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ilikeplanets 08-27-2022 01:48 PM

It's just an easier way to do what I'm already doing. Which is really sad, yeah. I need a job that doesn't want me to work slower, I've never even heard of that.

vixnix 08-28-2022 09:15 AM

Procrastinated all weekend and chose to cook and clean and help my kids with their schoolwork rather than do my own. Finally handed in a half-assed job on my university assignment at 11:48pm tonight (was given an extension to “the end of the weekend”)

Study is the one thing I do for myself, I don’t get why I procrastinate so much with the assignments. It’s not like I’m doing them for anyone else

reprise85 08-28-2022 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4599787)
y'all so bad

there's a ton of social media-related jobs evaluating content that pay shit but assume things take way longer than they do.

they could pay more, update their timing guidelines, and fire people if they can't meet productivity. but they are getting paid based on how much labor they provide to google/facebook/etc and how long it takes, so they have no incentive to do this. instead, they pretty much force people to play them this way because no one wants to cut their own hours and make less. so everyone plays this game that shit takes 3x longer than it does and workers have to find creative solutions to do other work at the same time as this work so they can make a decent living. i quit my job like this last year and was making 11/hr and took maybe 25-50% of the time they required to do the tasks depending on task. i would have much rather made 20/hr and had half the hours and not had to act in a way that feels shady. but middlemen are gonna middlemen

it's so fucking stupid

ilikeplanets 08-28-2022 02:06 PM

I just don't understand why they would want people to accomplish less. That goes against all logic. So I spend 75% of my work week literally wasting time so that I don't work "too fast."

ilikeplanets 08-28-2022 02:10 PM

The official reason is that the slow pace is supposed to emphasize quality, but all my performance reviews have kept me in "excellent/elite" status and I work 4x faster than what I'm contracted to. It is definitely stupid, but I'm completely dependent on the schedule flexibility. I wish more jobs offered that.

reprise85 09-02-2022 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4599808)
I just don't understand why they would want people to accomplish less. That goes against all logic. So I spend 75% of my work week literally wasting time so that I don't work "too fast."

essentially they want to bill the client for more time for the same work

and if the client asks for metrics on how long things take, the statistics match what the the middlecompany claims (your employer)

ilikeplanets 09-02-2022 05:55 PM

I just want to work for actual Facebook, no shame

MyOneAndOnly 09-08-2022 01:33 PM

who will be the lucky one to post the Queens death thread?

What will the thread title be?

MyOneAndOnly 09-08-2022 01:34 PM

who will be the lucky one to post the Queens death thread?

What will the thread title be?

MyOneAndOnly 09-08-2022 01:35 PM

The monarchy is a cancer, btw

yo soy el mejor 09-08-2022 02:39 PM

good riddance. one down, many more to go. hopefully death catches up to her family so the last heir can die before a new one gets borneded.

it boggles the mind and annoys the shit out of me to hear about this useless family on f'ing north american news channels. why do you care?

yo soy el mejor 09-08-2022 04:27 PM

i got called a 'karen' by a drunk white lady on a plane headed from hawaii to denver. i was tickled!

So I was traveling alone and walked onto a plane--it was a big one and not that crowded yet so a lot of the seats around mine were empty except for a boy in front of me and a woman in the row in front of him.

She obviously knew him (turned out to be his mom) and I walked upon her saying to him, "You're just gonna sit there a fucking prince, huh? You're not gonna pay me back for what I did? You have no fucking clue..." The boy (later learned to be 10) sounded embarrassed and saying, "Moooom, stop. Come on, please". But she wouldn't stop!

Man, finally I piped up and told her she was being disgusting. She said it was none of my business and I said if I have to listen to her disgusting language and she's verbally abusing a child in front of me it is my business.

She told me I have no idea how much of a little shit he is...blah blah blah. I said, "well, look at how you behave." Then I spoke directly to the boy and I said, "I am so sorry you have to deal with this woman. It'll be a good day when you turn 18"

It was then she called me a Karen and I laughed and said, "You're the blonde drunkard cursing at a child. Are you that drunk or just a bitch?"

Two people in the middle cluster of seats were giving me approving glances the whole time for saying something and at that moment said, "Oh yeah, she's drunk". And that was that. I shared some giggles about the woman with the girl next to me, but nothing else happened after that.

