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Rolling "Shits Recently Taken" Thread
![]() I had a pretty good Type 4 when i woke up this morning. B- |
i let go of a type 5 today. came out really fast. typically i have something between a 2 and a 5
don't think i won't regularly bump this thread.
i was counting on it
last one i took was pretty clean and simple. one small lump. quick to flush and quick to wipe.
i can't wait to find out this morning
unless you dump a type 7. that would be a pretty terrible christmas gift
crazy1 86:hey baby!!!
h0tNsPiCy91: whos dis??? crazy1 86:ur secret admirer!!!!! h0tNsPiCy91: o really.... quite lyin! whos dis??? crazy1 86:i loved u the first time a stared in your eyes... crazy1 86:i think about u everyday... you are my dream come true. crazy1 86: we met once! i dont think u remember tho. crazy1 86: i cut myself because the pain takes away my feelings of u. crazy1 86: tonight u will see me some time tonight.... h0tNsPiCy91: ..WHO IS THIS!?!?!? crazy1 86:dont worry.... ill take very good care of you... crazy1 86 had signed off. the girl was so scared she locked alll her doors and windows. she made sure her room was secured. she was so scared if it was a joke or for real. she didnt know when he was going to come. the girl was frighten so she decided to sleep with her little sister. the girl dozed off quikly. then she heards a knock on the window. the girl slowly walked to the window. it started knocking louder. the girl looked through the windows and saw nothing. just some of the tree branches. the girl went back to bed with her sister. the bed was wet and a pretty smells horrid. maybe her sister wet the bed... the girl checked and found blood everywhere. the girl panick. she didnt know what to do. she ran and hid in the closet incase the guy was their for her. while looking through the cracks of the closet the girl saw a shadow. it was dark so she couldnt figure out who it was. she started to get more frighten. the man crept closer to the closet. the girl closed her eyes as if it was a dream. then suddenly he open the closet door and pulled her out. her parents found her dead. she was skinned all the way and was hunged in her sisters closet. CONTINUED 2 years after the the sisters deaths, the her parents got pregnant with a baby boy the girls room became a guest bedroom and the little sisters room where the murder took place became the babys room. the baby grew up to be a secessful kid. one night he was on the computer and got a instant messege. h0tNsPiCy91:hey lil bro!!! 2seXay4u: who the f is this? h0tNsPiCy91: its your big sis. 2seXay4u: i never had a sister. im an only child. 2seXay4u:this is some kinda joke huh? h0tNsPiCy91: mom and dad never told you? h0tNsPiCy91: i died 15 years ago with your other older sister. h0tNsPiCy91:we were murdered in your room which was once my little sisters room. she was killed in bed when i was sleeping and i was killed in the closet and skinned to death. 2seXay4u:quite lying. i never had a sister. if i did my parents would tell me. whatever. your stupid. h0tNsPiCy91: you dont believe me? well if you wanna look in your closet floor. h0tNsPiCy91: i carved my name, time and date i was being murdered. then i carved my little sister name. h0tNsPiCy91: if you dont believe me little brother check the internet. type in ''smith sisters murdered anonymously''. h0tNsPiCy91: i gtg little brother. i love you. and mom and dad soo much. i cant believe they kept us a secret from you. they should burn in hell. the boy checked the closet. he saw the carvings. was it true? he surfed the internet and everything was their about the anonymous murder in the house. the next morning the boy went downstairs. it was so queit. maybe mom and dad was sleeping.. hours later the boy found his parents in their closets skinned and hung. then he found more carvings on the ground. it says '' I TOLD YOU I WASNT LYING. LITTLE BROTHER, I LOVED MOM AND DAD.... BUT THEY KEPT ME A SECRET. I CANT BELIVE IT. WELL IM FREE FROM THIS COLD WORLD. I WONT HURT YOU LIKE HOW THEY DIED. I LOVE YOU! - LISA SMITH '' this is a death chain. if you dont send this in the next hour the parents will kill you at night. they will kill you |
i think my ideal turd would be a type 3.
I think I have a 2 brewing right now....
i had a type 5 yesterday. i was expected it to explode out of my butt but it came out relatively easy, i was so disappointed that i kinda sat there for a couple more mins expecting something spectacular. kind of a bummer considering the buildup was so solid.
C+ |
I hate disappointment like that.
I love me a type 2. Not gonna lie. Takes like one square to wipe. When I lived in Guatemala, type seven was a way of life. I remember one time I was letting a 7 spot go while I simultaneously puked into the shower.
I just had a type 5. I suppose I'll have to wait yet another day for the glorious type 2 :(.
i guess the one i mentioned previously was a #3
I'm gonna give my odor a ranking of 8/10. It was quite robust but not overwhelming and possessed a slight hint of lavender.
in fact it was reminiscent of what Italy would smell like on a cool summer morn
blessed be that poop
I just had a Type 5 about ten minutes ago. Was pretty perfect for a just-woke-up poo. Required very little effort on my part yet by the time it was over I felt like I had accomplished something. Well, maybe not that last part but I do feel more awake.
Yeah, that's right. Girls poo, too. |
let go of a kind of disappointing type 3 before i came to work. i thought it would be much more satisfying than it ended up being, C-
had a type 2 about two hours ago. two wipes did the trick.
A- |
well done ******!!!!
so i had the type of sensation where you're unsure if it is just an epic fart or a dump. after pondering a bit, i went to the toilet. it started off with an epic fart that went on for nearly a minute. imagine the fourth of july. in your butt. then a type 5 rolled out as if the blobs were hesitantly sky diving out of an airplane, the airplane being my butt. after a couple of rounds, the deed had been done. it came out more or less as i expected, a solid dump.
B+ |
i'm on the toilet right now, letting go of a type 2. just woke up, feels pretty good. B+
i don't expect to have a bm today because i've been fasting to prevent getting this bug that's been going around. but if i do, i predict it'll be something of a type 1. sometimes i get the bunny pellets when i haven't been eating a lot.
I had a 6.5 on the Brostol scale today after lunch. Actually, it was two of them...one right after the other.
i had two consecutive 5-6s at about 3 this morning. i ate a bunch of fruit roll-ups last night, so that's probably why. it sucked though, D-
i haven't taken a shit for about 4 days.
we all could use some more fiber.
are we in general agreement that a large type-2 is the best outcome one can hope for
yes but it needs to be executed properly. if you pinch too early you'll be walking around with a groundhog all day.
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