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FlamingGlobes 02-10-2020 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4529918)
so the bathtub offer is still on the table?


Disco King 02-10-2020 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Joey Goldberg (Post 4529914)
anyone down for some online Mario Kart 64?

Is that a thing?

Is there a website for that, or would be both need Nintendos and to connect to… Nintendo Live or whatever?

FlamingGlobes 02-10-2020 10:57 PM

Disco King 02-10-2020 10:58 PM

Everybody remembers remembers playing Nintendo 64 Live in 1997, yes?

FlamingGlobes 02-10-2020 11:01 PM

yo soy el mejor 02-10-2020 11:04 PM

I didn't know you could play Mario Kart on the internet. I can't though, sorry. I just realized I actually suck as a student and I need to wake up and complete an outline at 5:30 in the morning.

yo soy el mejor 02-10-2020 11:05 PM

and here we go and here we go!

Joey Goldberg 02-10-2020 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4529923)
Is that a thing?

Is there a website for that, or would be both need Nintendos and to connect to… Nintendo Live or whatever?

i was kinda fucking around, but it for sure has to be a thing - SNES emulators were able to go online and that was over a decade ago (& also, fuckin' mindblowing)

run2pee 02-10-2020 11:30 PM


If u have a switch and Nintendo switch online (20$ annual sub fee) u can play SNES mario kart with friends online. The system also has arguably the best mario kart of all time, Mario kart 8 deluxe, which u can also play online if u subscribe to the online

If anyone wants to play video gaems with me on switch pm me your switch friend code and we’ll friekin do this!

Joey Goldberg 02-10-2020 11:31 PM

well by george let's fuckin' do it!

Joey Goldberg 02-10-2020 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Run To Me (Post 4529930)

If u have a switch and Nintendo switch online (20$ annual sub fee) u can play SNES mario kart with friends online. The system also has arguably the best mario kart of all time, Mario kart 8 deluxe, which u can also play online if u subscribe to the online

If anyone wants to play video gaems with me on switch pm me your switch friend code and we’ll friekin do this!

yeah but my way is frickin' free!

Switches are cool tho

Elphenor 02-11-2020 12:21 AM

finding the rom might be a pain after Nintendo cracked down on emulation

FlamingGlobes 02-11-2020 12:26 AM

Baths are always free. Just sayin'.

buzzard 02-11-2020 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4529921)
Our schedules never really lined up so we kind of fell out of touch, but she did contact me recently and I've been meaning to hang out with her again, but I've just been so busy and kind of neglected that and now I realize it's been over a month since I let our last text conversation drop.

She posts on this forum, right?

Definitely feel like I've read some posts from that perspective.

FoolofaTook 02-11-2020 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4529634)
So I have a couple of d-bag neighbors. They are super rich (she drives an audi, he drives a charger, both brand new) and super hip (they wear black leather and have trendy haircuts).

Anyway they totally ignore me. So I've been feeling rather bottom-feederish around them.

Then: Redemption!

I had eaten a great big bowl of oatmeal earlier in the day. Then I went on a mega walk. I come back and they are sitting on the porch (we live in condos). He's smoking a cigar, looking mighty hip.

As I approach my door (they are ignoring me even though I smiled and gave them a timid, faltering peace sign), I feel the unmistakable stirrings of a gust of flatulence in my bowels. Now, mind you, I am not one of those heroes who can summon and emit farts at will. So this was a "do or die" "now or never" "carpen deus" type of moment.

It was glorious. A truly magnificent rip, in a rich baritone, with a high pitched flourish at the end. Then I speedily fled the scene, collapsing in tears of mirth within the safety of my domicile.

Now they act like nothing has changed, but we both know it has. With one fell blow, I have seized control and am back on top! Wow!

yo soy el mejor 02-11-2020 01:55 PM

a girl was having a conversation right next to me and when she finished i commented that i liked her voice and said, "you have a really nice voice"...i must be in a good mood.

yo soy el mejor 02-11-2020 01:58 PM

she said, "You do, too!". And I said, "I guess it takes one to know one."


cork_soaker 02-11-2020 02:34 PM

i like your voice

you do, too!

i guess it takes one to know one . . . d’oh

Disco King 02-11-2020 03:05 PM

I know you are, but what are you?

Disco King 02-11-2020 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by buzzard (Post 4529939)
She posts on this forum, right?

Definitely feel like I've read some posts from that perspective.

