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reprise85 04-03-2014 12:01 AM

i still havent pooped but i dont feel sick or anything.

i am concerned as i've tried enemas and more laxatives and a couple other things and i am running out of options. i just drank magnesium citrate and that shit got me cleaned for a colonoscopy so if it doesnt work i think i have to see a doctor.

i keep trying to tell myself that it would be more embarrassing to die of a bowel obstruction than to go to a doctor to make sure i dont have one. plus i'd be dead

reprise85 04-03-2014 06:59 PM

the magnesium citrate didnt make me violently ill like it was supposed to but it did work after about 12 hours. yay poop!

reprise85 04-03-2014 07:03 PM

someone else talk about their poop so i don't look like a crazy person pls

Shallowed 04-04-2014 09:03 AM

In a month it will be the sixth year anniversary of this thread.

Happy shits, everyone. You have all come and gone to post in this thread, but we all shit together in spirit.

mxzombie 04-15-2014 08:45 PM

Currently in the dying throes of an unpleasant type 5/6. So glad this is almost over

yo soy el mejor 04-15-2014 08:46 PM

shit stinks.

killtrocity 04-15-2014 10:00 PM


Bread Regal 04-15-2014 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by mxzombie (Post 4052861)
Currently in the dying throes of an unpleasant type 5/6. So glad this is almost over

what an age we live in

Bread Regal 04-15-2014 10:27 PM

man this BM is really kicking my ass. guess i should update the rolling shits recently taken thread. *whips out iphone*

D. 04-15-2014 11:04 PM

Whenever I devour black jellybeans because those are the only ones I'll eat, my poop turns purple and green. Shit is unreal.

yo soy el mejor 04-16-2014 05:11 AM

my buddy and i bought bottles of magnesium citrate (not bad, not bad) before she dropped me off for the evening. the next day we drank them around the same time and kept each other updated on our guts and chatted on the phone when the stuff started working.

mxzombie 04-16-2014 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Bread Regal (Post 4052877)
man this BM is really kicking my ass. guess i should update the rolling shits recently taken thread. *whips out iphone*

obviously what it was made for. and maps

slunken 04-19-2014 09:41 AM

Pooping right now bump

Bread Regal 04-19-2014 04:30 PM

got a water cooler for the house so i've been drinking lots of water lately. actually quite amazing how much effect that has on your BMs. been having 3's all week.

The exploding boy 04-19-2014 11:37 PM

You really don't want to give me an excuse to talk about my shits.

I obsess over them.

I have IBS too. So there's a lot to talk about. 3 to 4 bowel movements a day worth of shits to talk about in fact. I probably outshit all of you, day in day out. In the war of shits, i will bury you all. In my shits.

reprise85 04-20-2014 12:03 PM

Yeah I've been drink a ton of water lately. So many hybrid type 3/4 poops. The best kind.

slunken 01-23-2015 05:10 PM


mxzombie 01-23-2015 08:36 PM

i started exercising and eating more (trying to tack on some mass) and ever since, i've been hitting the toilet bowl pretty hard with regular footlongs. really great type 3s.

FlamingGlobes 05-21-2016 03:09 PM

I'm pooping right now.

I'll let you know how it is when I stand up.

FlamingGlobes 05-21-2016 03:17 PM

OK, I'm finished. It was an okay shit. One of those ones that you put a good ten minutes into and you think you're doing great and then you look in the bowl and go "...that's it?"

FlamingGlobes 05-21-2016 03:17 PM

It's a feeling I imagine many first-time mothers have after giving birth.

Cool As Ice Cream 05-22-2016 05:53 AM


reprise85 05-22-2016 05:33 PM

chart repost needed

reprise85 05-22-2016 05:35 PM

i ate a ton of greek yogurt last night and have been drinking ton of water and eating a decent amount of fiber. i had a bunch of type ones today but they were not hard to pass, because of all the water i'm guessing. i'm drinking like a gallon+ of water a day. i drank 3 liters at work today plus a large iced coffee. i'm not even trying. hellooooo summer in florida.

redbreegull 05-22-2016 07:22 PM

I have kind of a weird poop thing happening. Sometimes my shits are regular old type 3 or 4 (or sometimes they look like 1, but like reprise said, not hard to pass at all).


sometimes, seemingly randomly, I will go through days at a time where I experience a lot of cramping and lower abdominal discomfort, and when this happens my shits tend to be type 5-7. Weird thing is, they are really hard to pass, like sometimes it can take a good half hour or even longer to evacuate a small amount of liquidy poop. I have to assume this is inflammation inside my bowels like the chart says, but what could cause this? My diet is pretty steady and generally high in fiber. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies, healthy fiber-rich cereals, and drink water constantly throughout the day. I haven't been able to identify any irregular food that I sometimes consume that could be causing this.

