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Cool As Ice Cream 02-09-2022 05:37 AM


topleybird 02-09-2022 12:16 PM

Seems like a textbook lemonade-out-of-lemons situation to me

Joey Goldberg 02-10-2022 03:31 PM

less than a kilo away, y'all should hang out

ilikeplanets 02-10-2022 03:41 PM

My chair arrived today. I'm not getting up. It fits all 3 of us so we'll just stay in this chair forever.

ovary 02-17-2022 07:50 PM

have you guys heard about that new italian sitar player? he's really good. you should check him out. his name is ravioli shankar

ilikeplanets 02-18-2022 02:09 AM

That name reminds me of Jello Biafra in its craziness

vixnix 02-21-2022 08:47 PM

I think the worst part of having a job and parenting teenagers is finding myself in situations where previously I would have just moved to another city, and finding I don’t have that option right now, and have to be an adult and address the situation at hand

It really is some bullshit

Cool As Ice Cream 02-22-2022 04:35 AM

what kind of situations would previously make you move to another city?
can you give some examples?

vixnix 02-22-2022 06:53 AM

Unpleasant smells
Libraries with uninteresting book collections
Not good views from second storey windows

Cool As Ice Cream 02-22-2022 09:22 AM


i was thinking of scenarios in completely different categories.

ilikeplanets 02-27-2022 11:00 PM

Del del

ilikeplanets 03-16-2022 01:23 AM

Anybody have anything to talk about?? I'm in need of hearing about other people's lives, badly. I'm huge and tired, and have somewhere around 3 more months to go, so I wanna fill up my mind with something else, even though this is amazing.

ilikeplanets 03-16-2022 01:28 AM

Something kinda shitty is going on at my job. I evaluate clickbait on social media, among other things, all which involve reading posts and linked articles. Now all of a sudden I'm not being paid for all my time spent, but only the time I am actively clicking and typing. So basically I have to read the articles for free, but obviously the job cannot be done without reading the fucking content. In a 4 hour window of time spent logged into my account, which used to all be billable, I am only getting paid for roughly 2 hours and 45 minutes. Pretty fucked up, honestly.

teh b0lly!!1 03-16-2022 08:09 AM

Wow, that is shitty as hell.

Can you get malicious and make sure you're always clicking idly and/or touching some keys even while reading?

topleybird 03-16-2022 09:19 AM

Sounds like your job has some active tracking software monitoring things, but if they don't happen to be checking where you're clicking, you might be able to get away with something like this

teh b0lly!!1 03-16-2022 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4590461)
Something kinda shitty is going on at my job. I evaluate clickbait on social media, among other things, all which involve reading posts and linked articles. Now all of a sudden I'm not being paid for all my time spent, but only the time I am actively clicking and typing. So basically I have to read the articles for free, but obviously the job cannot be done without reading the fucking content. In a 4 hour window of time spent logged into my account, which used to all be billable, I am only getting paid for roughly 2 hours and 45 minutes. Pretty fucked up, honestly.

Also, how did this even come about? Did they make you sign a new contract or was this just reported to you all matter-o-factly?

Elphenor 03-16-2022 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Ram27 (Post 4587710)
might just force myself to try it online i guess.


i definitely do; i hate being introverted and quiet -- it seems like everyone else can think of something to say to keep the conversation flowing really easy and i just....stall when i'm with others

when i am chatting about SP stuff i am golden. 68% sure i am autistic and it is my special interest.

[and tbh no matter what the topic was irl i'd stall no matter what]

yeah I wouldn't even consider myself introverted, but I just don't know what to say in a lot of social situations, which can make you feel like you're kinda just there

ilikeplanets 03-16-2022 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 (Post 4590472)
Also, how did this even come about? Did they make you sign a new contract or was this just reported to you all matter-o-factly?

