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ilikeplanets 03-28-2023 08:56 PM

Dayquil is a panic attack in a bottle

yo soy el mejor 03-28-2023 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4620635)
Sorry, is this directed at me or at all the parents?

all parents. kids often get the short end of the stick. i love and respect kids which is why i never want one.

i used to be in charge of volunteers for an after-school program in a domestic violence shelter so i didn't have much to do. my favorite time was a young man telling me how awful he was at math. i asked, ''have you always known how to tie your shoes?" i told him he was capable of learning anything and we went through some math problems together and he was smiling the whole time

one boy told me he wished i was his mom and i did not like that. that was sad

Ram27 03-29-2023 01:16 AM

is dayquil really psychoactive

Fonzie 03-29-2023 02:16 AM

Glad my kids are older than all this crying nonsense.

ovary 03-29-2023 09:28 AM

nyquil i meant to say. i have gotten panic attacks from dayquil but not since i was a kid

bardy 03-29-2023 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Fonzie (Post 4620779)
Glad my kids are older than all this crying nonsense.

mine still cries but only when I tell him he cant do something and it's usually preceded by "you're so mean!!!"

vixnix 03-30-2023 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4620737)
all parents. kids often get the short end of the stick. i love and respect kids which is why i never want one.

i used to be in charge of volunteers for an after-school program in a domestic violence shelter so i didn't have much to do. my favorite time was a young man telling me how awful he was at math. i asked, ''have you always known how to tie your shoes?" i told him he was capable of learning anything and we went through some math problems together and he was smiling the whole time

one boy told me he wished i was his mom and i did not like that. that was sad

That’s fair

I haven’t met many parents who thought they were doing a good job. The ones who did think that had a bit of Dunning-Kruger vibe

Disco King 04-04-2023 07:48 PM

I always say, why do something yourself when you can let a professional handle it? That's why I got an electrician to look at my circuit breaker when it blew instead risking trying to fix it myself, and I gave my kids up for adoption.

vixnix 04-04-2023 07:53 PM

Truly, I wish we could have afforded a Norland nanny

But we couldn’t. So instead my kids got me. :(

Ram27 04-04-2023 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4621370)
I always say, why do something yourself when you can let a professional handle it? That's why I got an electrician to look at my circuit breaker when it blew instead risking trying to fix it myself, and I gave my kids up for adoption.

the only good thing about living in an apartment and throwing thousands into the ether yearly is that they have people to come and fix things

ovary 04-05-2023 08:18 PM

i'm your puppet

yo soy el mejor 04-06-2023 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4621383)
the only good thing about living in an apartment and throwing thousands into the ether yearly is that they have people to come and fix things

yeah right.

ilikeplanets 04-06-2023 06:46 PM

That's the only good thing about a husband, too

MyOneAndOnly 04-06-2023 07:05 PM


vixnix 04-07-2023 01:27 AM

My CIS het male spouse also earned money that he didn’t spend on himself. I couldn’t even cover our rent with my salary.

Plasticine Rap Star 04-10-2023 03:39 PM

I finished my evening classes last week. We all brought in snacks for the least session and finished up anything we had left to do in our workbooks. I'd actually finished everything, which is out of character, but I was very conscientious with the whole thing. I'll get a certificate sent out to me in the next couple of months. When I left I told everyone it was nice to have met them, and they all smiled and waved and said they hoped to see me again.

I've signed up for a different eight week course but the numbers aren't there yet, so unless more people sign up over the next two weeks it won't run. I hope it does because I'm enjoying doing a bit of education again.

Cool As Ice Cream 04-11-2023 08:53 AM

well that's nice

Plasticine Rap Star 04-11-2023 11:08 AM

It certainly is pleasant

yo soy el mejor 04-11-2023 07:47 PM

i am using khan academy to study for LSATs (it's free!). ordering set ups are proving to just make me feel like an idiot; i had a similar issue with problems like this in elementary school.

The questions in this exercise are based on the set of conditions described below. You may find it useful to draw a rough diagram.

A car drives into the center ring of a circus and exactly eight clowns—Q, R, S, T, V, W, Y, and Z—get out of the car, one clown at a time. The order in which the clowns get out of the car is consistent with the following conditions:
V gets out at some time before both Y and Q.
Q gets out at some time after Z.
T gets out at some time before V but at some time after R.
S gets out at some time after V.
R gets out at some time before W.

Which one of the following could be the order, from first to last, in which the clowns get out of the car?

And that's just medium and not considered hard. I need to even look up how to work through these problems.

yo soy el mejor 04-11-2023 08:05 PM

oh, i got it right!

If Z is the seventh clown to get out of the car, then which one of the following could be true?

Got this wrong ;_;

yo soy el mejor 04-12-2023 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly (Post 4621469)

don't u and ur partner build chicken coops and dig with shovels? what's the joke about having people do things for you?

btw, that's a privilege if you get to do it for your own pleasure

MyOneAndOnly 04-12-2023 12:57 PM

yes, we dig with shovels and grow our own food. Cause we are privileged to own shovels and not use our hands.

