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ilikeplanets 12-17-2022 03:12 PM

She's not irrelevant, you're just a no0b, rusey

ilikeplanets 01-26-2023 11:27 PM

No, never mind.

Joey Goldberg 01-27-2023 12:33 PM

no planets

say it


Joey Goldberg 01-27-2023 12:34 PM

FlamingGlobes 01-27-2023 12:59 PM

I was always more of a Road Rash guy

ilikeplanets 01-27-2023 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Joey Goldberg (Post 4616216)
no planets

say it


No! I'm so tired of holding up this chat thread alone. I'll just let it sink back to the bottom.

Plasticine Rap Star 01-28-2023 06:47 PM

I want to go dancing through the sky kicking over clouds.

ovary 01-29-2023 10:21 PM

i'd rather have my hand in a bush than two birds

yo soy el mejor 02-02-2023 07:30 PM

i bought a bag of this stuff in the last chance clearance section of a grocery store. i couldn't stop thinking about it so i went back two days later and bought the last three bags. i have one left ;_; my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

online it's $69 for a pack of 12 (i paid $2.10 a bag)! WHA? guess i won't be getting anymore for a while. maybe for my birthday or something.

yo soy el mejor 02-03-2023 03:32 PM

thought i started my period but it was just red poop stain on the tp


ilikeplanets 02-03-2023 05:40 PM

Kinda like the Takis, Tide with Bleach powder is outta control suddenly! $50 for a container! Wtf

ilikeplanets 02-03-2023 05:41 PM

And it's the absolute best at removing red poop stains without fading the color, so I'm sad about it

Plasticine Rap Star 02-24-2023 04:38 PM

I might reinvent myself as a moustachioed strongman. I just need to grow a moustache and make myself really strong.

Plasticine Rap Star 02-24-2023 07:41 PM

Anyway, I've been taking evening classes in forensic psychology, and I've found it really interesting so far. I've been doing my assignments on time and reading lots of extra, relevant material outside of class. It's just an introductory eight week course, and I don't know if it will lead into something else, but it's nice to have something that lets me focus my mind and occupy some of my free time.

yo soy el mejor 02-26-2023 01:38 AM

we all fall into line sooner or later

yo soy el mejor 02-26-2023 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4616822)
And it's the absolute best at removing red poop stains without fading the color, so I'm sad about it

sucks it is so expensive! i buy any detergent on sale and always buy color safe bleach. i h8 laundry. it never stops just like the need to have food. i wish i could eat one big meal for the rest of my life

& you need to try that popcorn

ilikeplanets 02-26-2023 02:18 AM

Dealing with the need to eat is the utter BANE OF MY EXISTENCE. I truly, deeply, wish it was not a required part of life. Not that I hate food, or cooking, but there's never enough time to deal with it without sacrificing something else. And both of my kids essentially hate eating, and it is pretty depressing to spend multiple hours "gently encouraging" two unwilling people to allow you to keep them alive.

I think I do need that popcorn!

ilikeplanets 02-26-2023 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Elijah Moon (Post 4618312)
Anyway, I've been taking evening classes in forensic psychology, and I've found it really interesting so far. I've been doing my assignments on time and reading lots of extra, relevant material outside of class. It's just an introductory eight week course, and I don't know if it will lead into something else, but it's nice to have something that lets me focus my mind and occupy some of my free time.

Are you pursuing a degree or just taking the classes to learn?

Plasticine Rap Star 02-26-2023 01:15 PM

Just to learn at the moment. I went to uni for a while when I was younger but dropped out, and I don't think I'd consider going back at this point. I'm looking to make more changes, though, so maybe I'll follow these classes with something else if I feel like it's something for me.

ovary 02-26-2023 09:22 PM

FoolofaTook 02-27-2023 12:36 AM

ilikeplanets 03-02-2023 01:19 AM

Have any of you done Lasik? My birthday and tax return will collide this year, and I am pretty sick of glasses. I'm scared of a disastrous complication but that's obviously very unlikely, whereas it will probably go well and I'll be able to see and let my face go free!

ilikeplanets 03-02-2023 01:20 AM

It probably would have been better to do it at 25, but I feel like I should still get close to 20 years without glasses before I need readers.

yo soy el mejor 03-02-2023 06:59 PM

i just got a new pair of transition glasses B]

/feelin' myself

Plasticine Rap Star 03-03-2023 06:44 PM

Were they expensive? Are they worth the money?

ovary 03-03-2023 08:30 PM

i had transition lenses in middle school. made me look like a fuckin' dweeb

ilikeplanets 03-03-2023 08:52 PM

I've had them once or twice and they never worked

redbreegull 03-03-2023 10:44 PM

they work well until you go inside and need them to lighten up, cause it takes about 7 minutes

vixnix 03-04-2023 04:24 PM

What put me off transition lenses is that I’ve never found frames that would work on my face for both specs and sunglasses so then transition lenses would always look sub optimal as one or the other.

Plasticine Rap Star 03-05-2023 07:36 PM

Sounds like a minefield. I've never tried a pair.

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