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FlamingGlobes 03-21-2019 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4503584)
what is colcannon, dude?

Basically mashed potato with kale and fried onions n shit. I'm sure there's probably a much more apt definition, but it's what I am eating/ate.

Also steamed a fuckton of spinach that was about to turn. Totally gonna poop again tomorrow. :smoke:

Catherine Wheel 03-21-2019 07:50 PM

Took I think I might go to the club tonight. And the ones there don’t repeatedly call me a baby or insecure or say I lack confidence cus it’s over 21 club so no high schoolers aloud.

FlamingGlobes 03-21-2019 07:52 PM


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Colcannon (Irish: cál ceannann, meaning "white-headed cabbage") is a traditional Irish dish of mashed potatoes with kale or cabbage.

A pot of freshly made colcannon
Main course or side dish
Place of origin
Serving temperature
Main ingredients
Mashed potatoes, kale or cabbage
Cookbook: Colcannon
Media: Colcannon

Colcannon recipe on a bag of potatoes
Colcannon is traditionally made from mashed potatoes and kale (or cabbage), with milk (or cream), butter (or vegetable oil), salt and pepper added. It can contain other ingredients such as scallions (spring onions), leeks, Laverbread, onions and chives. There are many regional variations of this dish.[1] It is often eaten with boiled ham or Irish bacon. At one time it was a cheap, year-round staple food,[2] though nowadays it is usually eaten in autumn/winter, when kale comes into season.[3]

An Irish Halloween tradition is to serve colcannon with a ring and a thimble hidden in the dish. Prizes of small coins such as threepenny or sixpenny bits were also concealed inside the dish.[4]

The origin of the word is unclear. The first syllable 'col' is likely derived from the Irish 'cál' meaning cabbage. The second syllable may derive from 'ceann-fhionn' meaning a white head (i.e. 'a white head of cabbage') - this use is also found in the Irish name for a coot, a white headed bird known as 'cearc cheannan', or 'white-head hen'. The phrase may also be borrowed from the Welsh name for a leek soup known as cawl cennin, literally "broth (of) leeks."[5]

The song "Colcannon", also called "The Skillet Pot", is a traditional Irish song that has been recorded by numerous artists, including Mary Black.[4][6] It begins:

Did you ever eat Colcannon, made from lovely pickled cream?
With the greens and scallions mingled like a picture in a dream.
Did you ever make a hole on top to hold the melting flake
Of the creamy, flavoured butter that your mother used to make?

The chorus:

Yes you did, so you did, so did he and so did I.
And the more I think about it sure the nearer I'm to cry.
Oh, wasn't it the happy days when troubles we had not,
And our mothers made Colcannon in the little skillet pot.

See also
List of cabbage dishes
List of Irish dishes
List of potato dishes
Champ, Irish mashed potato dish
bubble and squeak, English potato dish
clapshot and rumbledethumps, Scottish dishes
stamppot, Dutch potato dish
Recipe from An Bord Bia (Irish food board)
Irwin, Florence (1986). The Cookin' Woman: Irish Country Recipes. Blackstaff. ISBN 0-85640-373-3.
Molyneux Kale
Allen, Darina (2012). Irish Traditional Cooking. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. p. 152. ISBN 9780717154364.
Evans, H. Meurig (1980). Y Geiriadur Mawr. Gwasg Gomer.
"The Black Family" CD, 1986, Dara Records, DARA CD 023
External links
Look up Colcannon in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Last edited 1 month ago by Jph
dutch potato dish

Champ (food)
Irish dish

potato dish

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Fonzie 03-21-2019 07:53 PM

Ima just waiting for the Dirt to hit Netflix.

FlamingGlobes 03-21-2019 07:59 PM

Watching OG Fright Night on Blu-ray. Fucking love this movie.

Catherine Wheel 03-21-2019 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4503574)
here i was trying to find a job on netphoria

I have a job for you. I can put you to work real will be like one of those Latina maid porns cus I already know you are into being subordinate and toxic masculinity

FoolofaTook 03-21-2019 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Catherine Wheel (Post 4503586)
no high schoolers aloud.


FoolofaTook 03-21-2019 08:11 PM

you did that on purpose, didn't you, you mischievous colcannon!

FoolofaTook 03-21-2019 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Catherine Wheel (Post 4503590)
I have a job for you. I can put you to work real will be like one of those Latina maid porns cus I already know you are into being subordinate and toxic masculinity

dude why? come on c dub.


Catherine Wheel 03-21-2019 08:14 PM

what’s the big deal? I have a real girlfriend anyway and this is just more of her mischief. I’m not crossing any bad lines

Catherine Wheel 03-21-2019 08:17 PM

Oh it’s the misogyny of it? Who cares? Call a spade a spade

Catherine Wheel 03-21-2019 08:21 PM

I don’t understand all this walking on eggshells / guilt shame stuff

ilikeplanets 03-21-2019 08:23 PM


Catherine Wheel 03-21-2019 08:36 PM

She plays her role real well on here and never breaks character once so just let me play mine without guilt / shaming me

buzzard 03-21-2019 08:42 PM

Thank you for informing us of your marital status, either way.

pavementtune 03-21-2019 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Catherine Wheel (Post 4503590)
I have a job for you. I can put you to work real will be like one of those Latina maid porns cus I already know you are into being subordinate and toxic masculinity

well, you sure showed me. that I was wrong when I didn't vote for banning your ass.

Instead, I figured if someone (like an admin) would make it clear to you that you are way past walking on thin ice and can either choose to stay, or choose to do this shit, we'd get our old CW back and you'd simply stop.

I'm sorry everyone to have been the holdup on this banning, my bad.

go fuck yourself, CW.

FlamingGlobes 03-21-2019 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4503602)


We were talking about Us.

Catherine Wheel 03-21-2019 08:48 PM

This place is so assbackwards

FlamingGlobes 03-21-2019 08:49 PM

Man, I can't wait for Us.

pavementtune 03-21-2019 08:49 PM

good thing you can choose how to use the exit door, with your face or your feet first.

Catherine Wheel 03-21-2019 08:50 PM

You are just as socially clueless as Erica. None of you should be mods

Catherine Wheel 03-21-2019 08:52 PM

Hey that sounds like another lesson learned. I’m on a roll today

FlamingGlobes 03-21-2019 08:56 PM

Catherine Wheel 03-21-2019 09:09 PM

If your smart you’ll notice she was giving me silent treatment until I mentioned girlfriend and killing time on here and then she chimes in with her dirty mind.

FlamingGlobes 03-21-2019 09:12 PM

Catherine Wheel 03-21-2019 09:59 PM

And you can look at this way. The board serves a purpose with this. Because outside of this it serves no purpose. The mod system makes no sense. None of the rest of it makes any sense.

teh b0lly!!1 03-21-2019 10:13 PM

are you sober CW?

FoolofaTook 03-21-2019 10:18 PM

Catherine Wheel 03-21-2019 10:18 PM

Why don’t you ask soy sauce that half the time she’s here? Or why don’t you ask yourself if you are autistic or something similar to explain your need to be here so often.

Catherine Wheel 03-21-2019 10:21 PM

All of the mods here are autistic or severely mentally impaired in some way. 75 percent of the people who post here regularly are. Those are ninsp stats

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