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teh b0lly!!1 03-04-2019 10:17 PM

god damn rep. that is one shitty week. sorry :/

it's good you slowed down at your main workplace though. even though it sounded like you were doing a great job not letting it get to you too much, the job itself sounds emotionally exhausting.

MyOneAndOnly 03-04-2019 10:27 PM

sending you good thoughts, reprise. that's lots of shit all at once.

MyOneAndOnly 03-04-2019 10:30 PM

I moved into a bigger apartment last week in Foggy Bottom. Having trouble sleeping. Gotta get used to the space.

reprise85 03-04-2019 11:53 PM

huh hehe. huhuh. foggy bottom

reprise85 03-04-2019 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 (Post 4501128)
god damn rep. that is one shitty week. sorry :/

it's good you slowed down at your main workplace though. even though it sounded like you were doing a great job not letting it get to you too much, the job itself sounds emotionally exhausting.


Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly (Post 4501132)
sending you good thoughts, reprise. that's lots of shit all at once.

thanks. it's not only emotionally exhausting, it's physically exhausting. it's starting to wear out my feet and legs. i'm sure it will improve when i lose weight but right now it's starting to become a problem. my feet hurt terribly, the top of my feet. i think i might have arthritis. my legs are just sore i can live with it but it sucks.

it's nice to not be working so much but it also means i have to hustle every day to earn money, and i'm always working or looking for work online. i've done really well the past 10 days, like i had a $200 day which is pretty insane considering i'm used to making 12.50 an hour. and i made $130 the next day. today i made about $115. more than i'd make at my regular job and it didn't involve dealing with any customers or being on my feet, and i did other stuff thru the day too like go to therapy and pet my cat.

plus i have to self-start now. i have to work, or i get no money. i can't just show up somewhere and get paid. i cant slack off, i wont get shit.

but it's good. i feel more in control and i'm happy i have worth besides counting money and dealing with angry people.

reprise85 03-04-2019 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly (Post 4501134)
I moved into a bigger apartment last week in Foggy Bottom. Having trouble sleeping. Gotta get used to the space.

cool :) i know that feeling with a new place. pretty soon you'll be all settled in

reprise85 03-05-2019 12:01 AM

also i've been telling social security to stop sending me disability money for 6 months but they kept sending it to me, so i've just been letting it sit there (since i'll need to pay it back). finally today they sent me all this paperwork about how they need to evaluate if i'm still disabled. DUMBSHITS IVE BEEN TELLING YOU I'M NOT JUST FUCKING STOP GIVING ME MONEY. but they are questioning back a couple months earlier then they should (i should have to pay back dec-march but they are questioning my earnings from oct-marcfh) so now i have to send everything to them so I don't have to give them extra money back and it's so annoying it really is. i have to send them 6 months of paystubs and medical expenses and look through records and whatever and i wanted to do this in fucking december but no they just waited until they saw my tax return i guess

i am very grateful that they subsidized my life when i needed it but i dont anymore and i just want it to be over with. except medicare i still need that. and i get to keep it for like 7 years or something.

wHATcOLOR 03-05-2019 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4501161)
also i've been telling social security to stop sending me disability money for 6 months but they kept sending it to me, so i've just been letting it sit there (since i'll need to pay it back). finally today they sent me all this paperwork about how they need to evaluate if i'm still disabled. DUMBSHITS IVE BEEN TELLING YOU I'M NOT JUST FUCKING STOP GIVING ME MONEY. but they are questioning back a couple months earlier then they should (i should have to pay back dec-march but they are questioning my earnings from oct-marcfh) so now i have to send everything to them so I don't have to give them extra money back and it's so annoying it really is. i have to send them 6 months of paystubs and medical expenses and look through records and whatever and i wanted to do this in fucking december but no they just waited until they saw my tax return i guess

i am very grateful that they subsidized my life when i needed it but i dont anymore and i just want it to be over with. except medicare i still need that. and i get to keep it for like 7 years or something.

that sounds so FUCKING annoying, i don't think i'd have the patience to deal with it. i salute you

FoolofaTook 03-05-2019 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4501125)

i feel asleep while driving and went into a lady sitting at a red light. no, really. i woke up before i hit her so i at least slowed down a lot. her car is not bad. my car i already junked.

i was already doing the sleep apnea thing but yeah this was just another sign that i need it

wow this is scary. fortunately no one got hurt. hopefully the machine helps. you need your sleep.

