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bright_doom 06-14-2019 09:29 AM

Ok I give up. After years of being a loyal dvd guy (and will do my best to continue to be) there are just some shows I can't watch here in Oceania, I literally know no one in real life who knows anything about the internet so I humbly ask Netphoria to please help me find a TV show that is currently screening in the US but is not available whatsoever in my neck of the woods.. I don't know what a torrent is or how to use one but any suggestions would be much appreciated..

Mals Marola 06-14-2019 02:16 PM

Mals Marola 06-14-2019 02:16 PM

what's the show

it may be worth getting a hulu membership for a coupla months or whatever if it's on there. or amazon, netflix, etc

FoolofaTook 06-14-2019 02:43 PM

Mals Marola 06-17-2019 01:34 AM

your dad's a pirate

and i don't need a "proxy" when i use him

(happy father's day)

FoolofaTook 06-17-2019 05:37 AM

yo soy el mejor 06-17-2019 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by bright_doom (Post 4510510)
Ok I give up. After years of being a loyal dvd guy (and will do my best to continue to be) there are just some shows I can't watch here in Oceania, I literally know no one in real life who knows anything about the internet so I humbly ask Netphoria to please help me find a TV show that is currently screening in the US but is not available whatsoever in my neck of the woods.. I don't know what a torrent is or how to use one but any suggestions would be much appreciated..

or try watchseries for torrent links. google it!

Mals Marola 06-18-2019 03:20 PM

how do y'all think bright_doom's show situation is coming along?

Mals Marola 06-18-2019 03:21 PM

i'm thinking he either found the show & is too hooked on watching it to even bother dropping in and giving us the peace of mind that boy & show have been united

or the FBI (yes, the same group who are hot on the case of the Corgan demos) picked him off immediately upon clicking any of the above links

way to get bright_doom locked up, assholes!

topleybird 06-18-2019 03:44 PM

yo soy el mejor 06-18-2019 03:50 PM

i was just trying to help.

Mals Marola 06-18-2019 04:43 PM

we all were, kid

we all were

redbreegull 06-19-2019 02:11 AM

his tombstone will read

"a loyal dvd guy"

FoolofaTook 06-19-2019 06:08 AM

I ate a spicy pizza last night and just took too brisk dumps... my bootyhole's burning...

Mals Marola 06-19-2019 11:04 AM

you just


two brisk dumps?

duovamp 06-19-2019 11:46 AM

Dumps like a twitchy trigger finger. Bang, bang. The toilet was never the same.

FoolofaTook 06-19-2019 01:16 PM

Yeah, they just thruntled out. My asshole will never be the same.

MyOneAndOnly 06-20-2019 03:22 PM

i am on my 4th week in bed and have watched all the TV. I've had lots of visitors and such. Both my partners have been here on and off. But gawd I'm bored.

Can't have alcohols. Can't have caffeine. Can't have sex. But I have a little bit of Vicodin

Elphenor 06-25-2019 02:57 AM


bright_doom 06-28-2019 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Mals Marola (Post 4510525)
what's the show

it may be worth getting a hulu membership for a coupla months or whatever if it's on there. or amazon, netflix, etc


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4510527)


Originally Posted by Mals Marola (Post 4510698)
your dad's a pirate

and i don't need a "proxy" when i use him

(happy father's day)


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4510703)


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4510723)

or try watchseries for torrent links. google it!


Originally Posted by Mals Marola (Post 4510811)
how do y'all think bright_doom's show situation is coming along?


Originally Posted by Mals Marola (Post 4510812)
i'm thinking he either found the show & is too hooked on watching it to even bother dropping in and giving us the peace of mind that boy & show have been united

or the FBI (yes, the same group who are hot on the case of the Corgan demos) picked him off immediately upon clicking any of the above links

way to get bright_doom locked up, assholes!


Originally Posted by topleybird (Post 4510817)


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4510819)
i was just trying to help.


Originally Posted by Mals Marola (Post 4510820)
we all were, kid

we all were


Originally Posted by redbreegull (Post 4510840)
his tombstone will read

"a loyal dvd guy"

I LOVE all of you.

