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smashingjj 12-07-2019 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by redbreegull (Post 4523732)
there are a few people here who are genuinely just so kind they engage her and wish her well despite her behavioral record

I know, there's just so few people left at all, let alone people who give any kind of shit about lawn.

I give some kind of shit about lawn. I will explain in detail about the sort of shit.

seriously, who?

redbreegull 12-07-2019 05:22 PM

yesterday a 4th grader told me this joke

4th grader: knock knock

me: who's there?

4th grader: Ariana Grande

me: Ariana Grande who?

4th grader: ok boomer

FlamingGlobes 12-07-2019 05:59 PM

I really miss animal companionship. It's been 9 months since my dog died. Is it too soon to get a new pet? How does grieving work? I feel a big pit of emptiness these days and can't stand to be at home for too long at a time.

FlamingGlobes 12-07-2019 05:59 PM

*puts shield up to protect against yo soy's snark*

smashingjj 12-07-2019 08:05 PM

i have a weird definition of cunt

smashingjj 12-07-2019 08:06 PM

but I do me, bro

Mals Marola 12-07-2019 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes (Post 4523742)
*puts shield up to protect against yo soy's snark*


vixnix 12-07-2019 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes (Post 4523741)
I really miss animal companionship. It's been 9 months since my dog died. Is it too soon to get a new pet? How does grieving work? I feel a big pit of emptiness these days and can't stand to be at home for too long at a time.

My friend lost her beloved dog this year too, and just recently she decided to be a foster carer for dogs who need a bit of house training before they're ready for adoption. The first foster care dog she received, she can't let go of. So now she's adopting him and can't be a foster carer any more because this dog she's adopting is too nervous around other dogs

So my advice is, be wary of foster caring for dogs

they get in your head with their sad eyes and loyalty and then you can't let go of them

very bad

Shallowed 12-08-2019 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Mals Marola (Post 4523749)

Don't get snark E

reprise85 12-08-2019 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes (Post 4523741)
I really miss animal companionship. It's been 9 months since my dog died. Is it too soon to get a new pet? How does grieving work? I feel a big pit of emptiness these days and can't stand to be at home for too long at a time.

everyone is different. i don't think 9 months is too soon.

not looking forward to losing my girl but i hopefully have a while. i've never had a pet on my own before until her (got in 2013). she's 9 and a cat, so she should have like 4-10 years still :( it's a shame they don't live longer but there's nothing wrong with opening your heart to another pet. i still have my cat sheba's ashes, she died in 2007

ilikeplanets 12-08-2019 01:31 AM

If you want a pet and are able to care for one, I don't see why not.

ilikeplanets 12-08-2019 01:35 AM

What kind of pet do you want? You strike me as a dog person, but maybe that's my own preference shining through! I don't think I have any additional emotional or financial resources left for a dog, but when it's quiet at night I definitely wish I did.

yo soy el mejor 12-08-2019 08:34 AM

we're all just hitting buttons on a keyboard and doing ourselves.

Mals Marola 12-08-2019 09:19 AM

FoolofaTook 12-08-2019 09:24 AM

FlamingGlobes 12-08-2019 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4523752)
My friend lost her beloved dog this year too, and just recently she decided to be a foster carer for dogs who need a bit of house training before they're ready for adoption. The first foster care dog she received, she can't let go of. So now she's adopting him and can't be a foster carer any more because this dog she's adopting is too nervous around other dogs

So my advice is, be wary of foster caring for dogs

they get in your head with their sad eyes and loyalty and then you can't let go of them

very bad

Yeah, that's definitely not for me. I'm ride or die when it comes to my animals.

FlamingGlobes 12-08-2019 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4523769)
everyone is different. i don't think 9 months is too soon.

not looking forward to losing my girl but i hopefully have a while. i've never had a pet on my own before until her (got in 2013). she's 9 and a cat, so she should have like 4-10 years still :( it's a shame they don't live longer but there's nothing wrong with opening your heart to another pet. i still have my cat sheba's ashes, she died in 2007

I hope she lives many years longer as well. Who knows, you might get a whole other decade with her! People's minds are always blown when they learn that Kenny almost made it to his 17th birthday.

And yeah. Ashes. Those are forever. Can't even imagine anything that would cause me to part with them. I'll know my life was well lived when I'm 80 and have an overcrowded mantle full of them.

FlamingGlobes 12-08-2019 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4523771)
What kind of pet do you want? You strike me as a dog person, but maybe that's my own preference shining through! I don't think I have any additional emotional or financial resources left for a dog, but when it's quiet at night I definitely wish I did.

Definitely a dog. I like cats, but I don't like the litter box or the clawed up furniture (or the cat pee).

Your logic regarding wanting to care for an animal is exactly where my head is at these days. I have love and care to give, so why not? I just worry about replacing my friend psychologically.

