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Alice 03-24-2021 05:38 PM

Sorry, that was perhaps uncalled for

Alice 03-24-2021 05:38 PM


Alice 03-24-2021 05:39 PM

Come on though

smashingjj 03-25-2021 12:23 PM

Ok, assholes, I was supposed to be rehearsing tonight but that fell through. Instead I'll be posting here. Fuck yeah.

smashingjj 03-25-2021 12:31 PM

For both my bands, I play my Fender jazz bass.

I'm pretty cool.

smashingjj 03-25-2021 12:32 PM

That's Gijs and a youth picture of the guitarist on it. Like I said, I'm a cool dude.

smashingjj 03-25-2021 12:35 PM

I finally bought a small pedal train half a year or so ago, and it improved my life so much, that I honestly don't know how it could be improved any further.

For Apneu, I use the Ampeg SVT sound emulator.

smashingjj 03-25-2021 12:36 PM

I don't use that one for Fine China Superbone, since I have this amp for that band:

smashingjj 03-25-2021 12:38 PM

I use an old ass Ampeg cab for that one too. I can't find a picture. It has a speaker on the front and one on the back. It's rowdy.

smashingjj 03-25-2021 12:40 PM

For Apneu, I use an Ashdown amp with a newer Ampeg cab. Especially with the SVT emulator it sounds good enough.

Thing is with both my cabs that the wheels keep falling off.

smashingjj 03-25-2021 12:40 PM

Much like my legs.

smashingjj 03-25-2021 12:45 PM

ok whatever, go away or something

redbreegull 03-26-2021 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by soniclovenoize (Post 4576851)
Anyone else blowing their stimmy on gear? I really haven't invested in new pedals since, well, last posting in this thread! So I thought I deserved to splurge a bit. Some shit I got...

when my biden bucks come I'll put money into my setup for the first time in a few years. I'm currently using an MXR analog chorus and I'd love to complement it with the MXR carbon copy delay.

I've also been sitting on a Peavey Classic 50 I've had since high school but have never changed the tubes in because I basically switched exclusively to acoustic up until a few years ago. It's unplayable and I don't have another big boy amp, so I'll probably take care of that as well.

Joey Goldberg 03-26-2021 02:34 PM

i know this is a geetar thread, but if my freshly-christened "biden bucks" come in i'll be hard-pressed not to grab one of these

(or some version therein :stan:)

teh b0lly!!1 03-27-2021 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by redbreegull (Post 4576992)
when my biden bucks come I'll put money into my setup for the first time in a few years. I'm currently using an MXR analog chorus and I'd love to complement it with the MXR carbon copy delay.

I've also been sitting on a Peavey Classic 50 I've had since high school but have never changed the tubes in because I basically switched exclusively to acoustic up until a few years ago. It's unplayable and I don't have another big boy amp, so I'll probably take care of that as well.

go on dude

make it mesa boogie

Ram27 03-27-2021 03:02 PM

i recently got my trump bux thanks to tax shit, bought a wireless receiver thing [i already have to play with headphones from my amp so i wanted one less wire], bought a mixer with my biden bux so the guitar is one channel, my phone clicks into another, and i can mix them in a much less stupid way than wearing AirPods under nice headphones

AveryLoren 03-27-2021 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by soniclovenoize (Post 4576851)
Anyone else blowing their stimmy on gear? I really haven't invested in new pedals since, well, last posting in this thread! So I thought I deserved to splurge a bit. Some shit I got...
The new EHX Russian Green Big Muff. It rocks. Allegedly reproduction of the original Sovtek Green Big Muff (which I had in the 2000s but was stolen ;_; ). A/Bing, they sound really close, but it sounds way better than the Bass Big Muff I have been using for eternity.
TC Vibraclone. I just wanted a cheap, no frills, quick n easy rotary sound. That's it. Was using a Small Clone explicitly for that purpose, so this is replacing that.
Mattoverse Airtrash Fuzz. woo golly! Nasty, skanky fuzz that devolves into oscillations and rando noise. I got the wooden one.
Caroline Somesault. A fucked up chorus pedal. Getting some crazy ass modulations, bleeps and bends. It also has this "explosion footswitch" that when hit, it jumps the modulation speed to the max, making it seem like it's suddenly "exploding".

Death By Audio Echo Dream 2. A great analog delay pedal that made by my favorites Death By Audio. This is essentially upgrading my decade-old EHX Memory Boy, as this thing can do that plus an insane amount of crazy delay antics smoothly.
Catalinbread Csidman. It's a really pristine digital delay pedal, but with a turn of a few knobs, it becomes a glitch pedal, as the delays can be random and chaotic.

I also have a Gojira Noise Ensemble on order. Can't wait for it!

This is frighteningly close to what I splurged on last year. I rarely post on this board, but I had to.

paranoid 03-28-2021 01:53 PM

I'm really, really terrible at posting photos here, so please go check out my shit in instagram @ adambosseguitar

i have lots of nice stuff and often post pumpkins guitar covers

soniclovenoize 03-28-2021 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by AveryLoren (Post 4577049)
This is frighteningly close to what I splurged on last year. I rarely post on this board, but I had to.

well, fuck

Also, anyone seen the Way Huge Atriedes Weirding Module?

Give me a reason to not get it

slunken 04-07-2021 09:43 PM

using the phrase "biden bucks" or the word "stimmy" is fucking nauseating

Ram27 04-08-2021 04:25 PM


i had about 8 different identity crisises in the last few weeks and today i finally bought a fucking lap steel. the way the notes...are really hit you in the soul

dude at the music store was like oh if you get a volume pedal it's like a pedal steel. so yeah i cannot wait

soniclovenoize 04-08-2021 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by slunken (Post 4577636)
using the phrase "biden bucks" or the word "stimmy" is fucking nauseating


Joey Goldberg 04-09-2021 11:34 AM

call it "mean green" for all i care

just put it in my BANK

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