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kelsome 05-05-2014 04:58 PM

Been on the no food love hunger strike. Hope it helps me loose weight so I can find someone new and not die alone. That's all I have to contribute.

gonna turn 28 this year. no spring chick.

Grant V 05-05-2014 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Trotskilicious (Post 4057013)
I honestly think this shit shes saying is what vix hears all the time but it doesnt make her feel good so she goes to the internet to abuse and antagonize people.

There is not an instance in the history of the universe in which the troll is a happy, well adjusted mature individual

Oh look pot calling the kettle black

reprise85 05-05-2014 11:10 PM

pretty sure he's including himself in that

reprise85 05-05-2014 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by kelsome (Post 4057039)
Been on the no food love hunger strike. Hope it helps me loose weight so I can find someone new and not die alone. That's all I have to contribute.

gonna turn 28 this year. no spring chick.

well i don't know what that means but i'm assuming you're not eating. be careful

i just turned 29 a few days ago. feels kinda weird.

Starla 05-06-2014 11:09 PM

Happy Belated Birthday Erica! Hope it was a good one.

reprise85 05-07-2014 02:52 AM

thank you

Order 66 05-07-2014 04:14 AM

one day closer to DEATH

kelsome 05-07-2014 07:46 PM

This kind of thought process is very unhelpful. I am eating very small amounts spaced out. I'm just not hungry. That was a lie, I do get hungry I just refuse to eat for now.

Trotskilicious 05-07-2014 07:48 PM

kelsome when was the last time you saw a therapist?

The exploding boy 05-08-2014 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Bread Regal (Post 4056737)
ariel you need to learn so self edit or at least break your shit up into more paragraphs.

Self edit sure, but breaking my shit into more paragraphs? I thought I did just that. On my monitor anyway it's three paragraphs of four lines. If that's too much, and too long, maybe people need to learn to read faster..... that's not even close to being a super fucking unbelievably lengthy post. Uninteresting? Yeah whatever, very possible. But the length was just fine.

Also it's creepy that you know my name but I don't know yours.

The exploding boy 05-08-2014 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Order 66 (Post 4057269)
one day closer to DEATH

who says there's not a good reason to rejoice every single day.

MusicMan4 05-08-2014 02:07 PM

There probably isn't anything that looks more like depression than my multiple attempts to put on my makeup everyday
You'd think I'd be getting a little better

yo soy el mejor 05-08-2014 03:49 PM

you and me both, sister.

yo soy el mejor 05-08-2014 03:50 PM

i just wanna cover a couple blemishes and not look sallow.

MusicMan4 05-08-2014 03:52 PM

I'm mostly struggling with with covering my beard shadow without looking like Powder

And not stabbing myself n the eyeball when I do eyeliner
And not getting nail polish all over my entire right hand

Oy vey

yo soy el mejor 05-08-2014 04:02 PM

ugh i have the same problem with nail polish. i h8 it. i'll paint my left hand with my right and it looks great, right? then i fuck my right hand using my left so i just take it all off. pretty much all my polish goes to waste that way.

i like using clear polish for that reason. or this stuff:

not only do nails look clean and pretty, but chipping is never visible. chipped polish reeks of grungy teenager to me probably because i always sported nasty chipped polish in h.s.

MusicMan4 05-08-2014 04:13 PM

I mostly go clear with this "nail protein" stuff that promises to keep my nails from always breaking since they've always been brittle
But dammit I want black nails
It sucks that I can do my toes perfect but nobody's ever gonna see my dumb nasty big toes

The exploding boy 05-08-2014 04:19 PM

this thread is for telling people how much you want to kill yourself, not sharing makeup tips.

MusicMan4 05-08-2014 04:20 PM

Every thread is whatever anyone wants it to be
The internet is a magic playground

Bread Regal 05-08-2014 04:25 PM

makeup seems like kind of a fun thing to be into.

Bread Regal 05-08-2014 04:26 PM

kind of like the way women have a much wider selection of sex toys.

null123 05-09-2014 03:54 AM

intense thread
that vixnix/pavement/trotsky interaction made me squirm

The exploding boy 05-09-2014 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Charmbag (Post 4058443)
intense thread
that vixnix/pavement/trotsky interaction made me squirt


Trotskilicious 05-09-2014 11:27 AM

Did i do bad again chamfuck

kelsome 05-09-2014 12:48 PM

Ah, i'm going to see my therapist today. I'm just going through a breakup with a live-in bf.

Trotskilicious 05-09-2014 12:52 PM

If i may, maybe ask about ways to derive self worth from other sources than a bf. It seems from your posts, breakups trigger major troughs

null123 05-09-2014 03:32 PM

not saying anyone did bad

kelsome 05-09-2014 08:55 PM

Yeah she keeps telling me about self worth. I must be dumb and can't get it through my thick skull. Or it can't be attained. Whatever. Work will save me.

Trotskilicious 05-09-2014 09:07 PM

no it won't

you can do it or whatever...boys r dum

Trotskilicious 05-09-2014 09:07 PM

i really wish i was one of those sad people who just threw themselves into work

my life would be no less miserable but at least i wouldn't be such a loser

The exploding boy 05-09-2014 09:23 PM

You could always throw yourself unto a train track.

Though don't.

I mean you'd probably fail at that too.

Bread Regal 05-09-2014 09:27 PM

reprise85 05-09-2014 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by The exploding boy (Post 4058853)
You could always throw yourself unto a train track.

Though don't.

I mean you'd probably fail at that too.

come on keep that shit out of my thread

reprise85 05-09-2014 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Trotskilicious (Post 4058804)
i really wish i was one of those sad people who just threw themselves into work

my life would be no less miserable but at least i wouldn't be such a loser

You're not a loser. But I also don't think people who throw themselves into work are necessary doing it in an unhealthy way. Obviously you need work/life balance but people in the medical field, for example, might just really like their jobs that much.

But that might just be me trying to justify what will be long years if I'm to continue on the psychology career path. Since I'm already doing 50-60 hour weeks between work/school/homework/studying and I'm just getting started.

reprise85 05-09-2014 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by kelsome (Post 4058771)
Yeah she keeps telling me about self worth. I must be dumb and can't get it through my thick skull. Or it can't be attained. Whatever. Work will save me.

Hope things get better, kel.

I have problems with self worth. Only I don't have personal relationships so my self worth is basically based on what happened at work/school that day which is not really good either. Like I got suspended from work (mandatory) after being short $60 and it's hard to not just think I'm an idiot who can't count and should just drop out of school and kill myself. If this would have happened a year or so ago I would have felt that way without knowing it's out of proportion. Now I still feel that way sometimes but know it's crazy talk.

Trotskilicious 05-09-2014 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4058989)
You're not a loser.

i am a picture book superloser.

reprise85 05-09-2014 11:00 PM

i see losers as people like banana and nimrod. people who are unrepentant jerks who somehow think they are some kind of gift to mankind.

MusicMan4 05-09-2014 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4059003)
i see losers as people like banana and nimrod. people who are unrepentant jerks who somehow think they are some kind of gift to mankind.

those are "assholes"

me and mr. rhino are "losers"

reprise85 05-09-2014 11:09 PM

i dont see it that way. i like you guys. but i guess if you guys are "losers" than so am i.

Trotskilicious 05-09-2014 11:18 PM

no friends, no fems, no life, no joy

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