The latter. And not even really presented to us, I brought it up when I noticed what I believed to be missing hours on my invoice and was responded to with this. I feel a bit stuck because I absolutely require the complete flexibility this job allows, so I'll try some of the tricks suggested here. It's a shame because my "status" with them is "elite" and I also audit for them, so clearly my performance wasn't an issue, but I guess people taking forever to read and not really work was a problem for them. I'm sure this is the beginning of the end for me, since it DOES say in my contract that I won't be getting a pay increase ever, and since I'm self employed I pay ridiculously high taxes while in a low tax bracket. Just wanted to get through this pregnancy without anything else major like a job change first, especially since I want a couple weeks off to recover after my C section and I know that will be granted here since I've never taken time off in almost 2 years.

reprise85 03-16-2022 12:51 PM

you don't need hardware, there's autohotkey auto clickers.

lmk if you need help setting it up. i have novice AHK skills. won't work on mac though but I'm sure there's other software solutions

teh b0lly!!1 03-16-2022 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4590477)
The latter. And not even really presented to us, I brought it up when I noticed what I believed to be missing hours on my invoice and was responded to with this. I feel a bit stuck because I absolutely require the complete flexibility this job allows, so I'll try some of the tricks suggested here. It's a shame because my "status" with them is "elite" and I also audit for them, so clearly my performance wasn't an issue, but I guess people taking forever to read and not really work was a problem for them. I'm sure this is the beginning of the end for me, since it DOES say in my contract that I won't be getting a pay increase ever, and since I'm self employed I pay ridiculously high taxes while in a low tax bracket. Just wanted to get through this pregnancy without anything else major like a job change first, especially since I want a couple weeks off to recover after my C section and I know that will be granted here since I've never taken time off in almost 2 years.

I relate to this. I put up with a lot of shit in my last job for that reason. It sucks when you do what you're asked to well, but they poke you out of nowhere with shitty little things like that and you progressively feel worse and worse about staying there.

But then again, that's any job ever. Hope that you can ride this out somehow. Eyes on the prize.

ilikeplanets 03-16-2022 02:23 PM

Thanks. I have no delusions that this is going to be some sort of permanent career for me, but I should really be paid for time spent. Just need to think of it as skill building that allows me to pay for most of my things, I guess. I was definitely completely terrified of the work force when I entered here, and I'm not anymore. Bored and disenchanted yes, but not scared.

topleybird 03-16-2022 03:02 PM

The shift to remote work has really revealed the tiny dictator mindset in loads of managers. I've read about people where they're so closely monitored that their manager will call them if they're away from their desk, or just not moving their mouse/typing, for more than a minute. Study after study is showing that remote work is more productive than in-office work, and has done wonders for employee well-being/work-life balance, but managers just can't deal with not being able to walk around looking over everyone's shoulder every 30 seconds to make sure they're working non-stop. Now they're taking screenshots of your screen every 30 seconds. Or taking photos of you from your camera! No privacy concerns there!

I'm lucky enough not to have monitoring software on my work laptop (that I know of!) and a manager who trusts me to get my shit done, but I've been in some pretty shitty situations in the past, and the way that's becoming the norm since the pandemic started just makes me want to burn it all down.

ilikeplanets 03-16-2022 03:38 PM

Speaking from personal experience, my productivity with the type of simple task I do is extremely high, to the point I have to slow myself down so as not to exceed quota. (That's NOT a brag, I do extremely simple and poorly paid work). But I very much need to look away from the screen every 45 minutes or so just for a couple minutes to reset my mind/eyes. I cannot imagine someone taking a goddamn picture of my screen/me.

Part of my specific problem is that my hours are calculated based on my time spent logged in to my rating tool, but to read the things I must rate, I have to click a link and read from the page that opens. Previously, as long as I was logged in to my rating tool, I would be getting paid, but now any time spent on the other tab reading articles is considered not billable. So even errant clicking wouldn't solve that problem. It's bullshit.

Micromanaging infuriates me because there's no positive that comes from it. People are perfectly capable of meeting deadlines/quotas without it, and happier. FOR SHAME.

reprise85 03-17-2022 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4590460)
Anybody have anything to talk about?? I'm in need of hearing about other people's lives, badly. I'm huge and tired, and have somewhere around 3 more months to go, so I wanna fill up my mind with something else, even though this is amazing.

