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yo soy el mejor 06-20-2023 04:22 PM

i got a nintendo switch (like a wide gameboy) along with mario kart for my b-day. it's my first handheld gaming device! p sure i wanted a ds lite when those were out in '07 or so.

tommy gave it to me the day before we took a 3-hour trip (both ways) to michigan with my family. it was perfect for tuning people out and forgetting i was stuck in the back middle seat (both ways) when they were here for MYYYY birthday!

ilikeplanets 06-20-2023 04:55 PM

Who's your favorite character to play? I always went with Toad or Yoshi back on the Nintendo 64 version, which is the only Mario Kart I ever had.

yo soy el mejor 06-20-2023 05:58 PM

^also only played n64 but never had one myself. in middle school my mom would drop me off at my friend's house at 5:30 in the morning since her mom took us to school. my friend didn't wake up until an hour later so i played everyday and got p good.

i would go between toad, luigi, and yoshi but the switch has tons more characters. my friend has one and some weeks ago we played mario kart together while tommy napped and i guess tommy realized i like to play.

yo soy el mejor 06-20-2023 06:23 PM

@_@ cool. i could play katamari on-the-go

slunken 06-24-2023 05:10 PM

Just graduated from "buddy" to "papa" at the local liquor store

ilikeplanets 06-26-2023 02:18 AM

Hey ovary, how are you feeling?

redbreegull 06-26-2023 12:09 PM

Give him a moment, I think he's changing his underoos

Ram27 06-26-2023 05:11 PM

this is gonna be one of ~those~ posts sorry

i'm playing a show in ohio today - first time playing out of state, original material, whole thing. got here, got to the dingy motel, which is picturesque dingy, and i wanted to take mad vape rips out of tension / boredom / etc but then i had this thought, this conscience sort of say to me like 'what would jimmy do' and now i'm not that high but just tired and bored

what do

Joey Goldberg 06-26-2023 05:15 PM

i mean depending on the era that's most certainly not WJWD but I think you're making the right choice

if it ain't too hot out there you should just explore the surroundings

ilikeplanets 06-26-2023 06:13 PM

Practice your stick spins

ilikeplanets 06-26-2023 06:14 PM

Your drum stick spins

slunken 06-26-2023 07:13 PM

no definitely beat off

Ram27 06-26-2023 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Joey Goldberg (Post 4627929)
i mean depending on the era that's most certainly not WJWD but I think you're making the right choice

if it ain't too hot out there you should just explore the surroundings

must spread rep

thank you fellows for replying as always. gig went down a storm, the band before us was this really pretty jazzy post rock duo, i bought a cassette from them. we played our set to maybe 10? people but people seemed into it, compliments and all. it's trippy how you can see their faces in a small room

Ram27 06-26-2023 11:26 PM

i did jerk off too

phang 06-27-2023 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4627948)
thank you fellows for replying as always. gig went down a storm, the band before us was this really pretty jazzy post rock duo, i bought a cassette from them. we played our set to maybe 10? people but people seemed into it, compliments and all. it's trippy how you can see their faces in a small room


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4627949)
i did jerk off too

kinda brave in front of 10 people, i dig it

Disco King 06-27-2023 04:35 PM

So, I'm recently unemployed. I would prefer part-time work because I am working on my thesis and will also be teaching tutorials as a teaching assistant in the Fall Semester. I am comfortable working full-time until the end of summer, but once September hits, I don't believe I'll be able to finish my thesis work on time or be able to get to the university to run tutorials if I have to work full time.

But because unemployed people can't be picky in this economy, I've been applying for both full- and part-time jobs. I had a screening interview today for a job.

I feel like if I admit that I won't be working full-time from September to December, I won't get hired because they'll look for somebody who meets their requirements.

But I also feel like if I spring it on them later and either have to quit/get fired two months into a job after they've given me job training or haggle with them to let them reduce my hours, I'll burn a bridge with this company and have a reputation for being unreliable at best and duplicitous at worst.

If this were just some service sector job, I would not care about angering them by getting some paycheques and then dipping. But this is an industry I intend to work in after I graduate. The specific company is very intertwined through the whole industry. Part of their work is disbursing wage-subsidy grants to people working in the environmental sector.

I could just wait for a position that is compatible with my intentions, but I'm moving soon, have little savings because my parasite roommate cleaned me dry (whole other story), and need a job right away. The interview I had for a part-time position yesterday didn't go so well, I don't think. Don't have any other interviews lined up.