Thinking back, this has actually been something that has been occurring as long as I can remember, to the point where I don't really even think about it when it happens usually. Maybe I should ask a doctor? Or is it possible my digestive system is just really temperamental?

buzzard 05-22-2016 07:44 PM

Sounds like bowel cancer.

vixnix 05-22-2016 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by redbreegull (Post 4263716)
I have kind of a weird poop thing happening. Sometimes my shits are regular old type 3 or 4 (or sometimes they look like 1, but like reprise said, not hard to pass at all).


sometimes, seemingly randomly, I will go through days at a time where I experience a lot of cramping and lower abdominal discomfort, and when this happens my shits tend to be type 5-7. Weird thing is, they are really hard to pass, like sometimes it can take a good half hour or even longer to evacuate a small amount of liquidy poop. I have to assume this is inflammation inside my bowels like the chart says, but what could cause this? My diet is pretty steady and generally high in fiber. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies, healthy fiber-rich cereals, and drink water constantly throughout the day. I haven't been able to identify any irregular food that I sometimes consume that could be causing this.

Thinking back, this has actually been something that has been occurring as long as I can remember, to the point where I don't really even think about it when it happens usually. Maybe I should ask a doctor? Or is it possible my digestive system is just really temperamental?

you could be overdoing the fibre. I think that can cause IBS. My friend's mother ate too much fibre and ended up with IBS. Or it could be something else in your diet. Have you tried a low allergen/irritant diet, like cutting dairy?

vixnix 05-22-2016 07:53 PM

I hate this thread and it makes me gag but I can't stop reading it. It's like the pimple popping videos.

redbreegull 05-22-2016 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4263718)
you could be overdoing the fibre. I think that can cause IBS. My friend's mother ate too much fibre and ended up with IBS. Or it could be something else in your diet. Have you tried a low allergen/irritant diet, like cutting dairy?

I haven't tried cutting dairy, but that did occur to me and I have taken note that I am often fine after consuming a lot of dairy. Maybe it's too much fiber? I googled the symptoms and the most obvious answer is an IBD disorder (is that the same as IBS?). Apparently it could be something like Crohn's... Occasionally I do experience real intestinal pain and serious blockage, but usually when it happens it's mild discomfort.

reprise85 05-22-2016 09:49 PM

IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning if they can't find anything functionally wrong with your system but you have symptoms, that's the catch-all. Irritable bowel diseases are specific bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and chron's disease

How often do you have this happen and are there any other symptoms? Nausea etc?

Throughout my teenage years I had terrible diarrhea every day after meals, usually at least twice. Not sure how I lived with it, but I was used to it and I had other bullshit happening in my life like trying not to get killed every day. So, eventually I came home at 19 years old. Around 19-20 I was tripping on LSD and someone mentioned shitting blood and I got the LSD anxiety where I thought about what my stomach issues and that I did shit blood once in a while and I said it out loud and they were like "WTF you've never gotten treatment for this????"

And that's how I got treatment for it and don't have chronic IBS symptoms anymore.

FoolofaTook 05-25-2016 02:19 PM

i drank three carrot smoothies and ate ten servings of humus last night.

this morning i defecated in pleasurable agony for twenty minutes.

slunken 05-25-2016 11:00 PM

When I had my first wisdom tooth pulled out I was on a iiquid diet and on day 5 I had to call in late for work becase I was painfully constipated. Like, super painful.

3 hours later I finally shit out a person-load of what looked liked clay, after squatting on the john like a gargoyle, feet on the seat style.

and that's my poop story!

run2pee 05-26-2016 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4264091)
i drank three carrot smoothies and ate ten servings of humus last night.

this morning i defecated in pleasurable agony for twenty minutes.

Pls post carrot smoothie recipe in slobs thread

MyOneAndOnly 05-26-2016 08:28 PM

been back to working out daily and type 4 at least 5 days per week. type 6 and 7 once in a while if i get blasted drunk

MyOneAndOnly 05-26-2016 08:30 PM

double shit post

slunken 05-26-2016 11:02 PM

thinking about getting a foot-stool to help for a proper squatting position

redbreegull 05-26-2016 11:05 PM

sounds more like a stool stool

slunken 05-26-2016 11:08 PM

growing up, there was a foot stool in my grandparents bathroom that had painted on it, "if you sprinkle while you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie"

slunken 05-26-2016 11:09 PM

in reality it should have said "jiggle the handle to stop the water from flowing" that would have been more helpful of a reminder.

slunken 05-26-2016 11:10 PM

petition to re-name this thread "game of thrones"


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