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Disco King 02-02-2022 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by topleybird (Post 4589242)
When people speak of the "good old days," what they mean is the Paleolithic Era, but personally I believe we should have stopped in the Devonian Period

Total tradwife material here

Stewart Lee - Damned Immigrants from jack taylor on Vimeo.

Disco King 02-02-2022 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4589249)
This is lame but I want to talk about it. I filed my taxes, and instead of owing $3k like I thought, I was eligible for some credit and will have a $2k refund. So I bought myself a $1k dream chair that I've always wanted. A recliner with a footrest, leather, and super large and comfy. I'm having expected aches and pains as I near the second half of pregnancy, and my old crappy couch is like sitting on springs. So this is a small happiness for me! Next I'll buy that 11 globe Turkish floor lamp!

The comfiest of congrats!

reprise85 02-03-2022 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4589249)
This is lame but I want to talk about it. I filed my taxes, and instead of owing $3k like I thought, I was eligible for some credit and will have a $2k refund. So I bought myself a $1k dream chair that I've always wanted. A recliner with a footrest, leather, and super large and comfy. I'm having expected aches and pains as I near the second half of pregnancy, and my old crappy couch is like sitting on springs. So this is a small happiness for me! Next I'll buy that 11 globe Turkish floor lamp!


My mom has one of those lamps, I don't think it's 11 globes but it's like 8 or something.

I also will be getting about 2k back, but it's going in the moving fund. I am considering paying a company to do everything for me which is pricey for a 1000 mile move. At the very least I'm going to pay someone to pack my stuff and ship it in a pod.

ilikeplanets 02-03-2022 03:57 AM

I'm likely moving clear across the country from Oregon to Maryland by the end of the year, before winter really begins. The expense is unbelievable. The cars are 10 and 13 years old, and we have to decide if we want to spend money upgrading to new cars, or take the risk of driving older cars that far throughout the empty middle of the country. Plus, with 3 adults and 2 young kids that trip will certainly take 8-10 days with all the stops and slower speed. Also needing 2 hotel rooms each night will add up. Shipping cars or paying a driver to get them there is pretty unaffordable, so that's a huge detail we will all need to come to a consensus on. I fucking hate flying, but it might be the easiest in this case, if I can find a good deal on a vehicle. I want to really take the plunge into my lifestyle and get a midsize SUV, my Kia Soul isn't built to deal with all the bulk.

I'm hoping everything moves at a breakneck pace for all of 2022, because the past 2 years have been like someone pressed pause on my life, and I'm ready for some action.

Elphenor 02-03-2022 11:34 AM

started school again, being in a classroom even with masks really makes it feel like things are back to normal

ovary 02-03-2022 10:47 PM

fuck the masks i'm done with all that shit

what i am not done with is my new tongue problem. i have developed a tongue problem. a tic you might call it. i can't stop beating out little melodies on my tongue. it's exhausting. my tongue is exhausted. sometimes i have to hold my tongue in my teeth to keep him still. it's getting worse. it's really become a problem.

ilikeplanets 02-04-2022 01:39 AM

I want to keep the masks forever

ilikeplanets 02-08-2022 04:26 PM

On that note, sounds like any remaining mandates are soon to be lifted. What a bummer.

Cool As Ice Cream 02-08-2022 05:41 PM

it's all over. let's celebrate!

ovary 02-08-2022 07:14 PM

i knew none of you would care about my tongue

Cool As Ice Cream 02-09-2022 05:37 AM


topleybird 02-09-2022 12:16 PM

Seems like a textbook lemonade-out-of-lemons situation to me

Joey Goldberg 02-10-2022 03:31 PM

less than a kilo away, y'all should hang out

ilikeplanets 02-10-2022 03:41 PM

My chair arrived today. I'm not getting up. It fits all 3 of us so we'll just stay in this chair forever.

ovary 02-17-2022 07:50 PM

have you guys heard about that new italian sitar player? he's really good. you should check him out. his name is ravioli shankar

ilikeplanets 02-18-2022 02:09 AM

That name reminds me of Jello Biafra in its craziness

vixnix 02-21-2022 08:47 PM

I think the worst part of having a job and parenting teenagers is finding myself in situations where previously I would have just moved to another city, and finding I don’t have that option right now, and have to be an adult and address the situation at hand

It really is some bullshit

Cool As Ice Cream 02-22-2022 04:35 AM

what kind of situations would previously make you move to another city?
can you give some examples?

vixnix 02-22-2022 06:53 AM

Unpleasant smells
Libraries with uninteresting book collections
Not good views from second storey windows