Just took a small internet break.
No. I haven't found the show I was looking for, nor have I looked for it since posting.. but thank you for the suggestions. Next time I go to my local library I'll see if I can download my stories to a USB stick. Then I can put my stick into my tv. Then I'll be one happy camper.

smashingjj 06-28-2019 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by bright_doom (Post 4511673)
Then I can put my stick into my tv. Then I'll be one happy camper.


sexual preferences of those librul weirdos are getting completely out of hand these days

topleybird 06-28-2019 09:22 AM

At least have the decency to marry the tv first

topleybird 06-28-2019 09:23 AM

What's with the marked reluctance to tell us what show you're looking for

Is it like Paw Patrol or something

yo soy el mejor 06-28-2019 03:48 PM

i'm going for a run as far as i can go and leaving my bus card at home so i can't catch an easy ride back thus forcing myself to run back because i sure as fuck ain't gonna walk. this is so hardcore.

yo soy el mejor 06-28-2019 03:58 PM

not for this time, but next...anyone have any hot and steady songs that would be good for running? i've had the same 30 on my playlist for a hot minute and i skip a bunch. doesn't need to be aggro like most people think of workout music. i'll run to otis redding.

FoolofaTook 06-28-2019 07:37 PM

vixnix 06-28-2019 08:25 PM

I had a brief feeling of connection thinking that someone at this cafe had the same taste in music as me

And then I realised it was probably just a Spotify algorithm

And felt all hollowed out by modernity and automation

smashingjj 06-28-2019 08:56 PM

smashingjj 06-28-2019 09:02 PM

yo soy el mejor 06-29-2019 07:11 AM

i should just put a treadmill in the basement aka the dungon

ovary 07-01-2019 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4511732)
I had a brief feeling of connection thinking that someone at this cafe had the same taste in music as me

And then I realised it was probably just a Spotify algorithm

And felt all hollowed out by modernity and automation

did you mention it to the cutest barista there? maybe you could have made a connection despite, or perhaps even because, of the mediating algorithim.

ovary 07-01-2019 08:37 PM

the other day we went swimming after work at a little cove in the river. when we got there there was a complete set of mens clothing, including shoes and backpack, that looked like theyd seen a couple nights of rain. i was wondering what happened to the man that presumably wore the clothes there, when this thirty year old guy wearing a winter hat (it was 85 degrees) and a ZERO shirt shows up all like "aw shit, they're here! where are my glasses? i already cancelled my cards i dont care if my wallet is there. aw shit! oh man! i guess someone kicked my glasses in the water (??) aw shit aw shit!" and im like so what happened dude and he says he decided to swim across the river, but got stuck on the pier of the bridge, and the police had to pick him up in a boat. then he left, thrashing back through the woods yelling "mom!! mom!! i found them!"

ovary 07-01-2019 08:37 PM

moral of the story: that coulda been any one of us.

yo soy el mejor 07-02-2019 08:17 AM

sounds like a scene from stand by me

redbreegull 07-02-2019 03:05 PM

story reminds me of one time at school 28if went skinny dipping at night while we were drunk and high (I actually don't recall if we were drunk or high but it's a safe assumption it was both), and he lost his glasses and half his clothes down by the water. he wound up having to go back to our dorm and recruit an unwitting neighbor to bring a flashlight down.

I'll never forget the look on this guy's face as he asked, probing the dark with his flashlight, "so wait, what exactly am I looking for?" as 28if triumphantly held aloft his found underpants

FoolofaTook 07-02-2019 04:01 PM

sounds like a scene from stand by me

MplsTaper 07-05-2019 02:29 PM

Chris: I'm never gonna get out of this town, am I, Gordie?
Gordie: You can do anything you want, man.
Chris: Yeah, sure. Gimme some skin.
Gordie: I'll see you.
Chris: Not if I see you first.

Writer: Chris did get out. He enrolled in the College-courses with me. And
although it was hard he gutted it out like he always did. He went on
to College and eventually became a lawyer. Last week he entered a
fast food restaurant. Just ahead of him, two men got into an argument.
One of them pulled a knife. Chris who would always make the best peace
tried to break it up. He was stabbed in the throat. He died almost

yo soy el mejor 07-06-2019 10:56 AM


ninsp 07-08-2019 02:04 AM

folks. I just saw Midsommar
You could even say it’s a feminist horror film maybe
It was wildly great

redbreegull 07-08-2019 03:08 AM

take it to the films threads you fucker!

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