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rub_the_y 08-15-2010 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by thefinalcoda (Post 3641198)
Sharks are typically portrayed as having dilated pupils. It would appear that, quite possibly, you have gotten it the wrong way around.

Here's another O-Boarder, though he hasn't posted in many months. I always regarded him as The King of the Interwebs.

Fugly. And blatantly homosexual.

Marqués 08-15-2010 06:53 AM

I was meaning there was something kind of creepy about them.

You're trying to argue with things too literally or whatever.

Poopy head.

thefinalcoda 08-15-2010 06:56 AM

Thank you for the laughter that you just provided.

rub_the_y 08-15-2010 07:34 PM

Wow, those oboarders are not only ugly, but dense as all shit too. People post their fugly pictures and now there are retards over there predicting who will be next to be posted on the board. They even think they can try to guess who is trolling the board, and of course they are way off. Who let their parents reproduce, honestly?

thefinalcoda 08-15-2010 09:05 PM

You seem to be spending a lot more time on a board that you supposedly hate than one would expect you to. Are you having problems at home?

rub_the_y 08-15-2010 09:36 PM

No, just having problems with your face, fugly von ugly.

thefinalcoda 08-15-2010 09:41 PM

Oh really? I thought it was your fear of an alley stabbing and subsequent organ theft. When do we get to see your face, anyway, Fabio?

Insecurity is the motivating factor in a great deal of unusual and pathetic behaviors. That is my theory, for now.

rub_the_y 08-15-2010 09:51 PM

So I guess by you coming here to further antagonize me and indulge in unusual and pathetic behaviors, I should, using your theory, consider that you're motivated by insecurity for the large part too.


Chin up fuggers, some chicks dig that back alley stabbing spree look you sport so well.

thefinalcoda 08-15-2010 10:38 PM

You may find that I had registered some time before your awesome and so clearly successful thread was created. It just amused me to be featured in the first image. I was further amused at your recycling of a joke that was posted directly under the photograph that you found of me on the O-Board. Good quality thread making, right there.

When do we get to see you, anyway? My guess is never.

Also... You seem to have implied that I am antagonizing you... That was easier than it should have been.

Additionally, the least you could have done was add the picture I submitted after the back alley stabber shot. You could contrast my hairstyle with that of Justin Bieber's, or call me an emo, a hipster, a fag, or something similarly creative. I feel like you need help, and that is what I am trying to do. No need to thank me.

lucid_interval 08-15-2010 10:58 PM

would be amusing to spread misinformation about topics related to the band subtley just to make them look stupid., i've even seen the mods not knowing the most basic information about the bands history or things related to the band.

rub_the_y 08-15-2010 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by thefinalcoda (Post 3641373)
You may find that I had registered some time before your awesome and so clearly successful thread was created. It just amused me to be featured in the first image. I was further amused at your recycling of a joke that was posted directly under the photograph that you found of me on the O-Board. Good quality thread making, right there.

When do we get to see you, anyway? My guess is never.

Also... You seem to have implied that I am antagonizing you... That was easier than it should have been.

Additionally, the least you could have done was add the picture I submitted after the back alley stabber shot. You could contrast my hairstyle with that of Justin Bieber's, or call me an emo, a hipster, a fag, or something similarly creative. I feel like you need help, and that is what I am trying to do. No need to thank me.

I figured, looking at that picture, that you were too far gone with the ugliness anyway, and so would be stating the obvious, much as you've done in this thread. I didn't even bother reading the comments about how much you look like an organ thief, but it was only kahlo who said it anyway, he probably stole it off someone while maintaining his artistic integrity of taking more or less the same landscape shot, adding a dude wearing suspenders and having his back turned, hmm?

Otherwise, your perception is astounding, you clever thing you.

And there's no real need to call you an emo or a hipster or a fag; you already know how much of a loser you are -- all it looks like is that you are comfortable with it. Congratulations.

thefinalcoda 08-15-2010 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by rub_the_y (Post 3641379)
I figured, looking at that picture, that you were too far gone with the ugliness anyway, and so would be stating the obvious, much as you've done in this thread. I didn't even bother reading the comments about how much you look like an organ thief, but it was only kahlo who said it anyway, he probably stole it off someone while maintaining his artistic integrity of taking more or less the same landscape shot, adding a dude wearing suspenders and having his back turned, hmm?

Otherwise, your perception is astounding, you clever thing you.

And there's no real need to call you an emo or a hipster or a fag; you already know how much of a loser you are -- all it looks like is that you are comfortable with it. Congratulations.

I am beginning to get the distinct impression that you like me, but, at the same time, find yourself having trouble admitting to it. It's okay. I am the forgiving type.

Tell me more about yourself. It may usher in a blossoming friendship.

Kahlo 08-16-2010 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by rub_the_y (Post 3641379)
And there's no real need to call you an emo or a hipster or a fag; you already know how much of a loser you are -- all it looks like is that you are comfortable with it. Congratulations.