Cool As Ice Cream 02-22-2022 09:22 AM


i was thinking of scenarios in completely different categories.

ilikeplanets 02-27-2022 11:00 PM

Del del

ilikeplanets 03-16-2022 01:23 AM

Anybody have anything to talk about?? I'm in need of hearing about other people's lives, badly. I'm huge and tired, and have somewhere around 3 more months to go, so I wanna fill up my mind with something else, even though this is amazing.

ilikeplanets 03-16-2022 01:28 AM

Something kinda shitty is going on at my job. I evaluate clickbait on social media, among other things, all which involve reading posts and linked articles. Now all of a sudden I'm not being paid for all my time spent, but only the time I am actively clicking and typing. So basically I have to read the articles for free, but obviously the job cannot be done without reading the fucking content. In a 4 hour window of time spent logged into my account, which used to all be billable, I am only getting paid for roughly 2 hours and 45 minutes. Pretty fucked up, honestly.

teh b0lly!!1 03-16-2022 08:09 AM

Wow, that is shitty as hell.

Can you get malicious and make sure you're always clicking idly and/or touching some keys even while reading?

topleybird 03-16-2022 09:19 AM

Sounds like your job has some active tracking software monitoring things, but if they don't happen to be checking where you're clicking, you might be able to get away with something like this

teh b0lly!!1 03-16-2022 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4590461)
Something kinda shitty is going on at my job. I evaluate clickbait on social media, among other things, all which involve reading posts and linked articles. Now all of a sudden I'm not being paid for all my time spent, but only the time I am actively clicking and typing. So basically I have to read the articles for free, but obviously the job cannot be done without reading the fucking content. In a 4 hour window of time spent logged into my account, which used to all be billable, I am only getting paid for roughly 2 hours and 45 minutes. Pretty fucked up, honestly.

Also, how did this even come about? Did they make you sign a new contract or was this just reported to you all matter-o-factly?

Elphenor 03-16-2022 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4587710)
might just force myself to try it online i guess.


i definitely do; i hate being introverted and quiet -- it seems like everyone else can think of something to say to keep the conversation flowing really easy and i just....stall when i'm with others

when i am chatting about SP stuff i am golden. 68% sure i am autistic and it is my special interest.

[and tbh no matter what the topic was irl i'd stall no matter what]

yeah I wouldn't even consider myself introverted, but I just don't know what to say in a lot of social situations, which can make you feel like you're kinda just there

ilikeplanets 03-16-2022 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 (Post 4590472)
Also, how did this even come about? Did they make you sign a new contract or was this just reported to you all matter-o-factly?

The latter. And not even really presented to us, I brought it up when I noticed what I believed to be missing hours on my invoice and was responded to with this. I feel a bit stuck because I absolutely require the complete flexibility this job allows, so I'll try some of the tricks suggested here. It's a shame because my "status" with them is "elite" and I also audit for them, so clearly my performance wasn't an issue, but I guess people taking forever to read and not really work was a problem for them. I'm sure this is the beginning of the end for me, since it DOES say in my contract that I won't be getting a pay increase ever, and since I'm self employed I pay ridiculously high taxes while in a low tax bracket. Just wanted to get through this pregnancy without anything else major like a job change first, especially since I want a couple weeks off to recover after my C section and I know that will be granted here since I've never taken time off in almost 2 years.

reprise85 03-16-2022 12:51 PM

you don't need hardware, there's autohotkey auto clickers.

lmk if you need help setting it up. i have novice AHK skills. won't work on mac though but I'm sure there's other software solutions

teh b0lly!!1 03-16-2022 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4590477)
The latter. And not even really presented to us, I brought it up when I noticed what I believed to be missing hours on my invoice and was responded to with this. I feel a bit stuck because I absolutely require the complete flexibility this job allows, so I'll try some of the tricks suggested here. It's a shame because my "status" with them is "elite" and I also audit for them, so clearly my performance wasn't an issue, but I guess people taking forever to read and not really work was a problem for them. I'm sure this is the beginning of the end for me, since it DOES say in my contract that I won't be getting a pay increase ever, and since I'm self employed I pay ridiculously high taxes while in a low tax bracket. Just wanted to get through this pregnancy without anything else major like a job change first, especially since I want a couple weeks off to recover after my C section and I know that will be granted here since I've never taken time off in almost 2 years.

I relate to this. I put up with a lot of shit in my last job for that reason. It sucks when you do what you're asked to well, but they poke you out of nowhere with shitty little things like that and you progressively feel worse and worse about staying there.

But then again, that's any job ever. Hope that you can ride this out somehow. Eyes on the prize.

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