So, in conclusion, the term Karen is out because now white women are using it against Mexicans

slunken 09-08-2022 05:53 PM

the plane then had to be emptied because everyone put on party hats and started blowing party favors and shooting off fireworks while auld lang syne played

yo soy el mejor 09-08-2022 08:02 PM

would've been piiiiissed if we were made to alight because of her drunk hats or not

slunken 09-09-2022 05:55 PM

I sold my OG vinyl copy of Antichrist Superstar for $500 please pray for me that I'm not getting scammed guys.

ilikeplanets 09-10-2022 12:29 AM

That's a bad ass move, ****. It's never worth it to have those sort of family arguments/discussions/verbal berating sessions in public and people gotta shut it down.

vixnix 09-10-2022 07:58 AM

I usually go for de-escalation and levity in those situations because usually the best way to help the child is to support the mother, rather than berate her

Though, that’s easier said than done if the mother is drunk

ilikeplanets 09-10-2022 12:20 PM

I can't imagine being comfortable enough to yell or viciously scold my kids in public. I have that saccharine persona out there, even when I'm fuming.

ilikeplanets 09-10-2022 12:33 PM

Grocery check outs, and especially self check outs, have become the ultimate test. The last thing I want to do after a 2 hour shopping trip with a hyper 5 old who makes finger guns at every child we pass and a wailing newborn who can't yet keep her own pacifier in seated in a heavy carseat carrier, is allow my 5 year old to "do it herself" with every item. Yesterday she scanned the wrong barcode on every item that had 2, which automatically rings the cashier over to undo it, then dropped each of my mangos on the ground one by one after picking them out of my cart when I told her that produce doesn't have barcodes and let me do the produce. Then she screamed at the top of her lungs about how I'm a terrible woman for close to 10 straight minutes as I finished up. Even in those situations, I feel like I'm not supposed to show frustration, and definitely not yell at/insult my kid. Both in general, but more so never in public. It sucks because you're either looked at as someone who can't effectively discipline or someone who is cruel.

slunken 09-10-2022 01:45 PM

ilp so real with it


ilikeplanets 09-10-2022 02:00 PM

I have a perfect "whisper scream"

ilikeplanets 09-10-2022 02:10 PM

I don't even care if you're low key making fun of me, I gotta spill it somewhere cuz that situation sucks

vixnix 09-10-2022 03:44 PM

That situation definitely sucks and I agree it is basically impossible to get it right. I scolded my kids all the time if they needed it. I think I went too far the other way. It depended on what else was happening. If there was a queue at the grocery store I would tell them to look at all the people waiting, and ask them in a pointed and harsh tone whether they thought everyone was happy to sit and wait while they took so long scanning the groceries. My kids were pretty receptive to that. If there was nobody waiting then I just took a deep breath and zoned out, probably. But I probably looked like a harsh mother. Well, I was a harsh mother I guess.

On my Mary Poppins days when miraculously I’d had enough sleep and been able to shower and eat breakfast and there had been no throwing up and no poop disasters, I would put on a cheery voice and say “it’s fun to take turns” and try to speed things up that way. I chose a lot of cringe viewing like Little Bear and Sesame St so when I wanted to take a break from relentlessly encoding them with knowledge and manners, I could pass the torch to Big Bird

But yeah mostly I was pretty harsh. My kids recount stories all the time now like they’re veterans, and ironically I respond to that by speaking harshly to them. I think it’s just the kind of mother I am

Joey Goldberg 09-10-2022 04:33 PM

just think of planets, i like planets

think of planets & they'll get u thru...

ovary 09-10-2022 04:56 PM

my son is only three weeks but i've had success with the shaking method

ovary 09-10-2022 04:58 PM

in the hospital it said on a sign "7 out of 10 parents in this state agree it is never okay to shake your child" so that's where i got the idea because i'm always trying to think outside the box

ovary 09-10-2022 05:01 PM

seriously tho someone gave us this swing thing that's like a fuckin' arcade ride and it's like baby heroin. like he'll try to start crying in there but he can't. just feels too good. gets fussy turn up the rotation speed a little bit. zoom zoom

ilikeplanets 09-10-2022 05:19 PM

If I'm overly harsh I can't sleep at night. I definitely employ screen time, too, but your kids are older and didn't grow up fully immersed in technology by the time they were 2 (right?) so I try to save it for the most stressful times. There's no right answer, and my oldest isn't the type to be motivated by other people's feelings at the grocery store, so I probably look like a doormat. But I'd rather doormat than bitch, I guess.