LaBelle 03-05-2019 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4501109)
so i stepped down a day at my job and got another job online plus i've been doing freelance. started working less at my main job last week and had a great week money wise so that's good.

since i've been here:
my laptop broke
i got in a car accident
i got a new (used) car
i bought a laptop but it stopped working after 2 hours
they are sending me a new laptop (its a used business class laptop)
i'm getting my sleep apnea machine next week
i will have a surgery date this week
all i do is work basically

Damn, sending all the good vibes your way!
Sleep apnea sounds absolutely terrifying, i'm sorry :(

reprise85 03-07-2019 02:59 AM

im having bariatric surgery on april 3

FoolofaTook 03-07-2019 07:31 AM

hope everything goes well reprise. how much time off from work do you have to recover?

reprise85 03-07-2019 11:59 AM

thanks. two weeks.

Catherine Wheel 03-08-2019 03:22 AM

So everyone who is left here is all of a sudden being really nice to each other and supportive and hospitable. Wow it’s almost like you’re all trying to prove wrong about how Netphoria really is. Like how people act a different way when self consciousness or shame / guilt / insecurity enters the picture

Catherine Wheel 03-08-2019 03:42 AM

We don't even need to bring shame or guilt or insecurity into this. We can just leave it at self consciousness.

FoolofaTook 03-08-2019 07:01 AM

O Catering, you are as mischievous as a megalothon is mighty!

yo soy el mejor 03-08-2019 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4501580)
im having bariatric surgery on april 3

i started my period april 3, 2001

FoolofaTook 03-08-2019 08:55 AM

Any idea when it's going to stop?

vixnix 03-08-2019 09:13 AM

My cat was begging for potato chips and I was distracted and didn’t really think about it because I was doing some heinous reading for Uni and then before I knew it, the inevitable happened, and there I was, about to knock on my parents’ bedroom door and call out Mum, Dad, the cat threw up and then I realised fuck. I’m 39. Nobody is coming to help me, I have to clean up this fucking cat spew all by myself

Mals Marola 03-08-2019 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4501680)
Any idea when it's going to stop?

yo soy el mejor 03-08-2019 11:14 AM

menopause, i guess. we didn't really learn that in high school. but i think my mom has stopped bleeding and she is 58.

yo soy el mejor 03-08-2019 11:49 AM

u guyz are gonna love this. so i was part of a group project that was fucking awful because two girlies did not do shit. instead of telling you the story, i will show you the email i just sent. sorry, i could not NOT send it:

I did not want to send a group text because I don't want to call either of you out in a group text. But in the future, if you two ever have a group project, for sake of your group, do your work.

Guilia, for not having read the chapter and needing the book in front of you for the entire time, you wasted so much of our group's time by rambling and reading from the book (and saying "like" way too much). And I know you know that there was no effort behind your slides.

Alexis, you did not do a thing and then attempted to present my work. I noticed you also took notes from my slides and added them to your points in the shared GoogleDoc. This was the morning the presentation was due, yet you were in class trying to read the chapter in a hurry. So had you read or not?

When I was your age and lazy about school, I did myself everyone a favor and dropped out. There are better ways to spend your time than going to school to avoid doing work and getting lousy grades because of it.

This kind of stuff lessens the value education, which is silly to do because it costs so much--for most people. And not liking a class is not an excuse to be lazy, especially when other people are relying on you to do your work.

Good luck in school and life.


yo soy el mejor 03-08-2019 11:51 AM


FoolofaTook 03-08-2019 11:52 AM

do you sign all your emails as "i n c l u d e"?

yo soy el mejor 03-08-2019 11:52 AM

Y - S - E - M

yo soy el mejor 03-08-2019 11:53 AM

I - A - D - B

in english

run2pee 03-08-2019 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4501705)
u guyz are gonna love this. so i was part of a group project that was fucking awful because two girlies did not do shit. instead of telling you the story, i will show you the email i just sent. sorry, i could not NOT send it:

I did not want to send a group text because I don't want to call either of you out in a group text. But in the future, if you two ever have a group project, for sake of your group, do your work.

Guilia, for not having read the chapter and needing the book in front of you for the entire time, you wasted so much of our group's time by rambling and reading from the book (and saying "like" way too much). And I know you know that there was no effort behind your slides.

Alexis, you did not do a thing and then attempted to present my work. I noticed you also took notes from my slides and added them to your points in the shared GoogleDoc. This was the morning the presentation was due, yet you were in class trying to read the chapter in a hurry. So had you read or not?

When I was your age and lazy about school, I did myself everyone a favor and dropped out. There are better ways to spend your time than going to school to avoid doing work and getting lousy grades because of it.

This kind of stuff lessens the value education, which is silly to do because it costs so much--for most people. And not liking a class is not an excuse to be lazy, especially when other people are relying on you to do your work.

Good luck in school and life.


F yeah

Tell em

FoolofaTook 03-08-2019 12:14 PM

(just not irl)

topleybird 03-08-2019 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4501705)
When I was your age and lazy about school, I did myself everyone a favor and dropped out.

Goddamn, this is devastating

Had to do it to em

Elphenor 03-08-2019 12:23 PM

dropped the elbow

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