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The establishment has always lied and manipulated the public and they continue to do so today.
This was a page featured in all of the top magazines in the 1950's Nothing has changed. I always laugh at the sheeple who say "oh yeah, the instruments of the establishment lied to us all of the time BACK IN THE DAY but they surely wouldn't do it today! Open your eyes, do your own research, don't believe the lies. |
The US's electoral shit is all frigged up
i just accidentally said out loud, "I hate you Richard", as I was reading an email in public. I don't actually hate Richard, though. I think last night, too, I started singing Hootie and the Blowfish as I was falling asleep and then I tried to play it off. Damn ass mouth.
So I have a couple of d-bag neighbors. They are super rich (she drives an audi, he drives a charger, both brand new) and super hip (they wear black leather and have trendy haircuts).
Anyway they totally ignore me. So I've been feeling rather bottom-feederish around them. Then: Redemption! I had eaten a great big bowl of oatmeal earlier in the day. Then I went on a mega walk. I come back and they are sitting on the porch (we live in condos). He's smoking a cigar, looking mighty hip. As I approach my door (they are ignoring me even though I smiled and gave them a timid, faltering peace sign), I feel the unmistakable stirrings of a gust of flatulence in my bowels. Now, mind you, I am not one of those heroes who can summon and emit farts at will. So this was a "do or die" "now or never" "carpen deus" type of moment. It was glorious. A truly magnificent rip, in a rich baritone, with a high pitched flourish at the end. Then I speedily fled the scene, collapsing in tears of mirth within the safety of my domicile. Now they act like nothing has changed, but we both know it has. With one fell blow, I have seized control and am back on top! Wow! |
love getting comments like these from professors: This is one of the best DB's of the module. Continue your integration of the materials both in the posting and responses to others.
i'm also glad i'm not nuts for thinking the other students don't really give me much to work with/respond to and having to read through several before finding something to say to one. |
DB = Doublesided Buttplug?
i don't know what goes on in your sad rich life, y0. but it stands for discussion board. i thought net4ians would get that for sure.
next time, maybe just consider saying "yes" !
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he's giving you good advice, jonny. take it. just say yes.
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i think this is more his language
but we shall see! |
Who the fuck calls it discussion board
Let alone dB |
And Tremper Longman III ![]() |
the fuck kind of name is "Tremper" ?
and to have 3 of them, no less! |
Man, I shudder to think what grade I would get if I took a class in boarding :think:
The things they offer these days, I had no idea |
it's not a boarding class lol. it's just an online class and discussion boards count as participation since we don't have a classroom.
Is Tremper Longman III an active participant? Do you find yourself drawn to or repelled by his fastidiously cultivated facial flora? Has he shared any insights from the book of Proverbs?
your dad has a longman & lost his tremper 3 times with me last night
social media so in the last couple years even i've seen requirements change to say things like 'do not use I statements' (only sparingly, if you must). 'do not just say you agree or don't agree with the person you are responding to and then repeat what they've said'. 'use citations from required readings and don't use outside sources'. 'APA format', etc. i guess some people have difficulty with that and they just sound stilted and like they haven't really grasped the material. |
plus, teachers have had to tell us students to not use lol, btw, or other online abbreviations. i think, who the hell needs to be told this?
I had a class or two that had discussion forum element. They weren't online classes, but we were marked on participation because we were supposed to critically discuss the texts and materials on the board.
i bet you are always teacher's favorite
sounds like ur hitting on DK
wink wink wink |
i don't need to suck up to my teachers since i do my work; i just don't cause any issues and i do good work, ask questions when needed, and participate in class. just five minutes ago my midterm exam grade for one of my classes came in online and i got 102 out of 100. i called tim right when i finished taking it and said i felt good except for bullshitting one answer, but i looked up the concept after class and i was in the ballpark, but i didn't feel what i wrote was confident so i was expecting a 90 or so.
Booyah. not so fast, though. i have an audio documentary assignment due wednesday and i am barely putting it together now and i just went through a lot of frustration figuring out how to use Audacity. :[ |
i bet you are not teacher's favorite
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anyone down for some online Mario Kart 64?
I played Mario Kart 8 with Bonnie a couple of times. And we were enemies originally.
There's hope for us all. |
so the bathtub offer is still on the table?
I get to be Yoshi
In both cases
I eventually ended up getting tea with her. I construed it as just a platonic hangout thing. Though it did end with her looking me up and down and telling me "Disco King, you always look so good" right before we parted. I have no idea if that indicated anything or not. Our schedules never really lined up so we kind of fell out of touch, but she did contact me recently and I've been meaning to hang out with her again, but I've just been so busy and kind of neglected that and now I realize it's been over a month since I let our last text conversation drop. |
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