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vixnix 06-03-2019 06:08 PM

Ah that's you know where you'll be moving to, yet?

Sounds complicated about being with her 100%, but she will be a really good age to start preschool then, I reckon.

I am really not sure about the grade. All social sciences seem to boil down to the history of the discipline, and learning the ins and outs of that particular shitshow before abandoning all those methodologies because of all the flaws that were pointed out about them

I mean cripes, can we not just skip that part and start with just drawing the most reliable inferences we can, now? Do I really have to memorise the names of people who got it wrong, decades ago? ugh

vixnix 06-03-2019 06:10 PM

i handed in two major assignments, one three weeks ago, and one a month ago, and they still haven't been marked

I am slowly losing my mind. is this a slow turnaround or is it normal? in geology we would sit a test at 5pm and they'd tell us to come back and check the noticeboard in a couple of hours, we'd all go to the student pub and then come back and see our results. this to me is a good system

vixnix 06-03-2019 06:12 PM

in philosophy, it would be more like a week, maximum two weeks. A month?!??! seriously?!!?

ovary 06-03-2019 07:51 PM

ask your professors why you should buy into the current social science theories when all youve been learning about is the ways in which the old theories were wrong

myosis 06-04-2019 12:31 AM

sounds like she would be the perfect person to deliver that line

reprise85 06-04-2019 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4509482)
ask your professors why you should buy into the current social science theories when all youve been learning about is the ways in which the old theories were wrong

i mean freud was wrong about a lot of shit but it's still valuable because the idea of the unconscious mind didn't really exist, at least not in a widespread way, before then. it's still the basis of psychodynamic psychotherapy, which is shown to be helpful for many people still (psychodynamic not psychoanalysis). jung and his collective unconscious is the basis for evolutionary psychology, which has good and bad points, but can fundamentally change the way you look at society.

if you don't learn these based on the person(s) who came up with the ideas, you'll indirectly learn them in other ways, which will be harder to assimilate into concrete ideas and might lead to "discovering" things which aren't really new at all and could have been learned more easily.

now i agree if it's an applied class or a class only on a very specific topic you don't need to know any history. but i understand why they teach it

vixnix 06-04-2019 06:52 AM

Just spent six hours in the hospital with one of my kids who fell and fractured both wrists and an elbow. He’s still in a lot of pain so it’s going to be a long night and then we have to go back tomorrow.

So now the schoolwork seems less important. I’ll just learn the stupid names, whatever

FoolofaTook 06-04-2019 08:15 AM

:( sorry. how the fuck did that happen?

Cool As Ice Cream 06-04-2019 08:16 AM

what are the consequences of breaking both wrists? will someone need to feed him? wash? etc.?

ovary 06-04-2019 08:24 AM

more importantly, how is he going to, you know, take care of himself?

reprise85 06-04-2019 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4509513)
Just spent six hours in the hospital with one of my kids who fell and fractured both wrists and an elbow. He’s still in a lot of pain so it’s going to be a long night and then we have to go back tomorrow.

So now the schoolwork seems less important. I’ll just learn the stupid names, whatever

damn sorry to hear

ovary 06-04-2019 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4509505)
i mean freud was wrong about a lot of shit but it's still valuable because the idea of the unconscious mind didn't really exist, at least not in a widespread way, before then.

i think the fact that the greatest psychologist of all time's primary method was literary analysis speaks to the internal confusion and misguidedness of psychology as a discipline. most work in the "social sciences" is built on really shaky methodological ground. once you get to the graduate level, as vixnix has, the discipline will admit that, but still keeps up the ruse that the latest theories are somehow better or more legitimate. all "modern"/scientific ways of thinking and knowing suffer from the same flawed commitment to critical iconoclasm, or the unquestioned assumption that newer ideas and conceptualizations are better and should replace older ones.

freud knows what's up tho, largely because his method isn't really scientific but historical and analytical and philosophical. i don't think you can say he "was wrong" any more than you can say Plato or George Eliot or Foucault are "wrong"; they just present different ways of interpreting and valuing the experience of life that resonate more or less strongly with different people at different times.

i guess i just don't see much value in the "insights" of the social sciences. their primary purpose seems to be serving as conduits for the legitimization and reproduction of the upper-middle class. we'd certainly be better off without those bastard "economists."

i'm feeling very reflective this morning.

topleybird 06-04-2019 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4509513)
Just spent six hours in the hospital with one of my kids who fell and fractured both wrists and an elbow.

Damn, sorry to hear that

Guessing he didn't medal in his X Games competition as a result, so, double whammy

FoolofaTook 06-04-2019 11:21 AM

i gave your dad a double whammy, if you know what i mean!

FoolofaTook 06-04-2019 11:22 AM


Mals Marola 06-04-2019 11:54 AM

sounds like something i'd read about in a Michael Campbell classic

FoolofaTook 06-04-2019 12:07 PM

I assume you refer to his seminal dissertation The 1919 Bible Conference and its Significance for Seventh-day Adventist History and Theology? (Andrews University, 2008).

