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mxzombie 06-30-2023 01:33 PM

mayo tastes fine, but i wouldn't eat it with a spoon. mustard is fine on a sandwich as long as i want a Mustard Sandwich, which i hate

Disco King 06-30-2023 01:35 PM

Ketchup and mustard are a good duo.

I don't know what mayo is doing as part of that combination, though. We need a blue condiment so we can have a good old Superman-style sandwich.

But a China burger will suffice.

ilikeplanets 06-30-2023 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by LaBelle (Post 4628152)

I guess it makes a little more sense if they are pre-combined into a uniform sauce, but I don't like it. I gag every time I pass "Mayochup" and "Kranch" at the store.

Disco King 06-30-2023 01:55 PM

Why not just crossbreed a mustard plant and a tomato plant? Maybe fertilize an egg with the crossbred seed so you get the mayo DNA, too.

Crack that and you're got the ultimate condiment.

Disco King 06-30-2023 01:56 PM

It's got relish DNA because a pickle was used to deposit the seed into the egg

MyOneAndOnly 06-30-2023 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4628159)
Why not just crossbreed a mustard plant and a tomato plant? Maybe fertilize an egg with the crossbred seed so you get the mayo DNA, too.

Crack that and you're got the ultimate condiment.

because nightshades and brassicas won't fuck

phang 06-30-2023 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4628157)
I gag every time I pass "Mayochup" and "Kranch" at the store.

Get ready to gag some more. In the UK, Heinz "Mayochup" has instead been branded as the monsterous "Saucysauce".

It's almost like they got a toddler to name it, but the truth is it was probably a branding commitee or some shit.

The sauce is good though.

Disco King 06-30-2023 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly (Post 4628178)
because nightshades and brassicas won't fuck

Not before a few drinks, at least.

ilikeplanets 07-01-2023 12:18 AM

I bet Flavor Flav named that Saucy Sauce

redbreegull 07-01-2023 12:51 AM

My best friend informed me in Puerto Rico, they have a special relationship with thousand island dressing, and they call it Mayoketchu

Ram27 07-01-2023 09:34 AM

ketchup and hot sauce are the only good condiments

anything white is probably bad [semen coded]

blood coded only

ourruseoffools 07-01-2023 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4628207)
ketchup and hot sauce are the only good condiments

anything white is probably bad [semen coded]

blood coded only

Sorry no. It’s all about verde

Ram27 07-01-2023 12:15 PM

verde is the absolute king, but as i was gonna say in that post, do salsas count as condiments?

ovary 07-01-2023 03:06 PM

naked ass
leather seat
flatulence stirs
can't be discrete

lift one cheek
anus flutters
no time to reflect
before cowhide stutters

so i hang my head
curl my toes
grab a wet rag
and a garden hose

wipe myself down
spray off the cushion
a day in the life
can't stop me from pushin'

ourruseoffools 07-01-2023 10:37 PM

I’m handsome

vixnix 07-02-2023 08:26 AM

My kids went through a stage where they put sriracha and kewpie mayo on everything.

I like sauce - I’d probably eat a burger with mayo, ketchup and mustard. Actually I have a friend who makes some kind of special dipping sauce out of those three plus bbq or something. And then he makes crumbed chicken tenders in the air fryer and dips them. It’s pretty delicious

I used to ask for extra sauce and extra pickles in my 95c McD’s hamburger because they were the only ingredients that had any flavour at all

But mayo on felafel sounds not ideal. I was just lamenting the other day that my home town’s original kebab shop was run by a couple of Turkish guys and the only sauce options were mild chilli, hot chilli and garlic yoghurt, and I miss that. Kebab shops now will put French fries and ketchup in a kebab. Why

ovary 07-02-2023 09:48 AM

i put the mayo on privately in my kitchen after taking the falaffel home. sonia can never know my secret

redbreegull 07-02-2023 02:55 PM

that's like getting a steak and taking it home and taking a dump on it

redbreegull 07-02-2023 02:55 PM

just disrespectful

ilikeplanets 07-02-2023 04:10 PM

Loving how ovary and vixnix both spelled falafel wrong, but differently

Plasticine Rap Star 07-02-2023 04:25 PM

I don't often eat mustard, but I bought a hot dog at a carnival yesterday with ketchup, mustard, and fried onions. It was very nice. It cost £6, but it was really £7 as I had to pay a pound to get into the fairground area where the hot dog stand was based.

I was mostly at the carnival because my sister was in one of the floats dressed as an Avatar character.

ourruseoffools 07-02-2023 08:37 PM

Can we talk abt something else this is a gross topic find god with your mayo shit yuck

ovary 07-02-2023 09:04 PM

i just rubbed mayo all over my dick

Disco King 07-02-2023 09:56 PM

I joke about not liking certain condiments or foods (as I assume we all are), but in reality, I've never understood anyone who legitimately, non-ironically gets upset by what somebody else chooses to put into their own stomach.

