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yo soy el mejor 11-19-2022 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly (Post 4609588)
but my GF said she would figure it out. She works for Disney+ so she should be able to LOL

DO IT, ALREADY! but srsly, that would be tight

yo soy el mejor 11-19-2022 04:23 PM

so my talk of the table is that i started a women's mid-career mentoring program (i gotta brag that i was told my application was "one of the most highly-rated"). my mentor is younger, which i don't care about because she has more experience in the policy field. but i feel like i am in such a dirty space mentally that i might just treat her like a therapist...i can be super open and vulnerable in 1-on-1 conversations with anyone. i have to be careful about not letting those floodgates open.

i love that we have so much in common, though. she is also a Mexican woman who strongly identifies as that but doesn't speak Spanish and feels shame for it because of external influences. we have similar upbringings and we're both really personable and open with one another. if anything, i hope i gain a friend out of it.

yo soy el mejor 11-19-2022 04:26 PM


ovary 11-19-2022 05:37 PM

maybe you should invite her onto the board

MyOneAndOnly 11-20-2022 12:51 AM

if anyone wants to connect via Mastodon DM me. It's the thing to do these days.

ilikeplanets 11-20-2022 01:31 AM

Is that the Musk-free Twitter? I never had Twitter anyway...or Instagram. I'm stuck on Facebook and missing MySpace.

ilikeplanets 11-20-2022 01:33 AM

I just googled when did PM become DM. I'll take 4 bingo cards, please.

MyOneAndOnly 11-20-2022 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4610048)
Is that the Musk-free Twitter? I never had Twitter anyway...or Instagram. I'm stuck on Facebook and missing MySpace.

kind of. Mastodon is a decentralized platform. It was designed without all the bullshit that makes Twitter a toxic hell hole. It's not a company. Each "server" is it's own thing.

I'm on

If you set up a profile. Do it on a laptop/desktop and don't download the "Mastodon" app on Google play or Apple store. Those apps are garbage.

MyOneAndOnly 11-20-2022 03:40 PM

My GF is working today on the Chicken cam. We already have a cam. And she's going to use a Raspberry Pi to complete the system. Hoping to have it up and running in a week

Disco King 11-22-2022 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4607732)
You know how there's "No Nut November" or "Dry January" or whatever? I think I really need to do a version of that, but for time-wasting bullshit that I use to procrastinate but that rarely actually brings fulfillment.

I can spend literal hours surfing the web doing nothing in particular. Then I wonder where all the time went and feel like my life is slipping through my fingers without me just getting done the shit I want to do in life. Also, I'm trading the momentary relief of drawing my attention away from difficult shit I have to do for the much greater anxiety that comes later when it becomes an unavoidable fact that I'm behind on everything.

So, for the month of November, I think I'll just totally block time-wasting sites. I know that what's more likely than me suddenly becoming uber productive is me just switching to other forms of procrastination, but hey, even that seems more healthy than refreshing Reddit for a dopamine hit. Maybe it will cause me to watch an actual movie and then have something to talk with other people about.

>If you're blocking time-wasting sites, then why are you here?

At this point, this board moves so slowly that it's not really possible to waste all day on it, anyway.

Well, this has been an abject failure. The only thing that's changed is that I've been spending more time procrastinating on this website instead of elsewhere.

I think I'm just going to get a new prefrontal cortex instead. Mine's busted.

ovary 11-22-2022 09:19 PM

i'm having some sort of dermatological crisis on the backs of my hands and my asshole. burning red burning red code red so burny

Joey Goldberg 11-23-2022 01:46 AM

is this the setup to some niche-ass porn?

ilikeplanets 11-23-2022 02:28 AM

My theme for this Thanksgiving is "summer barbecue" and I'm making baby back ribs (in homemade Jack Daniels sauce!), mac n cheese, cole slaw, cranberry sauce, and apple pie (which is the only store bought component because I hate making pie crust). I don't really like turkey or the traditional Thanksgiving sides so I'm going completely opposite. Plus I got a new pressure cooker and want to see if the ribs will really be fall-off-the-bone tender in 30 minutes. You're all invited.

MyOneAndOnly 11-23-2022 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4610377)
i'm having some sort of dermatological crisis on the backs of my hands and my asshole. burning red burning red code red so burny

anal sex without a condom increases your risk for monkey pox

ovary 11-23-2022 04:38 PM

in hindsight i think i just washed my hands too frequently for this winter dry weather. as for the ass i think it was from all of your moms pegging me.

Cool As Ice Cream 11-24-2022 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4610415)
Plus I got a new pressure cooker and want to see if the ribs will really be fall-off-the-bone tender in 30 minutes.

let us know!

ilikeplanets 11-24-2022 05:30 PM

I'll be posting about it on Facebook later.

Bye, thanks for stopping by!

Cool As Ice Cream 11-25-2022 04:21 AM

but i am not on the face book :/

FoolofaTook 11-25-2022 01:33 PM

My crown broke so I have to get it fixed and stay ANOTHER MONTH IN MEXICO

AW 😀😃😄😁😆😅🤣😂

ilikeplanets 11-25-2022 03:31 PM

The pressure cooker works great, though it took an hour instead of 30 minutes. The Jack Daniels sauce came out perfect, too. Full success with the food.

Ever single member of my family, except for ilikeplanets, had a mental breakdown at some point yesterday. I saved a little of that Jack Daniels for a well deserved cocktail after they all went to sleep. Thanksgiving really brings it out of people!

