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slunken 06-22-2022 06:39 PM

also stop listening to rock and roll

vixnix 06-23-2022 09:46 PM

How are things going ilp? Hope you are getting some rest every now and then…

ilikeplanets 06-23-2022 11:57 PM

I'm okay, still sore from the C section but much better even in a week. I'm completely mobile and basically off the meds. I'm still swollen past the point of wearing shoes, but have been assured this is normal by my doctors, I don't have any blood clots, etc. I keep thinking of that Depressed Persian Man MadTV skit and his cankles.

I'm kind of sleeping here and there, I'm not at the point of crazy yet but am obviously tired. I am definitely ready for a full night's sleep again, but I've got a few months. I'm really happy though, so it's okay. I took off work for a couple weeks, so it will be interesting to add that back into the mix and see how it goes. I think I can handle it fine, I just won't have any extra housework done until things even out or my oldest goes to kindergarten. Thanks for asking! Not many people have bothered checking on me, but I don't take it personally because everyone is busy and my life isn't newsworthy. But it's always nice to be remembered out here in the whirlwind of newborn land! :)

slunken 06-24-2022 07:54 PM

so in love with this channel

slunken 06-24-2022 08:10 PM


slunken 06-24-2022 08:10 PM

I need this in my life right now

slunken 06-24-2022 08:21 PM

did i do that
love god love people may god bless you may god keep you

teh b0lly!!1 06-24-2022 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4595800)
I'm okay, still sore from the C section but much better even in a week. I'm completely mobile and basically off the meds. I'm still swollen past the point of wearing shoes, but have been assured this is normal by my doctors, I don't have any blood clots, etc. I keep thinking of that Depressed Persian Man MadTV skit and his cankles.

I'm kind of sleeping here and there, I'm not at the point of crazy yet but am obviously tired. I am definitely ready for a full night's sleep again, but I've got a few months. I'm really happy though, so it's okay. I took off work for a couple weeks, so it will be interesting to add that back into the mix and see how it goes. I think I can handle it fine, I just won't have any extra housework done until things even out or my oldest goes to kindergarten. Thanks for asking! Not many people have bothered checking on me, but I don't take it personally because everyone is busy and my life isn't newsworthy. But it's always nice to be remembered out here in the whirlwind of newborn land! :)

hope you're doing ok! have you been able to get similac?

teh b0lly!!1 06-24-2022 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by slunken (Post 4595824)
so in love with this channel

lol this rules

crazy how sitcoms now feel like archaic remnants from a different lifetime

ilikeplanets 06-25-2022 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 (Post 4595857)
hope you're doing ok! have you been able to get similac?

Thank you! I'm doing really well :) I was able to stock up on a fair amount over the past few weeks. There isn't any brand consistency on the shelves, which is kind of nerve wracking because I have to just hope my tiny new daughter can handle switching brands every week or so. So far so good. I'm still having to buy whatever I see because the shelves are basically empty. Who knows when this will be fixed.

Every time I'm overwhelmed, I'll watch my 4 year old being kind to her sister, and it makes me feel like I have helped foster some good in the world. Even if I have little to do with their personalities, it still makes me happy.

ilikeplanets 06-25-2022 12:09 AM

Steve Urkel has been in an embarrassing number of my childhood nightmares. Something about his voice repeatedly haunted my peace.

slunken 06-25-2022 12:21 AM

hahahaha sorry!

yo soy el mejor 06-25-2022 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 (Post 4595858)
lol this rules

crazy how sitcoms now feel like archaic remnants from a different lifetime

i was a huge tgif fan when i was elementary school age. just a two hour block of step by step, family matters, full house, and something else. full house and family matters were my absolute favorite.

those families were like my family. not that my family was like theirs, but i felt like i knew them and wanted to be a part of it. cried like a damn baby when full house went off the air/had their last episode and i always bothered my mom about having family meetings.

slunken 06-25-2022 01:00 PM

I don't recall many "household tv favorites" as a child except for Quantum Leap in which I was allowed to stay up one hour later on Wednesday nights in order to watch. At this time I thought TV was real so I would often go to bed very terrified!

slunken 06-25-2022 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4595880)

those families were like my family. not that my family was like theirs, but i felt like i knew them and wanted to be a part of it.

i feel this way about Roseanne in the biggest possible way

slunken 06-25-2022 01:04 PM

The first two sitcoms I ever remember watching were Alf and Gimme A Break

slunken 06-25-2022 01:04 PM

slunken 06-25-2022 01:06 PM

Will never forget her putting the vacuum cleaner in the fish tank lol

slunken 06-25-2022 01:10 PM

shouts out to a fucking queen RIP

teh b0lly!!1 06-26-2022 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4595880)
i was a huge tgif fan when i was elementary school age. just a two hour block of step by step, family matters, full house, and something else. full house and family matters were my absolute favorite.

those families were like my family. not that my family was like theirs, but i felt like i knew them and wanted to be a part of it. cried like a damn baby when full house went off the air/had their last episode and i always bothered my mom about having family meetings.

My family is pretty much all ripped apart, but it's crazy how much of our good times together involved sitting around and watching stupid TV shows together. It's like the only way we could allow ourselves to ever simply enjoy the company of one another without the weight of any injected expectation was to sit around and watch silly sitcoms and TV dramas together. With my dad it was action movies.

I have warm memories of watching Fresh Prince with my mom over the summers as a kid, laughing like it was a riot. Or watching Full House and Alf with my sisters as a kid, or Dawson's Creek with only one sister when life began to move on.