What course of action would you take?

yo soy el mejor 06-27-2023 04:57 PM

get two part-time jobs and then quit one in september

yo soy el mejor 06-27-2023 05:44 PM

i've been applying for jobs since the end of march; i got laid-off which officially makes me an adult. i have a lil job search spreadsheet that use for role details (pay, who it reports to, hybrid/remote) and remember where i applied and and when. it doesn't help me get a job, but being organized reduces a lot stress for me.

i had two interviews last week---one for a 10-month education policy fellowship and one working directly with community college students. i'll know mid-july but just today i was invited to interview for a role right up my alley but it's for july 13th so the timing sucks. can i tell those places to wait until i know the outcome? how?

ilikeplanets 06-27-2023 05:50 PM

I've been working 2 part time jobs online for years, and one of them unceremoniously terminated my contract despite years of what they've considered excellent work and being promoted to auditor. No notice, just ousted. Luckily my other contract is teeming with work and I've just doubled up there. But it really has highlighted the downside of having no contacts or security with this type of work. If it happens again, I'm going to have some scrambling to do.

Disco King 06-27-2023 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4627996)
get two part-time jobs and then quit one in september

Yeah, I'm hoping I can get a part-time office job soon so I don't wind up in the situation where I gotta pull a switcheroo on this employer (assuming I even get hired). I don't even necessarily need two during the summer. I'm open to full-time work during the summer and then dropping to part-time, but I'm also open to just doing part-time through both the summer and autumn.

Disco King 06-27-2023 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4627998)
i've been applying for jobs since the end of march; i got laid-off which officially makes me an adult. i have a lil job search spreadsheet that use for role details (pay, who it reports to, hybrid/remote) and remember where i applied and and when. it doesn't help me get a job, but being organized reduces a lot stress for me.

i had two interviews last week---one for a 10-month education policy fellowship and one working directly with community college students. i'll know mid-july but just today i was invited to interview for a role right up my alley but it's for july 13th so the timing sucks. can i tell those places to wait until i know the outcome? how?

I know what you mean about being organized. Even when I got the email about an interview with this job, I had to re-read the job posting to remember what job it even was so that I wouldn't sound clueless during the interview. It's easy to lose track.

I'm no expert, but unless you are so much more qualified than all the other applicants that the job is willing to wait on you, I would think that they would just select an applicant who can start when they want. I might just take the jobs if I get them and then quit and take the one I like better if I found out you got that. But only if I know that I won't be fucking myself over by doing so (do these employers have a lot of influence on your future opportunities?)

If you do ask them to wait, don't tell them it's because you're waiting to hear from a job you like better. They don't want to be your second choice or safety blanket. Say it's because some important obligation came up (a funeral out of town, maybe), and you can't start until after a certain date.


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4627999)
I've been working 2 part time jobs online for years, and one of them unceremoniously terminated my contract despite years of what they've considered excellent work and being promoted to auditor. No notice, just ousted. Luckily my other contract is teeming with work and I've just doubled up there. But it really has highlighted the downside of having no contacts or security with this type of work. If it happens again, I'm going to have some scrambling to do.

Yeah, I also wish I spent more time making contacts in my last job. I was promised to be sent to all sorts of events with stakeholders that would let me network. That happened maybe twice and never again.

ovary 06-27-2023 09:17 PM

if it is a company in your industry i'd be honest in the interview. finishing a thesis will sound good to them.

i am feeling better but can't drink milk with the antibiotic and i lovvveee millllkkk

currently eating a mayo heavy falaffel sandwich that sat in my car all day

slunken 06-27-2023 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4628005)

currently eating a mayo heavy falaffel sandwich that sat in my car all day

this will only make you stronger

ilikeplanets 06-27-2023 11:50 PM

That sounded disgusting even before you mentioned the potential food poisoning.

Why the fuck would you ruin a falafel with mayo?

ovary 06-28-2023 09:21 AM

because i'm a white boy

yo soy el mejor 06-28-2023 09:45 AM


ourruseoffools 06-28-2023 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4628005)
if it is a company in your industry i'd be honest in the interview. finishing a thesis will sound good to them.

i am feeling better but can't drink milk with the antibiotic and i lovvveee millllkkk

currently eating a mayo heavy falaffel sandwich that sat in my car all day

dairy is absolute garbage and I will never stop talking bad on it. Easily could have ruined my life with dairy alone

ilikeplanets 06-28-2023 01:07 PM

I think mayo is much more trashy than dairy!

ilikeplanets 06-28-2023 01:09 PM

A friend of mine has an older brother who takes his spoon right to the mayo jar, and just the thought of that gives me sensory overload. Ew!!

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