MyOneAndOnly 04-12-2023 01:00 PM

My Vietnamese immigrant queer girlfriend who almost died escaping communism on a tiny boat is a great example of someone bathed in privilege so that makes a lot of sense.

ovary 04-14-2023 11:06 AM

don't bother. there is no way you can match yo soy's big retard energy

ovary 04-14-2023 11:08 AM

my therapist ghosted me. stood me up at our latest appointment and haven't heard from her since

ovary 04-14-2023 11:10 AM

been seeing her for five years. she must really hate me

yo soy el mejor 04-14-2023 12:40 PM


yo soy el mejor 04-14-2023 12:43 PM

but forreal though, being able to own land and grow food on your land (including having the time necessary) is a privilege these days. funny how that happened.

ovary 04-14-2023 03:14 PM

go anywhere in the rural america and you'll find plenty of poor people growing their own food on their own land. not to mention the literally billions of poor people subsistence farming worldwide.

Plasticine Rap Star 04-14-2023 03:56 PM

Are you still doing your tap classes, yo soy?

reprise85 04-14-2023 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4621861)
my therapist ghosted me. stood me up at our latest appointment and haven't heard from her since

she can't ethically just ignore you, except MAYBE if you threatened her or something, but even then I'd think she'd be obligated to try to give you continuity of care with someone else before stopping talking to you

i mean it's not illegal but it might get her in trouble with the state licensing board if you reported it

are you sure she's okay?

MyOneAndOnly 04-14-2023 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4621861)
my therapist ghosted me. stood me up at our latest appointment and haven't heard from her since

how long since the missed appointment? Does she have an emergency line?

Reprise is correct, if she doesn't want to see you she has to at least suggest someone you can go to instead.

My therapist was a no show once. It turned out to be her fault. She went on vacation and didn't clear all of her calendar. She felt terrible and comped be my next appointment. But i didn't hear back from her for 2 days. It was weird.

ovary 04-14-2023 08:25 PM

unfortunately i think she is probably not okay. she's very professional and cares about me and i've certainly not done anything to displease her. so i guess there is probably some emergency but it must be a hella emergency if she can't take ten minutes to email clients for days. missed appt was wednesday. shrug. i figure if i don't hear in a week maybe i'll call the practice manager person? not like i can be of any help if she is in trouble anyway.

ovary 04-14-2023 08:28 PM

it's not like i'm in crisis or anything i just see her once a month to have an excuse to talk about myself or whatever so it's not a big deal but still weird

i hadnt realized how worked up emotionally i get before an appointment tho until she missed this one. no outlet for all that shit and it was an unpleasant afternoon

ilikeplanets 04-14-2023 09:41 PM

I wish I liked the concept of therapy more. My daughters' pediatrician suggested it for me, since she knows I am going through some challenging stuff with one of my kids right now and obviously it is affecting me.

On top of that, I am trying to sell our house in a sluggish local market, while trying to house hunt across the country in an area not 100% suited to my budget but suited to our needs. Add these things on top of daily work, chores, and family stuff and I am STRESSED.

Disco King 04-14-2023 10:50 PM

I go to therapy because I feel like there's really nothing else I can do. If I sit there and complain about my life and somebody asks me if I'm in therapy and I say "no," then it's, like, on me for not taking steps to help myself. Like, there's a judgement associated with it. "Clearly, you don't want to get better, you just want to be a victim."

But literally, therapy barely does anything for me no matter what therapist I go to. I say some negative thoughts I have about myself, the therapist tells me "but you're so great, you're just being hyper-critical and focusing on negatives, think about the positives instead." And I go "wow, thanks, I'm cured." Whether it's true or not, has being told this ever helped anyone?

I think another problem with therapy is that sometimes people's problems aren't really just mental. Somebody is poor, so they have all the stressors related to economic insecurity. The therapist gives them some fucking breathing and mindfulness exercises when what the person really needs is money. If the government gave that person money, their heart rate would fall into the normal range pretty quickly.

yo soy el mejor 04-15-2023 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Elijah Moon (Post 4621880)
Are you still doing your tap classes, yo soy?

yeah every saturday for 8 weeks so i have one tomorrow starting at 1:45's too much. i don't know how to practice. i can get a step but suck at combining steps (a combination). tomorrow might be the 5th of 6th class?

i just will continue going and being awful. i don't want to be a person who doesn't give stuff they're not good at chance, plus i don't want to waste my money. i wish i had taken a guitar or drum class

yo soy el mejor 04-15-2023 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4621879)
go anywhere in the rural america and you'll find plenty of poor people growing their own food on their own land. not to mention the literally billions of poor people subsistence farming worldwide.

yeah people of color who live in cities aren't even allowed to do that in their back or front yard. love that for rural america, though, or whoever is allowed or able to afford to do that.

yo soy el mejor 04-15-2023 02:37 AM

"not to mention the literally billions of poor people subsistence farming worldwide."

You sound like elon mush

ovary 04-16-2023 11:16 AM

i think the pendulum has definitely swung too far in the pro-therapy direction. i don't think it is the cure-all it is presented to be in online mental health spaces, and i think often it can do more harm than good. as DK points out too often people's problems are material and not well-addressed by therapy... whether that be poverty or exploitation or due to unhealthy living habits, tech addiction, etc. if therapy is directed toward helping change unhealthy habits it can be good, but i fear it's often just lazy cheerleading of the sort DK describes that is unhelpful at best and counterproductive at worst. the online therapy trend i think is probably more prone to that kind of laziness... as with everything else if you want a quality product you have to pay.

also i think repression can be a healthy mental habit. i know plenty of people that are productive and content precisely ebcause they're good at compartmentalizing and repressing trauma and anxiety. i think there's an attitude in therapy of "we must rip off all bandaids and uncover wounds" that can just lead to more pain.

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