I did not post those parts on Facebook, though perhaps I should have.

ilikeplanets 11-25-2022 03:36 PM



Cool As Ice Cream 11-25-2022 05:04 PM

what a funny looking combination! i think mainly the mac n cheese looks out of place to me.

and i'm kind of satisfied to learn it took one hour instead of thirty minutes.
sounded too good to be true.

ilikeplanets 11-25-2022 06:30 PM

It's pretty standard fare, I thought. Just not on Thanksgiving.

vixnix 11-26-2022 06:16 AM

So apparently the racing heartbeat I’ve been getting on and off for more than 10 years is called SVT. I thought I was just having panic attacks, so I’ve been trying to fix it with box breathing and mindfulness.

I went to the emergency department the first time I had it, but it passed before I was seen by a doctor, so they told me there was nothing wrong with me and implied it was all in my head. So I figured it was, until Thursday.

It kept going for 8 hours, so I went to my family doctor, and thought he would tell me to get over myself and stop worrying. But instead he had the nurse hook me up to their ECG, tried the valsalva manoeuvre, gave me a child aspirin, called an ambulance and put a line in my arm.

At the hospital they gave me a drug that stopped my heart, to re-set it. It was a pretty disgusting feeling, having my heart stop beating. Then it just started up again, in a normal rhythm.

If I keep having these longer episodes I might need minor heart surgery to prevent it. So yeah. Apparently I don’t get panic attacks, I just have a small electrical problem with my heart. Who knew?

ilikeplanets 11-26-2022 01:10 PM

Well shit. How long do the positive effects of the drug last?

vixnix 11-26-2022 03:19 PM

Only a few seconds. The drug actually stops your heart, but it has such a short half life that the effect is only momentary. Then your heart starts up again on its own after the drug wears off.

Or, it doesn’t start up again and then the doctors freak out and do CPR. But that hardly ever happens, apparently.

They didn’t tell me about that before giving me the drug.

ilikeplanets 11-26-2022 04:07 PM

Well, it didn't happen so I guess that's fine, totally fine

ilikeplanets 11-26-2022 04:17 PM

Seriously though, that sounds terrifying, obviously.

Bright side is you may not have panic attacks, though this may start them, eh?

I'm bad at cheering people up when it comes to health issues, there's not much anyone can say or do. I'm glad you're okay and hope no further action is needed.

smashingjj 11-26-2022 07:57 PM

I'm in Berlin. Fuck you.

smashingjj 11-26-2022 07:57 PM

I mean AMA.

smashingjj 11-26-2022 07:59 PM

Fuck me.

smashingjj 11-26-2022 08:00 PM

We Cry Together

ilikeplanets 11-26-2022 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by smashingjj (Post 4610738)
I'm in Berlin. Fuck you.

I'm sorry for your loss

Cool As Ice Cream 11-27-2022 05:53 AM

berlin, schmerlin!

Cool As Ice Cream 11-27-2022 05:53 AM

what is you doing in berlijn?

FoolofaTook 11-27-2022 06:16 AM

damn slunken's on a roll

teh b0lly!!1 11-27-2022 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4610722)
So apparently the racing heartbeat I’ve been getting on and off for more than 10 years is called SVT. I thought I was just having panic attacks, so I’ve been trying to fix it with box breathing and mindfulness.

I went to the emergency department the first time I had it, but it passed before I was seen by a doctor, so they told me there was nothing wrong with me and implied it was all in my head. So I figured it was, until Thursday.

It kept going for 8 hours, so I went to my family doctor, and thought he would tell me to get over myself and stop worrying. But instead he had the nurse hook me up to their ECG, tried the valsalva manoeuvre, gave me a child aspirin, called an ambulance and put a line in my arm.

At the hospital they gave me a drug that stopped my heart, to re-set it. It was a pretty disgusting feeling, having my heart stop beating. Then it just started up again, in a normal rhythm.

If I keep having these longer episodes I might need minor heart surgery to prevent it. So yeah. Apparently I don’t get panic attacks, I just have a small electrical problem with my heart. Who knew?

god. gah. oof. what the fuck

glad you're ok. I just had a quasi panic attack trying to imagine right around the seams where the heart stops. or starts. both sound equally terrible. shudders

sorry you had to go through that. on the upside though, now you can finally start your new care free life as the child-eating undead?

LaBelle 11-27-2022 06:36 AM

At least now we have official confirmation that vixnix does indeed have a heart.

vixnix 11-28-2022 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4610733)
Seriously though, that sounds terrifying, obviously.

Bright side is you may not have panic attacks, though this may start them, eh?

I'm bad at cheering people up when it comes to health issues, there's not much anyone can say or do. I'm glad you're okay and hope no further action is needed.

Thank you, me too. I’m bad at it and I think you’re actually very good at it.


Originally Posted by TheAlter (Post 4610778)
Did they play +44's one and only banger during the procedure, to lighten the atmosphere a bit there?

No, and now I will have to look it up


Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 (Post 4610780)
god. gah. oof. what the fuck

glad you're ok. I just had a quasi panic attack trying to imagine right around the seams where the heart stops. or starts. both sound equally terrible. shudders

sorry you had to go through that. on the upside though, now you can finally start your new care free life as the child-eating undead?

An unexpected benefit! My mind involuntarily went to a dark space where I tried to imagine carefree child eating and found that the prospect made me feel far to many cares, mostly along the lines of police chases and having to find new hustlers to make new fake IDs for me


Originally Posted by LaBelle (Post 4610781)
At least now we have official confirmation that vixnix does indeed have a heart.

Yes! Good to have this official confirmation. Is it unsurprising that it doesn’t work properly?

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