Mals Marola 06-04-2019 12:23 PM

yes, lot of juicy "DWs" & "DPs" in that one if i recall correctly

Campbell you dirty DOG!

ilikeplanets 06-04-2019 12:32 PM

Hope your kiddo heals quickly, Em. What a nightmare. The whole world screeches to a halt when something happens to your kid. I hate that feeling.

ovary 06-04-2019 12:48 PM

there once was a man, sigmund freud
who thought kids get off when they void
thought nipples were rad
and dad's dick not so bad
which he shamefully toyed and enjoyed

FoolofaTook 06-04-2019 01:44 PM

There was a bro-dude named ovary
who read Madame Bovary
he stuffed his hole
with my father's poll
and blew his wad all over me!

topleybird 06-04-2019 04:20 PM

Got invited to something called a Diaper Party Cookout by a new father-to-be

Time to willfully misunderstand the intent and let my freak flag fly

ovary 06-04-2019 04:45 PM

there once was a took of a fool
ran a posh and select grammar school
but he went to prison for drugs
sold his pupils fine nugs
how the syntax of justice is cruel!

reprise85 06-04-2019 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4509533)
i think the fact that the greatest psychologist of all time's primary method was literary analysis speaks to the internal confusion and misguidedness of psychology as a discipline. most work in the "social sciences" is built on really shaky methodological ground. once you get to the graduate level, as vixnix has, the discipline will admit that, but still keeps up the ruse that the latest theories are somehow better or more legitimate. all "modern"/scientific ways of thinking and knowing suffer from the same flawed commitment to critical iconoclasm, or the unquestioned assumption that newer ideas and conceptualizations are better and should replace older ones.

freud knows what's up tho, largely because his method isn't really scientific but historical and analytical and philosophical. i don't think you can say he "was wrong" any more than you can say Plato or George Eliot or Foucault are "wrong"; they just present different ways of interpreting and valuing the experience of life that resonate more or less strongly with different people at different times.

i guess i just don't see much value in the "insights" of the social sciences. their primary purpose seems to be serving as conduits for the legitimization and reproduction of the upper-middle class. we'd certainly be better off without those bastard "economists."

i'm feeling very reflective this morning.

i don't really disagree with any of this. in a way all new social science is trying to do is get "closer" to the truth, but the truth is based on culture and society and not on fact.

if one possible outcome of philosophy/psychology is to reduce suffering, that's great. but it isn't much different than anything that can do that, such as religion, exercise, etc.

i just have an undergrad degree in psychology, but i did do some higher level work including an undergrad thesis. there are just so many theories in psychology and many of them are unfalsifiable. but there are certain things that can predict outcomes, for example attachment theory is fairly good at predicting problems in adolescence and later life with deliquency and criminal behavior. does that prove it's "right" or "meaningful"? not really, but if it works, that is worth something on its own

i was most interested in forensic psychology because i am into assessment and prediction, such as risk of reoffending, recommendation for parole, sanity assessment, police psychology (negotiation training and assessing for trauma mostly), parenting and custody assessment, and stuff like that. i don't know that it was necessary for me to learn about evolution (and evolutionary psychology) or even developmental psychology to learn how to do these things, but those classes made me think about the world and people in ways i never would have thought of. does that make me a better assessor? probably, but unlike most people in undergrad i had a lot of self-directed learning because of my grades and being in honors studies. i had basically an entire year to study whatever i wanted (9 credits, anyway). and i studied forensic and evolutionary psychology. mostly psychopathy as a life strategy and negotiation, cooperation, and deception based on evo psych/social psych/developmental psych

i learned a lot and i think it would ultimately help me in that kind of field but it wasn't so much learning any theories but learning how they could matter to what i really wanted to understand

i see freud to some extent but especially jung as mostly philosophers. i do credit freud with basically creating psychotherapy (not that it didn't have problems, it definitely did), and the concept of the unconscious mind, and for just noticing and writing about things that had never been strictly defined before. defense mechanisms come to mind. his stages of sexual development are kinda weird but the main points - that children are sorta sexual in a way and then it stops and then it comes back at puberty - are pretty much right. he was extremely smart and the world is definitely better because of him. but he has all kinds of wacky shit too, and that's what people stick to. who cares about penis envy and the Oedipus shit? well basically all the professors except the clinically oriented ones, it turns out. and evo psych might have been the only class that never mentioned him once.

reprise85 06-04-2019 09:05 PM

sorry i just kinda rambled on there

bright_doom 06-10-2019 11:10 PM

Am currently watching the woman at the table in front of me at McDonalds eating a quarter pounder with a knife and fork.

bright_doom 06-10-2019 11:44 PM

Jokes on me. I got sauce and grease all over my fingers + phone. I also give her a gold star for taking her rubbish to a bin.

topleybird 06-11-2019 09:30 AM

I am seeing a lot of articles, all too annoyingly written to link here, that seem to indicate some Europeans and particularly the French do this with burgers

So I am guessing this woman was a damn foreigner and you and the other patrons should have lynched her

vixnix 06-11-2019 08:48 PM

Thanks for the kind words guys. He was just playing at school, they have a sort of high wire bridge and they're pretty relaxed (which I think is good). He was hanging off the outside of the bridge, lost his grip and fell with arms outstretched to break his fall.

Had to go in yesterday for a one week check up, six hours of x-rays, taking a cast off, morphine and nitrous so they could manipulate his wrist again, putting another cast on. I think I played a good three hours of eye spy, probably 1.5 hours of it in the same room. Fucking depleted

He's been referred for an MRI to check for cartilage damage in his elbow and may need surgery. Poor guy is so over it.

Luckily my test could be postponed until Friday, and I have an extension on some other work. Just....gotta keep going.

Livin' the dream here in the Kennel Kafe!

yo soy el mejor 06-13-2019 04:56 PM

i ordered my first uber last week for work cause apparently you can order from a computi now and it's good timing, too, since i can get reimbursed for such rides.

now i'm living the good life. /hops into car and says to driver, "sir," indicating i need the door closed

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