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FlamingGlobes 12-12-2019 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4524187)
yes, you're great! high five!

yo soy el mejor 12-12-2019 08:24 AM

bill withers is dead, ya l'il jerk!

FlamingGlobes 12-12-2019 08:26 AM

Confirmed itt: yo soy also poops before work.

FlamingGlobes 12-12-2019 08:26 AM

yo soy el mejor 12-12-2019 08:29 AM


yo soy el mejor 12-12-2019 08:31 AM

speaking of commodes....

Disco King 12-12-2019 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes (Post 4524196)
Confirmed itt: yo soy also poops before work.

My boss makes a dollar, I make a dime
That's why I shit on company time

What what

Elphenor 12-12-2019 11:17 AM

I should have been in a position where the A was solid but with the whole day in the slammer in Austin and all I missed a quiz earlier in the semester that I couldn't make up

Elphenor 12-12-2019 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4524217)
My boss makes a dollar, I make a dime
That's why I shit on company time

What what

everytime I hear this I die a little inside

FoolofaTook 12-12-2019 11:42 AM

wait why did you go to jail?

FlamingGlobes 12-12-2019 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Elphenor (Post 4524218)
I should have been in a position where the A was solid

Try the Squatty Potty next time.

Elphenor 12-13-2019 08:20 PM

it was rounded up

maintain my 4.0

math was my weakest subject and I did it whoo!

that's the last math class I'll ever have to take

FoolofaTook 12-13-2019 08:51 PM

sweet. turned out even better than i thought.

FlamingGlobes 12-14-2019 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4524324)
sweet. turned out even better than i thought.

So you tried the Squatty Potty?

FoolofaTook 12-14-2019 09:51 AM

Tried? Fool, all I do is squat and potty.

FlamingGlobes 12-14-2019 10:27 AM

*squat and pott

FlamingGlobes 12-14-2019 10:28 AM

*squat and poot

topleybird 12-19-2019 05:18 PM

The Maya she's standing with is a woman who made transphobic remarks online and got fired from her job because of it, then whipped up some media frenzy/crowdsourced money about it, and has just lost her case against her former employers in court

Rowling's long been suspected of being a TERF, as she follows several of them and has tweeted some of their less controversial remarks, but she's always dodged the question when asked directly about her beliefs

I don't know exactly what's "not a drill" but it may have something to do with the trans cabal's plan to molest one million children in public bathrooms on Christmas

Eulogy 12-19-2019 08:06 PM

Such a weird hill to die on.


Does anyone know anything about ransomware

FlamingGlobes 12-19-2019 11:36 PM

No. Is it a Harry Potter spinoff?

FlamingGlobes 12-19-2019 11:37 PM

Harry Potter and the Curse of the P2P Pornhub Shadow Ring

yo soy el mejor 12-20-2019 02:19 PM

check out that weird hill!

vixnix 12-20-2019 02:39 PM

Would be great if instead of this stuff women expressed beliefs about how things like unaffordable sanitary supplies to manage menstruation, and the large bulk of unpaid caring being done by women, contribute to intersectional poverty but whatever what do I know. Maybe JK Rowling has used her platform to talk about that too, and I just haven’t noticed the waves of response rippling through my echo chamber yet

vixnix 12-20-2019 02:40 PM

I just love it when people care about the real issues that affect the billions of women in the world, like whether or not they are in fact women. A++ effort, rich girls in the developed world. Keep up the good work

Eulogy 12-20-2019 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Eulogy (Post 4524897)
Such a weird hill to die on.


Does anyone know anything about ransomware

No but really does anyone

Ram27 12-20-2019 09:37 PM

I played the most perfect Jellybelly tonight except for the part where I dropped like 4 sticks and like...couldn't syncopate singles so there were just weird flam things inside the rolls

I say perfect in that I could tell that I'd warmed up enough and felt comfortable playing the fast stuff at tempo to the point where if I didn't fuck up basic shit I would've played it great


FoolofaTook 12-20-2019 11:45 PM


how perfect could it be if the cops weren't involved?

yo soy el mejor 12-22-2019 03:05 AM

I took a restorative justice class inside of a prison as a part of an "inside-out" program. and on our last day, which was a ceremony, an inside student named alan shared a poem with the class he had written while taking it. someone today was just able to share it again via email and i thought it was worth sharing, too, since they aren't heard by a lot of people. i'd also recommend reading an essay called "prison is not just a place". i only found it on google books, which i can't copy.:

I was told to take a deep breath
To settle what’s within

So I’ll inhale my blessings and exhale my sins

It’s this big ongoing thing
A war between black and white

Hating someone because of their skin color
just isn’t how I live my life

We need to figure out solutions
To evil’s overpowering pollution

I need to alert the masses to join the fight to be brave

Before they’re slaughtered on site
And end up in massive graves

Black and Brown boys captured
Thrown in the pits of these open tombs

Confusion exploding in their heads like
the sounds of a loud boom

Heart racing, panic attacks, breathing unsteady
striped from the world prematurely
he wasn’t ready

Falsely accused, mentally and physically abused
thrown in in jail without the option to refuse

Put me on the stand allow me to speak up for my life

How does one defend a designed injustice
when being wronged is the new right

Poverty, confusion, violence and abuse
Hope is like dreams in my head it has no real use

Reality can be so harsh that I’d rather stay sleep
Because at least when I dream
I’m not within the belly of the best

What’s the reason for this madness
Children dying in the streets is an
Overwhelming sadness

They put us on the terror list
Profiling us to the extreme
Calling us terrorists

Sometimes it can be too much to bear
Struggling with life with no room for error

This pain flows through my blood
And panic attacks me trying to overcome what was

Can somebody breathe for me cause it’s
hard to take a breath

I’m trying to be strong during these times
but I feel as if I don’t have any strength left

reprise85 12-22-2019 11:35 AM

that's a really cool poem

buzzard 12-22-2019 05:53 PM

He forgot the part about there being strangers, unfamiliar folk and potential future acquaintances in the crowd/group/etc.

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