Says the coward making fun of people's appearance while not sharing their own visage :-)

Internet hard man :D

hnibos 08-16-2010 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by Kahlo (Post 3641404)
Says the coward making fun of people's appearance while not sharing their own visage :-)

Internet hard man :D

hes obviously hideous and bitter

rub_the_y 08-16-2010 04:06 AM

For the people wanting to see me, my reason for starting this thread was to highlight how ugly some people were, not to make it into some kind of who's who of ugly. My own appearance doesn't need validation because I haven't plastered my ugliness over the internet with the intention of seeking praise or admiration from a bunch of wankers who sit at home jerking it to Mary Star of the Sea.

kahole - nice call referring to that MyBigToe douchebag as mediocre. You were probably a bit generous but you've rated him as the same level as your photography ;)

Kahlo 08-16-2010 04:43 AM

17,000th time you have criticised my photography - you really have some kind of jealousy going on. Are you a failed artist of some description, because you really seem to fixate on my personal successes, or is that your only reference point for me? Either way sound like a broken record.

Point being - get some new patter, you are boring us (just like my photography omg!) ;)

rub_the_y 08-16-2010 05:01 AM

It's like the 3rd time, max. Clearly taking photos for a living doesn't warrant any kind of mathematic prowess.

Me get new patter? Pot. Kettle. Black.

jimmy drevpile 08-16-2010 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by lucid_interval (Post 3641374)
would be amusing to spread misinformation about topics related to the band subtley just to make them look stupid., i've even seen the mods not knowing the most basic information about the bands history or things related to the band.


Cool As Ice Cream 08-17-2010 03:28 AM

Board Message

Don't visit hatephoria
Just got a fucking virus from it

Had to clean it up. Its a virus that installs a fake virus program and puts 4 trojans into your system to spam windows, and block important applications from opening.

Just a heads up.

This is not news. But yeah, I assume that's why they're cross posting pics and trying to stir up drama: to either increase their membership or spread their ad riddled board herpes to unsuspecting thread clickers such as yourself. Too bad you fell for it.

Marqués 08-17-2010 03:32 AM

People deserve infected computers if they have shitty computers with crap security.

rub_the_y 08-17-2010 04:26 AM

Couldn't be the fact that they're just butt ugly and can't admit it, could it? It has to be something far more sinister, like someone trying to recruit members or trying to give people viruses.

If they caught viruses from here all I can say is LOL.

Cool As Ice Cream 08-17-2010 05:10 AM

slunken 08-17-2010 11:17 AM

lucid_interval 08-17-2010 06:59 PM

this thread is getting worse- like a car crash i know it's awful, but i just have to keeping looking at these pics.

Trotskilicious 08-17-2010 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream (Post 3641639)

there's nothing a little eyeliner and a stylish haircut wouldn't do for the girl, the guy obv. needs to have his head removed.

Trotskilicious 08-17-2010 07:43 PM

also immediately i thought 28if??? but then i realized that that guy isn't nearly feminine enough.

andrewface 08-17-2010 10:13 PM

i wonder what you look like

pretty cozy hiding behind the internet isn't it?

Cool As Ice Cream 08-18-2010 02:21 AM

we have our pictures in the pictures thread. PRETTY COSY EH?

Kahlo 08-18-2010 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by andrewface (Post 3641814)
i wonder what you look like

pretty cozy hiding behind the internet isn't it?

^ one of the dumbest fuckers on the o-board

rub_the_y 08-18-2010 03:09 AM

There's such a wide selection of dumbfucks on the fagboard that I can't decide who would be the most retarded.

Cool As Ice Cream 08-18-2010 03:24 AM

must be impossible. half of the o-board is unexplored. who knows what hides there?

rub_the_y 08-18-2010 03:36 AM

I'm going to venture

- fart and poo jokes
- sexual innuendo
- threads about how great smoking pot is for your health
- more textbook left-winged agendas

spidersoma 08-18-2010 05:41 AM

Hey, Tania.

How about you shut the fuck up already.

rub_the_y 08-18-2010 07:03 AM

OMG how stupid are you fucks? I think I've seen more intelligent lumps of shit. Especially ^you, fugly. You're so far off it makes me wet my tighty whiteys. Please don't reproduce, or better still, stop breathing.

Kahlo 08-18-2010 07:42 AM

Give it up you daft cow.

rub_the_y 08-18-2010 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Kahlo (Post 3641958)
Give it up you daft cow.

You are such a fucking shit stirrer. ROFL. I told you it wouldn't work.


Why are o-boarders so... 08-18-2010 09:43 PM Kahlo + these people will believe anything.

Kahlo 08-18-2010 08:01 AM

I like your insults too much for you to stop. Keep going Tania. Work through that psychosis.

rub_the_y 08-18-2010 08:03 AM

I still can't believe they don't realise it's you fuelling it all. Biggest collective of retards ever.

Kahlo 08-18-2010 08:07 AM

They haven't even worked out that I'm you and you are me. All too easy.

Cool As Ice Cream 08-18-2010 08:09 AM

i'm c_wilson aka AaroniusMaximus. i'm famous.

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