Of course that doesn't mean I don't lose my shit ever, just means I hate doing it and it never changes behavior in a positive way for us, so I strive to parent with kindness.

ilikeplanets 09-10-2022 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4600771)
seriously tho someone gave us this swing thing that's like a fuckin' arcade ride and it's like baby heroin. like he'll try to start crying in there but he can't. just feels too good. gets fussy turn up the rotation speed a little bit. zoom zoom

Baby swings are a life saver, my oldest slept in hers until she was 10 months old (not recommended). This baby doesn't love it quite as much, but falls asleep next to the running vacuum cleaner. Babies, man.

And congratulations!!

yo soy el mejor 09-10-2022 06:13 PM

neither of my parents yelled at me too much, weirdly enough. except one time my father actually jumped up and down while yelling at me for the first time when i was 9 or so and he looked so weird. my mother didn't bother yelling, she just told me to go away and stay in my room when i upset her and would ignore me until i apologized.

when i was super young, my father would surreptitiously pinch my arm or take me to a restroom until i shut up (he says i loved to watch myself cry in the mirror) whenever i misbehaved in public.

this reminds that so many people at my work (basically everyone except a very young girl) have kids except for me. so when they just all tell stories about their kids (some have adult children, others very young ones), i can only relate by once being a kid myself.

someone talked about their kid going through a biting stage and people shared their relatable stories. i chimed in to say i think i was bitten by a kid going through that stage and we were both sent to the hall to wait for the principal. the mark was starting to fade so i bit myself to make sure it didn't and the principal caught me. ugh!

yo soy el mejor 09-10-2022 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4600720)
That's a bad ass move, ****. It's never worth it to have those sort of family arguments/discussions/verbal berating sessions in public and people gotta shut it down.

yeah, man. and he was obviously not even being a brat in that moment and just asking her to please stop.

gosh, i can still remember how ugly and mean her face looked sandwiched between two seats looking back at him thinking no one could see or hear her but him.

like that scene from the shining!

vixnix 09-12-2022 05:28 AM

I just opened the wingstop website and made myself so sad

I feel like all the islands of New Zealand have no good chicken wings. What kind of shitty country are we, anyway

ilikeplanets 09-12-2022 06:26 AM

Come to think of it, I can't name a single New Zealand-specific dish. Google says pie is your national dish, specifically kiwi pie. Do you find this true? I've never had kiwi pie, or seen it anywhere on my life over here stateside.

ilikeplanets 09-12-2022 06:26 AM

Come to think of it, I can't name a single New Zealand-specific dish. Google says pie is your national dish, specifically kiwi pie. Do you find this true? I've never had kiwi pie, or seen it anywhere in my life over here stateside.

vixnix 09-12-2022 06:54 AM

Godforsaken meat pies as a national dish. It’s worse than hamburgers and hot dogs.

I think the only other thing is a pavlova, which is this sort of hideous huge meringue covered with fresh whipped cream and fresh fruit (usually berries). But there’s an ongoing feud with Australia over who created that.

For my generation the traditional NZ dish was either roast lamb or lamb chops with vegetables - in my childhood we still raised heaps of sheep in NZ. So lamb chops for dinner and an itchy woollen jersey and itchy woollen blankets on our beds. And wool carpet under foot. Just….Sheep and sheep products everywhere

ilikeplanets 09-12-2022 07:01 AM

meringue and whipped cream together sounds pretty bad, vix

ilikeplanets 09-12-2022 07:19 AM

Fucking 3:30 AM and I'm online working and talking about pavlova, sipping coffee. Doesn't get much fucking better.

vixnix 09-12-2022 07:53 AM

Yeah it’s always skeeved me out. But making a pavlova at Christmas time is basic hospitality in NZ and once a year it is tolerable. It’s kinda grown on me. Otherwise we embrace our colonial roots and eat fruitcake and plum pudding at Christmas (which are basically the same thing) or trifle which is the very worst. God honestly trifle just is the end. So next to those, pavlova seems like the best of a bad lot

Poor you. I’m up at 11:50pm making school lunches for the kids for tomorrow because im leaving the house early and my kids will honestly eat trash if they can’t just grab a lunch from the fridge before they go to school. I’ve been up since 5:50am (to make them breakfast and drive them to sports stuff). My husband got up at 8:00am and has gone to sleep already. What a jerk!

topleybird 09-12-2022 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4600769)
in the hospital it said on a sign "7 out of 10 parents in this state agree it is never okay to shake your child" so that's where i got the idea because i'm always trying to think outside the box

Love this. Wondering if you've considered thinking inside the box. Specifically the Skinner box.

ovary 09-13-2022 11:29 PM

ok netphoria here we go im listening to mahler or se
shit hold on let me flip this bitch

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