I'm moving in about two months. Looking at some places now. Well, my friends are, with me on a video call. I found this amazing apartment in a triplex that's a bit expensive but includes heat and I would love to get it. I put in an initial application but I'm sure other people are trying to get it as well... I have good stats as a renter, so fingers crossed. The fucking main bedroom closet is big enough to be a small office.

reprise85 03-17-2022 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4590486)
Speaking from personal experience, my productivity with the type of simple task I do is extremely high, to the point I have to slow myself down so as not to exceed quota. (That's NOT a brag, I do extremely simple and poorly paid work). But I very much need to look away from the screen every 45 minutes or so just for a couple minutes to reset my mind/eyes. I cannot imagine someone taking a goddamn picture of my screen/me.

Part of my specific problem is that my hours are calculated based on my time spent logged in to my rating tool, but to read the things I must rate, I have to click a link and read from the page that opens. Previously, as long as I was logged in to my rating tool, I would be getting paid, but now any time spent on the other tab reading articles is considered not billable. So even errant clicking wouldn't solve that problem. It's bullshit.

Micromanaging infuriates me because there's no positive that comes from it. People are perfectly capable of meeting deadlines/quotas without it, and happier. FOR SHAME.

Get a second shitty laptop and use software to share mice and clipboards between the computers. Open links on the second computer. This is how I solved the problem of working too fast when I was doing similar work. I just let my timer run out on one computer while I did stuff on another one and shared mice between them. I used Synergy, which was a one-time fee (no SaaS shit) of like $20-$30. But there are free ones as well. No fucks given, they were taking advantage of me at $11/hr and I got audited every single month and got great scores.

Fuck them though fr. If people are meeting quotas you have no right to question them and if they aren't you can fire them. They are just encouraging people to spend less time reading and shooting themselves in the foot.

ilikeplanets 03-17-2022 12:10 AM

It explicitly says in my contract to NOT be working jobs from multiple windows like that. I bet someone, or many someones, have tried this. I'm the type that would rather just get a new job than be sneaky. Hoping by the end of year after I move, that I'll have more options.

ilikeplanets 03-17-2022 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4590487)
I'm moving in about two months. Looking at some places now. Well, my friends are, with me on a video call. I found this amazing apartment in a triplex that's a bit expensive but includes heat and I would love to get it. I put in an initial application but I'm sure other people are trying to get it as well... I have good stats as a renter, so fingers crossed. The fucking main bedroom closet is big enough to be a small office.

That's exciting!! I hope you get it. Are you planning on living with your friends or by yourself?

reprise85 03-17-2022 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4590489)
It explicitly says in my contract to NOT be working jobs from multiple windows like that. I bet someone, or many someones, have tried this. I'm the type that would rather just get a new job than be sneaky. Hoping by the end of year after I move, that I'll have more options.

I get it, but they're the ones being shitty here. You'd just be getting paid what you should get paid. But yeah I got tired of it and just quit when some other projects took off.

reprise85 03-17-2022 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4590490)
That's exciting!! I hope you get it. Are you planning on living with your friends or by yourself?

It would be by myself. Two bedrooms so I can have an office.

If this doesn't work out I'm still hoping to get a two bed or if not it should be a big one bed (800+ sq ft) so I can section off an area for an office. My desk works fine in my living room here but no one actually comes over so it's not like it matters. I expect I will have visitors there sometimes and also my mom will probably visit pretty often.

ilikeplanets 03-17-2022 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by reprise85 (Post 4590491)
I get it, but they're the ones being shitty here. You'd just be getting paid what you should get paid. But yeah I got tired of it and just quit when some other projects took off.

