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Joey Goldberg 01-07-2021 04:35 PM

i mean

your dad celebrates himself


buzzard 01-07-2021 04:48 PM

Having the highest rates of cowboy boot ownership per capita surely negates at least having the most power stations, leaving California in good stead to enforce any claim of superiority.

reprise85 01-07-2021 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by ninsp (Post 4572389)
I have entirely more allegiance to Texas than to the USA tbh

Yes, you're from Texas. It's understood

ninsp 01-07-2021 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4572396)
you should use insults that are actually true at least if you are trying to start some shit

Look, whenever I insult someone where it hurts, everyone starts crying and people threaten to ban me but MOAO can read between the lines

reprise85 01-07-2021 06:47 PM

imma give you one more chance to do a good job here with this insult thing

seriously you're doing a bad job

FoolofaTook 01-07-2021 06:54 PM

holy shit i just saw a fucking llama! it was in the town square and this dude was feeding it long grasses. there were all a couple of native dudes all decked out in traditional garb and playing wooden flutes.

i also got an eight for $10 (they massively ripped me off but still).

FoolofaTook 01-07-2021 07:11 PM

the llama was really shaggy, in case anyone was wondering

butthurt 01-12-2021 02:42 AM

"I'm not gonna lie..."

God I fucking hate when people begin a sentence that way. Does that mean lying is their default way of communicating? They lie so often they have to make it a special event on the occasions that they have chosen to tell the truth?

run2pee 01-12-2021 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by butthurt (Post 4572685)
"I'm not gonna lie..."

God I fucking hate when people begin a sentence that way. Does that mean lying is their default way of communicating? They lie so often they have to make it a special event on the occasions that they have chosen to tell the truth?

Plus it always feels like they’re gonna lean in and tell u something u never wanted to hear but like they think you’re sooooo lucky to get to hear this privileged nugget of secret darkness such as

“.....not gonna lie, but your stepmoms breasts just keep hanging lower and lower and it makes me wanna be a koala just hanging between em har har har!”

Like, ok. Thanks?

Alice 01-12-2021 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by butthurt (Post 4572685)
"I'm not gonna lie..."

I'd say this is a great example of what feels like the widespread homogenization of speech patterns. More and more it seems like people use the same collection of stock phrases and meme references to communicate. And it seems to be happening across a pretty wide range of age groups. So much nuance, color, and vibrancy is lost in the process. Feels like lots of people are losing the ability to communicate in ways that say much of anything in particular. Maybe it's just my brain hardening as I rapidly approach the opportunity to once again be the recipient of age-based discounts, but I'm sad to see things like regional accents and unique speech patterns becoming less and less common

Alice 01-12-2021 11:31 AM

In short: haha destroy meme culture

MyOneAndOnly 01-21-2021 07:45 PM

Who got Dibs?

How is street parking in Chicago going this winter for y'all in the Windy City??


It’s the end of another work day, and my partner calls me in the middle of a frenzied search for parking near our apartment in Ravenswood Manor. “There’s a beautiful spot right on our street,” she starts. “But there’s a single, beat-up traffic cone sitting in it, no construction signage or anything. No way it’s official. Can I just… move it?”

She hasn’t heard of “Dibs.” I’m not really sure how to justify it.

Shallowed 01-21-2021 08:57 PM

language is literally fluid

Disco King 01-21-2021 09:45 PM

No it's n— eeehhh, this guy! ^

FoolofaTook 01-22-2021 09:39 PM

House lawmakers in the Philippines have passed a bill to legislate a new, Covid-safe form of greeting in an effort to reduce contact during the pandemic.

According to the bill approved by the House of Representatives, the new gesture will involve “gracefully laying the palm of the right hand over the centre of one’s chest while simultaneously lowering the head, with eyes either closed or cast down”.

The traditional handshake, while well meaning, was a risk to public health, said Representative Bayani Fernando, who proposed the bill. He called the new greeting “Bating Filipino”.

MyOneAndOnly 01-23-2021 12:10 AM

I have always hated shaking hands. And kissing hello as well. I don't want to have to look people in the eye or touch them

buzzard 01-23-2021 12:20 AM

I come from a long line of people that exclusively greet as follows.

Minus the warmth/enthusiasm.

Ram27 01-23-2021 01:26 AM

i hate greeting others because they generally think i'm sick or something at first contact. or i'll say something and worry that they didn't hear me and think i'm a dick

the girl at CVS like, whispered something to me during the transaction cause she thought i was whispering, like no i'm just broken


for formal handshake greetings, well i haven't had one in a year. but i've somehow managed for all of them to totally zone out and have an out of body experience where i'm a confident being

FoolofaTook 02-08-2021 09:53 PM

Joey Goldberg 02-08-2021 10:02 PM

holy christ what a monumentally* clueless idiot

gotta love him!

*2 elegies

buzzard 02-08-2021 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by buzzard (Post 4500940)

run2pee 02-08-2021 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Alice (Post 4572693)
I'd say this is a great example of what feels like the widespread homogenization of speech patterns. More and more it seems like people use the same collection of stock phrases and meme references to communicate. And it seems to be happening across a pretty wide range of age groups. So much nuance, color, and vibrancy is lost in the process. Feels like lots of people are losing the ability to communicate in ways that say much of anything in particular. Maybe it's just my brain hardening as I rapidly approach the opportunity to once again be the recipient of age-based discounts, but I'm sad to see things like regional accents and unique speech patterns becoming less and less common

Feelin this tonite

Do u think the remedy is more Proust? Make that ass mandatory before u can like leave your habitation unit for your daily duties? Worth researching

Joey Goldberg 02-09-2021 01:20 AM

the fuck? what even are these que43stions when buzzard's provided a pic of weeknd with kimono sharter as the face directly above us???? jesus CHRIST

Joey Goldberg 02-09-2021 01:20 AM

smashingjj 02-09-2021 06:59 AM

Yes you're from Texas, it's understood

MyOneAndOnly 02-09-2021 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Joey Goldberg (Post 4574438)

Dude looks like he's way into bondage.

Kinda hot

Alice 02-09-2021 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Run To Me (Post 4574428)
Feelin this tonite

Do u think the remedy is more Proust? Make that ass mandatory before u can like leave your habitation unit for your daily duties? Worth researching

Mandatory Proust, yes. As but one component of a rigorous curriculum taught in a nationwide, nay global system of re-education camps for the unimaginative

Eulogy 02-10-2021 04:24 PM

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Eulogy 02-10-2021 04:24 PM

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

run2pee 02-10-2021 04:52 PM

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

Haven’t driven my car in a week and a half

Been holed up in my apartment too but that’s been the case for a year now lol

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