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ilikeplanets 08-12-2022 07:48 PM

But do you call your kids assholes to their face

ilikeplanets 08-12-2022 07:49 PM

We all have different parenting styles it's okay

vixnix 08-12-2022 07:55 PM

My older kid told me last night at dinner I should write a parenting book because he feels so lucky to have been parented the way he has, when he compares himself to his friends

I wasn’t sure whether to be flattered or alarmed

The moods and opinions of my teenage kids are like a fast changing sky. So different from one hour to the next. So I’m ready for the next piece of feedback and have no expectation it will be positive. Parenting really helps build resilience to feedback in that sense

vixnix 08-12-2022 07:58 PM

I do tell my kids they’re acting like assholes if that is my read on the situation

Do you call your kids assholes to their faces?

ilikeplanets 08-12-2022 08:10 PM

It's best they hear it from me

ilikeplanets 08-12-2022 08:11 PM

You're never too young for the truth

slunken 08-12-2022 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4599080)
My older kid told me last night at dinner I should write a parenting book because he feels so lucky to have been parented the way he has, when he compares himself to his friends

i have to do that thing where i type "and then everyone clapped" literally the internet forces me

slunken 08-12-2022 09:03 PM

everyone needs to stop listening to the smashing pumpkins until we can figure out what is going on!

vixnix 08-12-2022 09:19 PM

I’m think if you asked him again today he would say something different because I pissed him off this morning

The beliefs are strong, but often fleeting

slunken 08-12-2022 09:44 PM

that's a very nice way of saying that teenagers are extremely retarded

slunken 08-12-2022 09:45 PM

oh shit! can i still say the r-word?

slunken 08-12-2022 09:46 PM

i'm an old man i don't know any better

vixnix 08-13-2022 12:24 AM

Teenager brains are definitely impaired. There’s a good 30 min doco on Netflix, part of the Explained series. There’s a whole series on the mind, and a short one specifically on the teenage mind

It was kind of a relief to watch it. The brain is not fully formed but a lot of high stakes decisions are being made all the time

It’s like a 7 year long episode of Seconds from Disaster

ilikeplanets 08-13-2022 12:56 AM

And yet people are expected to chose their life path at that age

slunken 08-13-2022 01:34 PM

so funny to be like okay you're 17 time to figure out what you're going to be doing for the next 60 years lol

slunken 08-13-2022 01:36 PM

also you're not allowed to have sex

ilikeplanets 08-13-2022 01:49 PM

Teenage brains can't even consider any long terms consequences of a decision like that

ilikeplanets 08-13-2022 01:50 PM

Otherwise there would be no English or Sociology degree programs

Disco King 08-13-2022 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by slunken (Post 4599090)
oh shit! can i still say the r-word?

You're supposed to say, "teenagers are extremely r-worded."

vixnix 08-13-2022 07:00 PM

One of my high school friends went into prostitution at 16. It’s stuff like that, and watching things like Hot Girls Wanted that makes me think the minimum age for sex work should be the same as the age where you have normal car insurance premiums - 25. There seems to be quite a bit of agreement that this is a better age to consider a person fully mature than 16 or 18, because the brain is fully developed.

yo soy el mejor 08-13-2022 09:49 PM

regulate prostitution! regulate domestic work! protect all women!

teh b0lly!!1 08-14-2022 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by slunken (Post 4599116)
so funny to be like okay you're 17 time to figure out what you're going to be doing for the next 60 years lol

The r-worded thing here is not being demanded to do it at 17, it's the very idea of having to pick something to do for 60 years as a standard life practice at all

yo soy el mejor 08-14-2022 12:56 PM

i just figured out what i wanna do like 5 years ago; it's still a little foggy and i'm not doing it yet, but i am moving in the right direction!

slunken 08-14-2022 01:58 PM

slunken 08-14-2022 02:03 PM

ladies and gentlemen, the smashing pumpkins...

vixnix 08-15-2022 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 (Post 4599151)
The r-worded thing here is not being demanded to do it at 17, it's the very idea of having to pick something to do for 60 years as a standard life practice at all

Thankfully I don’t reckon anyone feels such a need to do this anymore - the expectation is that you will have several jobs in a working life, at least.

Even doctors and lawyers are branching out these days into project management, consulting etc.

buzzard 08-15-2022 11:57 PM

How's Wellywood, 'nix?