Like, when people (not just as a joke), act like it's disrespectful to add more sauce on a certain dish or to season something differently from how the chef intended. Like, if it's my taste buds the food is touching, then I can do what I damn well please with it.

In fact, just to prove a point, I will go to the most renowned sushi restaurant in all of Japan, whose head chef is the most respected living master of sushi, and I will put ginger (that's supposed to be a palette cleanser between pieces) on the fucking fish.

Scratch that. I will put ketchup on the fish. The green kind Heinz sells as a limited-edition novelty item.

And I will look that chef, who had to spend ten years learning how to make the tomago, directly in the eye as he is forced watch me chow down that corrupted fish. Maybe he will cry a little.

And I will leave a tip even though it's not even America.

ilikeplanets 07-03-2023 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4628276)
I've never understood anyone who legitimately, non-ironically gets upset by what somebody else chooses to put into their own stomach

My mom and her brother didn't talk for over 10 years because he made fun of her for eating cottage cheese at a ball game instead of a hot dog or whatever.

They hated each other anyway, but that particular instance was a definite final straw. He died recently. So remember, your hilarious insults towards someone's terrible food preferences could become a person's last memory of you. Be careful!

vixnix 07-03-2023 07:40 AM

Oh yeah that ginger is delicious. I mix wasabi with soy sauce, dunk the sashimi or sushi in it, whack a slice of that ginger on top and then eat the whole thing in one mouthful. Delicious

I don’t really get bent out of shape by adding fries and ketchup to a kebab but falafel is pretty delicious on its own, it just seems like a waste

Maybe somebody feels that way about McD’s hamburger patties and buns, I dunno

Anything is possible

ourruseoffools 07-03-2023 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4628276)
I've never understood anyone who legitimately, non-ironically gets upset by what somebody else chooses to put into their own stomach.

Because we live in a cringe food culture where you are actively encouraged to destroy your physique, mental health, and future through diet alone. It’s so engrained in day to day life that people immediately get frustrated if you suggest that you are unwilling to eat whatever trendy Grimace crap the corporation decided to put out for your gluttonous behaviors this week.

ourruseoffools 07-03-2023 08:26 AM

The same goes for alcohol. I constantly hear people talking high and mighty over the fact that they *only* drink alcohol and don’t touch the ‘harder stuff’ (usually including weed in that category) and I just worry about how they are aging

ilikeplanets 07-03-2023 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by ourruseoffools (Post 4628285)
Because we live in a cringe food culture where you are actively encouraged to destroy your physique, mental health, and future through diet alone. It’s so engrained in day to day life that people immediately get frustrated if you suggest that you are unwilling to eat whatever trendy Grimace crap the corporation decided to put out for your gluttonous behaviors this week.

There's an equally large and vocal movement that is the exact opposite, and it seems like you might be familiar with that.

yo soy el mejor 07-03-2023 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4628209)
verde is the absolute king, but as i was gonna say in that post, do salsas count as condiments?

no, they do not. it's not used in the same context as any of that stuff. i mean, in what world do we put ketchup, mustard, and/or mayo on a taco?

yo soy el mejor 07-03-2023 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by ourruseoffools (Post 4628285)
Because we live in a cringe food culture where you are actively encouraged to destroy your physique, mental health, and future through diet alone. It’s so engrained in day to day life that people immediately get frustrated if you suggest that you are unwilling to eat whatever trendy Grimace crap the corporation decided to put out for your gluttonous behaviors this week.

who do you know that actually has gotten frustrated over another person not wanting to eat McDonald's? Get out of town.

MyOneAndOnly 07-05-2023 12:38 AM

Happy genocide and colonialism day!

Cool As Ice Cream 07-05-2023 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly (Post 4628337)
That’s the flag of Liberia.


ilikeplanets 07-05-2023 04:23 AM

If it wasn't so sad, it'd be funny

ilikeplanets 07-05-2023 04:24 AM

I might have that backwards

Joey Goldberg 07-05-2023 10:19 AM

more importantly, it was my bday

(minus quite a few of those years, obv)

Joey Goldberg 07-05-2023 10:22 AM

but I happily share it w/ the nation of Liberia

yo soy el mejor 07-05-2023 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly (Post 4628337)
Happy genocide and colonialism day!


Originally Posted by Joey Goldberg (Post 4628347)
more importantly, it was my bday

(minus quite a few of those years, obv)


Originally Posted by TheAlter (Post 4628350)
Imagine being so white american you get to celebrate your bday on the 4th of July.

Happy birthday Joseph, and congratulations!

lol @ affluent honkies in north america denouncing colonialism and caucasians trying to blast one another for being so caucasian on the 4th of july. y'all keep me young

ilikeplanets 07-05-2023 01:53 PM

My neighbors had probably $500 worth of fireworks and my kids and I had a great fucking time at their party. Humanity is so fucked up in all directions that I just try to enjoy the fun parts.

Happy birthday, JoBerg!

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