By myself, hilarious shit like Renegade, Pacific Blue (god that one was hot trash I just loved it), Walker, whatever whatever.

As a child you experience things at such an insane frame rate. When they'd do something like change the actress who played aunt viv mid show, it felt like ripping someone out of my life and replacing their image with a different person but everybody acts like nothing's different. That kind of immersion that you have as a child is nuclear hard to be inside of as an adult.

When fresh prince went off the air, in the last episode the house is empty and they all leave the house and kill the lights. It's great as a kid to have this portal on the tv everyday at 12:00 into another dimension where it's always studio light sunny, and everybody always be joking, but deep down they always let each other know oh so cheesily how much they care about each other. Then suddenly boom, they're moving out and you'll never see them again and it's like, damn it's just like real life.

slunken 06-26-2022 02:24 PM

I almost got a Dawson's Creek logo tattoo on my thigh around 2003 or 2004 that's how hard the show was hitting my psyche

slunken 06-26-2022 02:26 PM

I was going to get it right on the dead spot where I took a mean line drive while pitching as some kind of fucked up way to remember my youth? or something?

slunken 06-26-2022 02:28 PM

hmmm what other ways can i make this about me

Cool As Ice Cream 06-27-2022 04:36 AM

topleybird 06-27-2022 09:04 AM

I saw Dawson in a J Crew at the mall back in like... 2015, 2016, something like that. I did not approach him or his wife, but I wish I'd known how important the show was to you, slunken. I would have cornered him in the changing room and told him all about how you'd considered getting a DC tattoo in your dead zone or whatever and I'm sure he would have been really interested

In case it happens again could you describe the tattoo you were thinking of getting, like the show logo or those crazy kids' beaming faces or like what are we talking here

MyOneAndOnly 06-28-2022 07:34 PM

13 people shot yesterday here in Tacoma. Only one dead so far. Men get angry and they kill people with guns. Everyone has a fucking gun.

MyOneAndOnly 06-28-2022 07:36 PM

So happy I live in a country that has Health control and Gun care

slunken 06-29-2022 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by topleybird (Post 4596010)
I saw Dawson in a J Crew at the mall back in like... 2015, 2016, something like that. I did not approach him or his wife, but I wish I'd known how important the show was to you, slunken. I would have cornered him in the changing room and told him all about how you'd considered getting a DC tattoo in your dead zone or whatever and I'm sure he would have been really interested

In case it happens again could you describe the tattoo you were thinking of getting, like the show logo or those crazy kids' beaming faces or like what are we talking here

I really appreciate you for this - thank you god bless

slunken 06-29-2022 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by topleybird (Post 4596010)

In case it happens again could you describe the tattoo you were thinking of getting, like the show logo or those crazy kids' beaming faces or like what are we talking here

literally just the logo/typeface

maybe 3" across

i'm getting hyped up again fwiw

slunken 06-29-2022 08:56 PM

imagine being a loser that's addicted to digital misery tourism

slunken 06-29-2022 08:58 PM

not you dude i'm just typing out loud about something else

topleybird 06-30-2022 10:02 AM

Thank you for clarifying, and for introducing me to a new term I've looked up and still don't entirely understand

Does the digital part mean like going into a Boomer Facebook group to laugh at it, or is it still about visiting places like Chernobyl except you do it virtually or just like obsessively read about it

What's the deal, what exactly are people doing to earn our scorn

I will definitely pass on a description of your ever-closer-to-reality D'sC tattoo if I run into the man himself again

slunken 06-30-2022 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by topleybird (Post 4596185)
Thank you for clarifying, and for introducing me to a new term I've looked up and still don't entirely understand

It's a thing (IMO) for post-1999 culture to view things online knowing that it's going to piss them off.

We all do it to some extent.

Hey, it's called "keeping up with the news" am i right? :jayleno: (studio laughter)

topleybird 06-30-2022 05:53 PM

Ah, so kind of a broader version of "doomscrolling"?


slunken 06-30-2022 05:55 PM

yea kind of like doomscrolling but much more activated and pissed off instead of apathetic and looking for baby kitten videos

slunken 06-30-2022 05:58 PM

like, let's say you hate trans people so you sign up for a message board or a newsletter that's all about hating trans people so you in turn end up learning waaaaaay more about trans culture than any other regular person

(chill it's just an example)

that, to me, is digital misery tourism. just curating a constant feed of information of the thing you supposedly hate.

mxzombie 07-01-2022 10:22 AM

sounds sort of like hate-watching. i'm always snooping on my nasty neighbors through the window. i hate them so much, but i can't look away.

teh b0lly!!1 07-01-2022 11:02 AM

what's nasty about them?

yo soy el mejor 07-01-2022 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by mxzombie (Post 4596276)
sounds sort of like hate-watching. i'm always snooping on my nasty neighbors through the window. i hate them so much, but i can't look away.

yeah and i'm all like i h8 them too. i hate them so much i don't even want to look at them!

they're generally bad neighbors. loud dog. loud kids. husband sings so loudly and he sucks. he has dumb little legs, too. never shovel in front of their house in winter but are swift to steal parking spaces others clear out. had a fuck session on their back porch with a third party a few minutes after saying hello to us...i think our presence and knowing they were being heard was a real turn on for them which makes me so grossed out because i did not consent to being used like that. ugh, and they get groceries delivered even though they have a car. basically, they suck.

slunken 07-01-2022 05:41 PM


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