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Elphenor 03-11-2019 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4502203)
keeping the cemetery grounds


and definitely not sex with the dead

FoolofaTook 03-11-2019 07:51 PM

do you sell dime bags?

FoolofaTook 03-11-2019 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Elphenor (Post 4502287)
and definitely not sex with the dead

i really feel like your life-path is leading you directly to black metal.

Elphenor 03-11-2019 08:49 PM

when that first wave of warmth envelopes your body at about beer 3 awwwww yes that's the stuff

Elphenor 03-11-2019 08:51 PM

some day we'll be dignified and old

Elphenor 03-11-2019 09:07 PM

my hair stylist (lol for my moptop) drinks shots with me while she dyes my hair (jet black)

we listen to Velvet Underground and talk about how Lou Reed was a monster to women but THE KING so what can you do

that was fun today I mean she's like 30 and married but I think she's my best friend

Elphenor 03-11-2019 09:19 PM

my roommate tells me he saw my ex on some online dating thing whatever the newest swipe-uh is

thing is he never met her

but he got her name and description right

you take one look at her and you know we dated how did I let something like that go

Elphenor 03-11-2019 09:26 PM

I made her cry one night

only to cry when she said she had enough

Elphenor 03-11-2019 09:27 PM

hey thanks dead forum I needed this

teh b0lly!!1 03-11-2019 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4502226)
"Your ONE JOB was to keep the cemetery grounds, and now they've gone missing! You're fired!

i'm still waiting for these quotation marks to close

teh b0lly!!1 03-11-2019 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Catherine Wheel (Post 4502072)
It’s everything you mentioned in the other thread. The spiderwebs and mind games and manipulation. Just confirmed by me

i'd just like to point out that CW here is referencing this post. lol


Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 (Post 4500217)
catherine wheel, for what it's worth, i am totally seeing the way you are subtly dominating this community. hats off to you man. it's kind of hilarious how they all play into your spiderwebs and ploys and never even know it. your talents would probably be better used as an undercover cop. you would also get to go to cop bars. think about it man

buzzard 03-11-2019 10:25 PM

It's like that episode of The Wire in which McNulty figures out that paying Avon's Verizon bill is the key to getting up on his phone.

FoolofaTook 03-12-2019 12:33 PM

One of my seminary teachers would sometimes tell students that there should be an eleventh commandment in the Bible: “Thou shalt not do theology against thy neighbor.”

Mals Marola 03-12-2019 01:14 PM

^ now here's a man who knows how to get deep into the mind of an adventist virgin

Disco King 03-13-2019 04:53 PM

Google has sent me a push notification to watch the trailer for the new Aladdin movie no fewer than four times now.

Kinda breaking the "you only get three wishes" rule.

Disco King 03-13-2019 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4502375)
One of my seminary teachers would sometimes tell students that there should be an eleventh commandment in the Bible: “Thou shalt not do theology against thy neighbor.”

"You think you can tell me how many commandments I should make? Okay, new commandment: thou shalt shut the fuck up, or get smote."

Disco King 03-13-2019 06:32 PM

Smited? Smitten? Ensmite?

Also, five Aladdin trailer notifications now.

FoolofaTook 03-13-2019 07:11 PM

the new beauty and beast sucked ass

LaBelle 03-13-2019 07:31 PM

Hopefully the new Lion King doesn't

FoolofaTook 03-13-2019 07:37 PM

oh shit it actually looks good! and it's by the same director who remade jungle book, which was great.

FlamingGlobes 03-13-2019 08:25 PM

But it's also by the same director who made Iron Man 2, which was bad.

LaBelle 03-13-2019 09:17 PM

and Zathura which was... nothing, it just was.

LaBelle 03-13-2019 09:22 PM

Well it had Kristen Stewart in it, that's a plus.

yo soy el mejor 03-13-2019 10:06 PM

makin' oven polenta with roasted mushrooms and thyme for dinner...alone :[

then i'm going to raise the Italian flag :]

FlamingGlobes 03-13-2019 10:40 PM

Is "raising the Italian flag" a euphemism?

FlamingGlobes 03-13-2019 10:40 PM

buzzard 03-13-2019 10:40 PM

¿Sabés cómo se juntan los hongos?

Hongo porongo.

cork_soaker 03-14-2019 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4502583)
push notification

ever wonder who will be the last person alive to hold a memory of you in their mind?

cork_soaker 03-14-2019 12:11 PM

it could be some kid you were standing next to at a bus stop one day, who, enamored by the pattern on your socks, looked up and inexplicably had the vision of your face imprinted into their brainstuff

and that decades after anyone who ever knew your name was gone, and the world had long since moved on — there you are, sitting like a pebble in the creekbed of this person’s memory

cork_soaker 03-14-2019 12:11 PM

i mean, jeez

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