FlamingGlobes 12-08-2019 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4523787)
we're all just hitting buttons on a keyboard and doing ourselves.

It's a stone cold world.

FoolofaTook 12-08-2019 10:40 AM

reprise85 12-08-2019 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes (Post 4523798)
Definitely a dog. I like cats, but I don't like the litter box or the clawed up furniture (or the cat pee).

Your logic regarding wanting to care for an animal is exactly where my head is at these days. I have love and care to give, so why not? I just worry about replacing my friend psychologically.

I guess I look at it as adding and not replacing. Your relationship with a new pet will never be the same as the old one. They're individuals with different quirks, needs, habits, etc... But I really have no idea what I'm talking about. I don't think it does any kind of disservice to the deceased pet to hold a place in your heart/mind with other pets.

FlamingGlobes 12-08-2019 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4523806)
I guess I look at it as adding and not replacing. Your relationship with a new pet will never be the same as the old one. They're individuals with different quirks, needs, habits, etc... But I really have no idea what I'm talking about. I don't think it does any kind of disservice to the deceased pet to hold a place in your heart/mind with other pets.

No, that makes sense. Thanks. Your insight is always appreciated.

redbreegull 12-08-2019 03:23 PM

I would encourage you to get another pet if you are yearning for company. Like Reprise said, obviously a new pet will never "replace" an old one. The relationship you will have will be completely different. But pets are healing and there are so many that need homes, I would say go get that dog my friend. You will enrich each other's lives.

Disco King 12-08-2019 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes (Post 4523796)
Yeah, that's definitely not for me. I'm ride or die when it comes to my animals.

Clearly, you should go for the horse this time.

LaBelle 12-08-2019 04:17 PM

Get a turtle, they live 80 years on average.

yo soy el mejor 12-08-2019 07:07 PM

mexico city dried out the ridge of my upper lip and i had to carry vasolina around everywhere. playa del carmen has been much kinder.

goddamn chicago has really messed me up.

yo soy el mejor 12-08-2019 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by LaBelle (Post 4523822)
Get a turtle, they live 80 years on average.

this is a pretty good idea if you get your kids to like turtles, too. do all types of turtles live this long, though?

yo soy el mejor 12-08-2019 07:11 PM

ugh i'd love to be able to ride a horse whenever i wanted. i've only done it roughly around five times in my life and i just love it so much.

FoolofaTook 12-08-2019 07:16 PM


yo soy el mejor 12-08-2019 07:39 PM

yeah my lip caused me lots of discomfort but it's getting better

Shallowed 12-08-2019 08:17 PM


vixnix 12-08-2019 08:43 PM

vaseline does nothing for my lips if they're chapped

it's blistex or die

vixnix 12-08-2019 08:46 PM

I wanted a horse for most of my childhood, bad enough that I knew which days of the week there would be more Pets & Livestocks listings in the newspaper classifieds. Anything under $1000 I would look at, because I had saved up about $700 and I was optimistic enough to think I might be able to bargain them down, or get my parents to chip in.

I thought I could just keep one in our back yard and exercise it by riding it up and down the street in front of my awed and jealous neighbours. That idea turned out to be a bit misguided.

FlamingGlobes 12-08-2019 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4523836)
yeah my lip caused me lots of discomfort but it's getting better

yo soy el mejor 12-09-2019 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4523844)
vaseline does nothing for my lips if they're chapped

it's blistex or die

no blistex in mexico.

topleybird 12-09-2019 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4523806)
I guess I look at it as adding and not replacing. Your relationship with a new pet will never be the same as the old one. They're individuals with different quirks, needs, habits, etc... But I really have no idea what I'm talking about. I don't think it does any kind of disservice to the deceased pet to hold a place in your heart/mind with other pets.

I would echo this. You're in for a new ride with some overlaps that may make you sad at first but will hopefully just bring up nice memories of your last dog over time. Like you'll discover your new dog's favorite treats are the ones your old dog loved, or he/she will flop down against your legs on the bed at night the same way, or something. At first this sort of thing may feel weird, but will soon just lead to a happy reminder of your previous dog.

I think I made it about five months between my last cat and some new ones, as the place just felt so empty and it made me sad all the time thinking of her. I still miss her and always will, but somehow having some new life around makes her memory happier.

FlamingGlobes 12-09-2019 11:16 AM

Thanks topley and rbg. I think I'm feeling better about going out there and getting a new pet.

FlamingGlobes 12-09-2019 11:16 AM

Also, a pre-emptive "fuck you" to yo soy.

smashingjj 12-09-2019 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes (Post 4523629)
Like, I'm probably the only person here who doesn't hate your guts.

Well so much for that

FlamingGlobes 12-09-2019 02:53 PM

Fuck you too!

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