Are they hiring? Mildly serious

reprise85 03-17-2022 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4590494)
Are they hiring? Mildly serious

Unfortunately they are not, but if referrals open up I will let you know for sure.

yo soy el mejor 03-17-2022 03:01 PM

man, so i work in development/fundraising at a place in a predominately black neighborhood, but of course my whole department is white because fundraising is white. whatever. but they are hiring for a role that is above me and my direct supervisor told me in confidence that she and our black executive director think a white professional fundraising woman (basically a total dullard) would be best to "get us into certain spaces" and come with "networks."

i was like, uh, i get it. but then i walked away and the whole thing gave me a bad taste. i brought it up today and said i was disappointed because on one hand there is a stated goal to "de-center" whiteness where i work but caring about who white donors are comfortable being a room with is just centering whiteness.

i mean, if a donor won't give to us because a non-white is asking then we shouldn't want their money. but it also makes me wonder if i have any room for advancement if those things are considerations. thankfully she was really receptive and dollars 2 donuts she is going to "run that up the flagpole" especially with her being the only white lady on the racial justice committee at work.

ah woe to me. never satisfied and for good reason.

yo soy el mejor 03-17-2022 03:38 PM

it sort of boils my blood, but i am flattered they do ask me a lot about language choices are letting me steer the fundraising philosophy and internal language guide and whatnot. especially for being so new, but i don't want to write anything that is lip service or not actually happening. i refuse to perpetuate that!

ilikeplanets 03-17-2022 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4590506)

i mean, if a donor won't give to us because a non-white is asking then we shouldn't want their money.

Sadly, money is the number one reason people compromise on their values. Theoretically not wanting money from a donor who has racist tendencies, whether conscious or unconcious, is noble...but then there's the problem of needing that money to fund the cause and help erase this sort of problem in the first place. Which is better? These types of conversations make me really uncomfortable, but I think it's important to recognize.

yo soy el mejor 03-20-2022 08:42 AM

in my opinion, it's not a matter of which is better, but which is right. plus, they ask me (the only mexican and non-white in development there) how to diversify our donor-base and i keep repeating that they need to stop putting rich white people on a pedestal and diversify fundraising staff. and i back that up with research that shows what is needed to have what is called 'equitable philanthropy'.

there is a real hesitancy to ask people with low-income to donate among npo places but that's classist and strips away choice. instead they glom onto rich people and suck their buttholes and that's the job. but if a place puts their efforts into establishing relationships and making monetary asks of people who care about their communities but don't have a lot of money, they could still raise a lot and maybe more. but that means letting go of a lot of commonly held beliefs such as those you stated (we need rich people and their money and "expertise"...because when they donate they also want to donate their opinions on how shit runs).

ovary 03-20-2022 12:23 PM

if you are concerned with doing "what is right" you should get out of the fundraising/nonprofit game. they're all just tax shelters and embezzlement schemes

yo soy el mejor 03-20-2022 12:51 PM

i really don't need a lesson on the npic but thanks

yo soy el mejor 03-20-2022 01:03 PM

too bad we all can't work at ben and jerry's or be funded to open bookstores and fresh food markets and whatnot

if i had mad skrilla and time, i'd love to take care of a laundry mat with an attached bookstore and snack place because snacks are the best. candied pecans, chopped up bell peppers with some lemon and salt, strawberry shortcake, deviled eggs, elote, sliced mango with cayenne or tajin, chicharrones with valentine, cucumber salad, fresh juices and so on. then with my other skrilla, i;d just do nice things for people. ah, that would be the life. laundry mats were fun to me but they could be kicked up a notch. especially with their being essential in low-income communities.

now i kinda wanna see how much it costs to buy one just out of curiosity.

ilikeplanets 03-20-2022 01:19 PM

That's interesting, about asking people of different income brackets. My father's job has involved lots of large scale fundraising for decades, and they always focus on the wealthy so they can get the most out of the least effort. That's surely a practiced rooted somewhat in laziness but I guess there's also a measure of efficiency in that philosophy. A big deciding factor would definitely be what the cause is. Change is hard.

yo soy el mejor 03-20-2022 01:26 PM

it's mostly rooted in classism (which has racial implications) is the thing

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