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Disco King 09-02-2019 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Eulogy (Post 4517127)
Wait did **** vote for Jill stein

I'm even better at demonstrating my moral purity by throwing my vote away. I always vote for the Buddha.

yo soy el mejor 09-03-2019 07:47 AM

no one's vote belongs to anyone else, but some people think that they do.

Shallowed 09-03-2019 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4516092)
They say with teenagers that you subtract 12 years and get their emotional age...

So does this mean that a 2 year old has more emotional age than a 13 year old?

yo soy el mejor 09-03-2019 08:14 AM

you can't subtract.

Shallowed 09-03-2019 10:54 AM

14 year olds have the emotional age of a 2 year old. and 13 year olds have the emotional age of a 1 year old, right...?

Shallowed 09-03-2019 10:55 AM

You know what they say

duovamp 09-03-2019 10:57 AM


ilikeplanets 09-03-2019 11:08 AM

What age is that supposed to stop? Definitely don't feel 17

Shallowed 09-03-2019 11:14 AM

Only a couple more years until I'm an adult, emotionally.

vixnix 09-03-2019 02:26 PM

It’s just an idea that helps parents remember that regressions and emotional immaturity are a normal and expected part of adolescence, and that patience might be more useful than discipline.

vixnix 09-03-2019 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by ella (Post 4517164)
I teared up just a little bit on the walk back to our house after getting him on the bus. It was just so different and quiet compared to the walk to the bus that it just kinda hit me.

What’s your internship?

Awww yeah, I can imagine that. It’s different, eh.

The internship is just working with a policy team organising a bit of data entry and other general dogsbody work. I haven’t worked in a full on office environment since 2005 (when I became a Mum), so it’s helpful just to have the experience of what it’s like now...

Alice 09-03-2019 02:59 PM

Dogsbody is a great word

FoolofaTook 09-03-2019 03:31 PM

A gaggle of dogsbodies?

FoolofaTook 09-03-2019 03:40 PM



FlamingGlobes 09-03-2019 05:45 PM

Alice 09-03-2019 05:56 PM

I believe a group of dogsbodies is known as a congress

FlamingGlobes 09-03-2019 05:59 PM

FlamingGlobes 09-03-2019 06:00 PM

Eulogy 09-03-2019 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4517286)
no one's vote belongs to anyone else, but some people think that they do.

I just asked a question lol

yo soy el mejor 09-04-2019 08:03 AM

that was in response to the eul/dk post combo- not yours alone.

Mals Marola 09-04-2019 11:14 AM

yours alone

on the telephone?

yo soy el mejor 09-04-2019 11:58 AM


ella 09-04-2019 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4517327)
Awww yeah, I can imagine that. It’s different, eh.

The internship is just working with a policy team organising a bit of data entry and other general dogsbody work. I haven’t worked in a full on office environment since 2005 (when I became a Mum), so it’s helpful just to have the experience of what it’s like now...

Do you like working outside the home? I haven’t had a job outside the home since 2013 when I had my oldest. I started working online in 14 so at least I won’t have a big hiatus on my resume whenever I do decide to start back to work. Just thinking about getting a job again gives me anxiety though, after being out of the workforce so long you feel like everything has changed.

ilikeplanets 09-04-2019 07:59 PM

That's how I feel looking at graduate programs. College has changed a lot in 8 years. And I'm sure I'll have no idea where to start job hunting after completing that in several more years. -_- Bold move, Em.

vixnix 09-05-2019 04:07 AM’s hard.

Working outside the home leaves me way less time to fret over my kids’ futures, so in a selfish sort of way, it’s good. We need the money, to save for retirement, so we won’t be a burden on our kids, and to put them through school, so I’ll appreciate having a job if I get one, just for that reason.

Work seems surprisingly has taken me a couple of weeks to get used to the particular ins and outs of this workplace but mostly it feels very familiar. Hopefully I can slot in somewhere, next year. If not at this place, hopefully somewhere similar, where they can see that I’ve completed an internship and I’m a good normal person who turns up and does all the expected things.

The hard part is trying to do it while studying full time. I had a test on Tuesday and an essay due on Monday. There’s no down time. But the internship is only for another five weeks. I keep telling myself it won’t be forever. Because right now it actually feels very hard. And my kids have projects they need help with...and I don’t have time to help them. My husband does all the laundry and loads the dishwasher every night. I feel like a real loser in many ways :(

ilikeplanets 09-05-2019 03:14 PM

i think it's a great step! new routines take time to get used to, and sometimes you gotta shift responsibilities around to figure out what will be sustainable.

Disco King 09-06-2019 12:05 PM

Why do some students feel the need to whisper little asides and provide a director's commentary for lectures? Shut the fuck up, I didn't come here to listen to you.

Disco King 09-06-2019 12:09 PM

Like, once or twice in a lecture, that's fine. But responding to every single thing the instructor says throughout the damn class, just why are you doing this?

topleybird 09-06-2019 12:51 PM

That's when you must gather up yo soy's warrior spirit and hiss some invectives at them to make them respect their surroundings and community

Alternatively, start carrying an air horn or mace to class

FoolofaTook 09-06-2019 01:05 PM

nah you don't want to lose the element of surprise.

first: man-up.

then: arise, lift your desk on high, and smite those gibbering swine!

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