like 26ish there was a good looking bagger who I thought was around 21-22, and I found out he was 16 and it's just an automatic turn to non-attraction. Now anyone under about 25 seems really young to me generally. I'm sure there are exceptions, but yeah, under 25 just looks like a kid to me at this point (I'm 36).

Ram27 12-07-2021 03:35 PM

i am eternally sad and always will be

i went to this recovery group at my university - which i thought would be cool cause it's people my age going thru the same thing [addiction + uni]

it made me feel 100000x worse. there were 3 other people, really chatty extroverted girls who were all friends [and hell even if they weren't they'd get along in 10 seconds]. i must've said 2% of the words in the hour. it wasn't even really about coping or recovery or anything for most of it, they were just talking about nothing! just going on and on about whatever the fuck.

i feel like a fucking alien. a broken one, too, not even a cool one that gets to go on the spaceship. they were polite or whatever but i felt this pervasive sense of not belonging, which is why i drink anyway. i feel so so so much more depressed than i did this morning

end me

like i have not felt this depressed or wanted to cry this much in a good while

gonna listen to midwife and hopefully cry cause at least that's cathartic. but it's been 1.5 hrs and i'm feeling more and more numb and dead inside than emotional.


i am so clearly not good enough for the world since the world is all chatty people showing off that they're chatty

reprise85 12-07-2021 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4587639)
i am eternally sad and always will be

i went to this recovery group at my university - which i thought would be cool cause it's people my age going thru the same thing [addiction + uni]

it made me feel 100000x worse. there were 3 other people, really chatty extroverted girls who were all friends [and hell even if they weren't they'd get along in 10 seconds]. i must've said 2% of the words in the hour. it wasn't even really about coping or recovery or anything for most of it, they were just talking about nothing! just going on and on about whatever the fuck.

i feel like a fucking alien. a broken one, too, not even a cool one that gets to go on the spaceship. they were polite or whatever but i felt this pervasive sense of not belonging, which is why i drink anyway. i feel so so so much more depressed than i did this morning

end me

like i have not felt this depressed or wanted to cry this much in a good while

gonna listen to midwife and hopefully cry cause at least that's cathartic. but it's been 1.5 hrs and i'm feeling more and more numb and dead inside than emotional.


i am so clearly not good enough for the world since the world is all chatty people showing off that they're chatty

i feel you man. that just wasn't your group. nothing wrong with you. why are they getting together for a recovery meeting if they are just going to talk like they're at a coffee shop?

are there any in person SMART meetings near you? SMART is the shit

run2pee 12-07-2021 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4587639)
i am eternally sad and always will be

i went to this recovery group at my university - which i thought would be cool cause it's people my age going thru the same thing [addiction + uni]

it made me feel 100000x worse. there were 3 other people, really chatty extroverted girls who were all friends [and hell even if they weren't they'd get along in 10 seconds]. i must've said 2% of the words in the hour. it wasn't even really about coping or recovery or anything for most of it, they were just talking about nothing! just going on and on about whatever the fuck.

i feel like a fucking alien. a broken one, too, not even a cool one that gets to go on the spaceship. they were polite or whatever but i felt this pervasive sense of not belonging, which is why i drink anyway. i feel so so so much more depressed than i did this morning

end me

like i have not felt this depressed or wanted to cry this much in a good while

gonna listen to midwife and hopefully cry cause at least that's cathartic. but it's been 1.5 hrs and i'm feeling more and more numb and dead inside than emotional.


i am so clearly not good enough for the world since the world is all chatty people showing off that they're chatty

Try a smart mtg.

They have them all day. Everyone is serious and there’s a lot of honesty and brutal shares. It feels good. And the program itself is excellent imo

run2pee 12-07-2021 11:12 PM

Also im sorry Ram that fucken sucks

My own life has bottomed out severely but u know whats weird is my depression and mood swings aren’t as bad (they’re bad but im not getting cops called for suicide threats or spending $1000s while manic etc) there are some vague lights in the cloudcover etc not sure what it is. But for the addiction shit smart has helped, there is some camaraderie there that is also probably good for the brian

Elphenor 12-08-2021 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4587639)
i am eternally sad and always will be

i went to this recovery group at my university - which i thought would be cool cause it's people my age going thru the same thing [addiction + uni]

it made me feel 100000x worse. there were 3 other people, really chatty extroverted girls who were all friends [and hell even if they weren't they'd get along in 10 seconds]. i must've said 2% of the words in the hour. it wasn't even really about coping or recovery or anything for most of it, they were just talking about nothing! just going on and on about whatever the fuck.

i feel like a fucking alien. a broken one, too, not even a cool one that gets to go on the spaceship. they were polite or whatever but i felt this pervasive sense of not belonging, which is why i drink anyway. i feel so so so much more depressed than i did this morning

end me

like i have not felt this depressed or wanted to cry this much in a good while

gonna listen to midwife and hopefully cry cause at least that's cathartic. but it's been 1.5 hrs and i'm feeling more and more numb and dead inside than emotional.


i am so clearly not good enough for the world since the world is all chatty people showing off that they're chatty

Do you desire to chat more, but can't find it in yourself?

often I feel like I just don't know what to say

Elphenor 12-08-2021 05:34 PM

everyone tells you I guess, but drinking is sure one lousy way to deal with any of this, expensive and can make u fat too

Ram27 12-09-2021 06:18 AM

hey hey, thanks so much for the support guys!

deadass one woman was talking about how she was an exhibitionist and showed everyone [but me] "tasteful" [her words] nudes. what. the. fuck.


i really want to do SMART but my issue is that they're way more sparse than AA. plus the whole in person/online stuff is fucked and perhaps inaccurate cause of covid shite. like you can't trust what it says online anymore cause everything is so transient

like, i went to one 10 minutes away a few years back, it was pretty good. now i'm looking at the page for it and it says fuckin

w h a t. this would be perfect if it was in person cause i feel like i need to be in a room with others for this stuff -- and i feel awkward talking over zoom -- but i have no idea....what the status is

Ram27 12-09-2021 06:21 AM

might just force myself to try it online i guess.


i definitely do; i hate being introverted and quiet -- it seems like everyone else can think of something to say to keep the conversation flowing really easy and i just....stall when i'm with others

when i am chatting about SP stuff i am golden. 68% sure i am autistic and it is my special interest.

[and tbh no matter what the topic was irl i'd stall no matter what]

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