I once had a dream that I met a cool person and we had the same favourite band and she mentioned posting on some old forum for that band.

Inside I knew I had to delete my entire post history as soon as I got home.

yo soy el mejor 02-11-2020 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by cork_soaker (Post 4529975)
i like your voice

you do, too!

i guess it takes one to know one . . . d’oh

my bad. i said she had a nice voice. (she was having a convo next me. i walked away to use the restroom and when i came back she was done and i said what i said)

yo soy el mejor 02-11-2020 07:19 PM

y'all so cuhrazy! i love it.

yo soy el mejor 02-11-2020 07:28 PM

i'm currently sitting in on a webinar for tulane university to learn more about their online MJ (master of jurisprudence) program (it was the college i considered for a sec when my mom told me after h.s that i need to go to college). online grad school is an alternative to regular grad school here in chicago in case i end up working full-time.

this lady is all up in my ear. i should listen more closely.

FoolofaTook 02-11-2020 07:41 PM


ovary 02-12-2020 06:47 AM

don't get one of these law degrees:

i suspect masters of jurisprudence have similar issues. sincethere is such a glut of JDs right now, why wouldn't employers rather hire actual lawyers?

yo soy el mejor 02-12-2020 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4530026)
don't get one of these law degrees:

i suspect masters of jurisprudence have similar issues. sincethere is such a glut of JDs right now, why wouldn't employers rather hire actual lawyers?

i don't want a lawyer's job, dude.

yo soy el mejor 02-12-2020 09:03 AM

i still want to work in nonprofit and labor advocacy and/or reentry after prison. the MJ program at the school i attend now is designed for people "who do not seek to practice law, but who regularly encounter legal issues in their work and/or would benefit from specialized legal knowledge."

yep. thaaaat's me.

ovary 02-12-2020 09:17 AM

good luck

yo soy el mejor 02-12-2020 11:02 AM

have a nice life!

yo soy el mejor 02-12-2020 11:02 AM

have a nice death!

yo soy el mejor 02-12-2020 11:03 AM

-Whoopi Goldberg

FoolofaTook 02-12-2020 01:21 PM

I went for a quick walk. There were middle school students out walking. A couple of them pass me by and then, still within earshot, they said, "Is that a man??"

Afterwards (the path circles), I gave them a stare down worthy of Morgoth but they ignored me.

:rofl: :cry: :rofl:

topleybird 02-12-2020 03:30 PM

I would've thought you'd be ready with a patented "Your dad knows how much of a man I am" Took special

Oh well, for next time I guess

FoolofaTook 02-12-2020 03:40 PM

Are you saying I should of corrupted the youth of this grate nation for a laugh and a goof??

This happened to me before, btw. Only it was in Serbia and it was Roma urchins ("Is that a man or a woman??").

yo soy el mejor 02-12-2020 11:15 PM

there was a stabbing in my alley earlier today; there were at least 7 cops standing around and two cop cars in my alley and two in front of my house. after two hours i finally wondered what the heck they were doing and i popped my head into the alley and that's when i noticed red snow going into the apartments behind us.

i get home from class at 9:30pm and there is still a cop car in front and one in back. as i got onto my porch the cop in front drove up to me and asked if i lived here. i said yes, why? and she was silent so i said 'jesus christ' then she asked about my neighbors and i didn't give her any info besides telling her they were mostly families. she motioned to my basement and asked who lived there and i said my laundry room. then she told me to stay inside the rest of the night and i said 'why? i know something happened earlier, but should i still be worried?' and she said it was an ongoing investigation.

pretty surprising they are putting time into this, tbh. since it's chicago and all. i'm gonna have to google what happened.

yo soy el mejor 02-12-2020 11:32 PM

OMG they just showed up to my door with a search warrant for my upstairs neighbor. i said i didn't feel comfortable letting them in and they said well we have a search warrant so we'll bust down the door if we need to. i wish tim were here. i'm pretty uneasy and i have no idea what's going on. ugh wtf

FlamingGlobes 02-13-2020 12:06 AM


yo soy el mejor 02-13-2020 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes (Post 4530186)

sexist racist ^

yo soy el mejor 02-13-2020 12:47 AM

holy shit.

ilikeplanets 02-13-2020 12:54 AM

Holy shit is right. Damn, I'm sorry you're alone right now. Please be careful. That's pretty fucking terrifying. :(

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