Hope you've picked up your season tickets for the other 'Nix.

ilikeplanets 08-16-2022 01:11 AM


teh b0lly!!1 08-16-2022 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4599192)
Thankfully I don’t reckon anyone feels such a need to do this anymore - the expectation is that you will have several jobs in a working life, at least.

Even doctors and lawyers are branching out these days into project management, consulting etc.

I dunno, is it really any different?

Work culture may have changed to the point that it's now "okay" to not work at the same company for 50 years anymore, but one size fits all society still demands you to take your gamble on a profession and go die off doing that for the next 60 years. It's a scam and I hate it.

teh b0lly!!1 08-16-2022 06:25 AM

Please don't mind me I'm just an old man yelling at the tv alone in the living room after dinner

vixnix 08-16-2022 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by buzzard (Post 4599215)
How's Wellywood, 'nix?

Hope you've picked up your season tickets for the other 'Nix.

Still have not been to a ‘nix game! Have been to a few Hurricanes games but not since old Traitor Barrett took up with your filthy blues

Wellington is awful. I’m not sure now why we came back. It was for some reasons and they are probably good ones. Hopefully some day I will remember

vixnix 08-16-2022 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 (Post 4599227)
Please don't mind me I'm just an old man yelling at the tv alone in the living room after dinner

Not eating your dinner in front of the TV is pretty restrained

vixnix 08-16-2022 08:07 AM

Maybe I feel differently about it because all my friends are mothers who have been forced to re train, except for the doctors. But…that shit has been HARD over the last couple of years.

My older son wants to make some money in finance and then have a good enough private income he can do what he really wants to do, which is be a secondary school teacher

I think the nature of the economy for young people today has stripped them of the hope of a job for life, rather than an endless grind trying to find things machines can’t do better and then successfully compete against all the others in the same boat to land a stressful underpaid job with no health insurance

yo soy el mejor 08-18-2022 01:52 PM

might be more difficult with capitalism shoved down throats since birth, but being stripped of a job "for life" sounds pretty great. people are considering how to be happy instead of how to have the "trappings" of ostensible happiness.

yo soy el mejor 08-18-2022 02:23 PM

speaking of which...pathetic and solo lunch time!

yo soy el mejor 08-18-2022 04:44 PM

fuck, a consultant was late to a meeting today so i offered to share my screen with the group and led the meeting by default. the consultant showed 30 mins later and i went to a new window to talk smack about her to tommy without remembering my screen was still shared. this happened almost two hours ago and i still wan die. my boss was there and everything. fuck, man lolololol

honestly cannot stand this woman--so overpaid and provides little value. the group i am in--that she "leads"--had an off-site retreat (just a glorified meeting) a few weeks back and it was conveniently scheduled to be at her home almost 20 minutes away. that fell through so it was at her new condo not too far.

the agenda said we were all supposed to "be fed the hospitality of working in a retreat setting" except we were sitting on her rooftop patio with no shade all afternoon with no access to a bathroom. we had to go down seven floors to a coffee shop next to her place and when one person went around lunchtime they (she brought her husband out to join the mtg, for some reason) suggested we all try and go since they didn't want to go back and forth letting us all into the building.

my mood definitely suffered for that! not just the bathroom thing, but all of it. i cannot stand (who can?) feeling trapped in the heat plus i was riding the crimson wave

didn't like her before (or after) any of that mess, though. she says craps like "the work is the process and the process is the work" and people find that deep somehow.

yo soy el mejor 08-18-2022 04:47 PM

the consultant said something later about "noise" and noticing distractions in the space and said it's just another thursday in america. :rolleyes:

yo soy el mejor 08-18-2022 05:03 PM

ya know, at least no one saw me taking a dump or putting in a tampon on camera

at least i have that and one day this won't be so embarrassing anymore. at least it wasn't a coworker that i talked about. anything helps to not feel this way! i just want to assume no one saw a thing.

MyOneAndOnly 08-18-2022 05:20 PM

i have a bathroom off my home office. Literally 6 ft from my desk. Occasionally I have to put my headphones down during a meeting and use it. Too many meetings per day to not eventually have to go. i'm terrified that sooner or later i won't have my Mute button on and the bathroom sounds will make it into a meeting.

slunken 08-18-2022 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4599354)
supposed to "be fed the hospitality of working in a retreat setting"


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