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my mom made me bathe every evening; i still like a good night shower.
she'd also have me make my lunch and pack my backpack to make it easier to get me out the door. i took it up a notch and would sleep in my school clothes. just had to wake up, eat cereal, and brush my teeth. |
I didn't even realize that there was any question about the benefits of a nightly hygiene routine. And the sense of obligation a parent should have to provide one. A woman on that post said she had only bathed her 4 year old about 6 times in their entire life. She wasn't even ashamed enough to post that anonymously.
that's p gross. she either has a mental disease, a maid to do that work for her, or just hates kids. some people just don't deserve children. kids are people, too, and deserve respect!
For most people, I don't think that showering every day is necessary, but one should shower more than twice per week and definitely more than six times per lifetime.
Maybe kids need to shower every day because they get dirty quicker. I dunno. It's been a while since I've been a kid and I'm not around very many kid so I don't know how quickly kids get dirty. |
yeah adults who are not actively sweating do not need a daily shower, but kids are fucking disgusting
They’re all vegan now and ride expensive e-bikes and drive BMW EVs and humblebrag about the academic scholarships and internships their kids have been offered I was too exhausted for any of that so I just bathed my kids every day with drops of lavender essential oil in the bathtub and then laid them to sleep in bed linen I washed with drops of lavender EO in the wash, and kept all the “big lights” off after night fell It was a hard time Their kids were just more sedentary and laid back maybe. My kids were just so…active all the time. And so dirty. And so awake. The nightly baths were just worth a try |
I didn't realize adults don't find a daily shower necessary, too. Am I....too clean? I don't wash my hair every day because the shampoo will wreck it if I do that, but I absolutely without fail take a nightly shower, even if I was inside all day. I never thought that was excessive or unusual, this is fascinating and a little distressing to learn that this is uncommon.
Kids do unsanitary things while hanging around other kids that also do unsanitary things, so in my mind it is non negotiable that they bathe before getting into a clean bed. And like vix (and all parents) know too well, the sacred Bedtime Routine has bathing as a centerpiece to exhaust everyone involved to the point of collapse. |
this discussion is moot for anyone living in the tropics. it's quite common to shower even twice a day in very humid areas.
i shower every day but might skip a day on a weekend, especially if i don't go anywhere. |
now that i work out, i shower probably 5x a week. but before that, it was not quite every other day. if i haven't been sweating and don't smell or feel gross, i don't see the point
i think shower frequency is more of a mental/routine game than anything. i fucking love showering and feel gross if i don't every day. often i'll shower twice a day. but if i am traveling and sleeping somewhere strange i don't feel as dirty or the need to shower as much, might go every other day. and if i'm camping i don't really feel dirty unless i actually get dirty. so anyway we do the baby boy a couple times a week.
It seems like every few months, someone does a poll along the lines of "do you wash your legs in the shower" and the results are consistently horrifying. Further details of particular methods and areas of washing are always similarly of great concern. So, not surprised folks don't bother keeping their kids halfway clean. And if they do give them regular baths, it's probably not done in a hygienically sufficient manner.
as already established, i only wash my ass after 2+ days of intense ass burning
he's intimidating in the flesh but i love it. i actually like tough yet not mean teachers. |
He seems like he'd be pretty irritated at student mistakes! Do you guys tap to music yet?
we do. he shows us steps and then we put it to music. he points out mistakes but not in a bad or mean way. kinda mocks how we look or sound when we mess up.
he does mention his own teachers (informal) weren't so nice to him (tough love) and questions out loud whether he should be mean to us. He can't though because it's mostly white women. I super like people who are kinda tough when it comes from a good place. i commute a bit to get there. |
He seems very jolly and enthusiastic, but with a serious side. I imagine he'd be a good teacher.
i'm the same way...maybe that's why i like him. maybe i'm not jolly but i am way more positive outwardly than i really am. he always razzes me and i'm not sure if it's because i am being singled out in a positive or negative way.
Just roll with it, I guess. I'm sort of the opposite, people sometimes assume I'm down or in a bad mood when I'm actually feeling fine. Maybe I have a dour default expression or something.
Of course, that won't apply to coal miners, people who sweat more, etc. And even if somebody is part of the population that can get away with showering every other day, I wouldn't think they are some kind of freak for choosing to shower every day, anyway. Quote:
It seems too crazy to be true to me, but I did once come across an Andrew Tate video where he says that men shouldn't cook. IDK why, but cooking and ass-washing just seem to go together for me. If you categorically reject one, you're probably against both. |
Also, even though I've read things that say you shouldn't scrub yourself while showering because you don't want to abrase the outer protective layer of your skin, I still use a loofah nonetheless because I don't feel clean if I don't scrub. Like what the fuck am I supposed to do, just rub a bar of soap over my body like they do in those Dove commercials?
When I've tried the "don't scrub" thing, what I could only assume was dead skin and/or dirt would ball up on my body while applying my post-shower body lotion. |
It might be that a loofah is sufficiently gentle to leave your exoskeleton intact, though, right? Going at it with a pumice stone, on the other hand...
I assumed that this conversation was a weirdly delayed reaction to everybody shitting on Mila Kunis that time. |
Surely allowing Ashton Kutcher to contribute to your kids' DNA is worse than only bathing them every few days during a lockdown.
Mom groups are great reading, no lie. Lots of not-so-hidden gems such as this.
“Natural” birth vs Caesarian-section, circumcision, whether or not you “cry it out”, breastfeeding vs. bottlefeeding, discipline methods, piercing ears and food choices (esp. sugar) were big battlegrounds in mom groups when I had preschoolers.
I remember one wise mother saying to me, nobody will still be asking you about any of this shit when the kids are 5+ and nobody will be able to tell which choices you made, by then. So try not to sweat it too much. It was good advice But yeah the reading is pretty good sometimes, for sure |
Well it might - and a lot of IQ comes down to how kids are raised so she’ll be able to maximise that bit. Do you just mean there’s no gene for intelligence that is dominant?
I mean you can't eliminate one parent's undesirable biological traits through nurture
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