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My daughter turned 2 today and at the moment she likes Minnie Mouse, bubbles, and chocolate pudding. Birthday celebrations are fucking great, we had a wonderful time |
there was a long Sunday line at Walgreen's yesterday and a girl was waiting to speak to a manager cause she was having issues at the photo machine. well, the manager was helping to get the line down and this girl had NO patience. she yelled by the doors, "If I don't get the manager, I'm about to start throwing shit."
I guess she gave herself what she thought was a good idea and she fuckin' knocked over a whole display of Oreo's and started tossing newspapers and the little sale guides. Surprisingly, no one said much but people did laugh and shake their heads. But then the girl said to no one, 'You want me to act black, then I'm gonna act black." Then a black guy behind us said "That's not black, that's stupid. Don't bring us down with you, etc" That pissed her off and she walked toward him, but she thought better of it- maybe she saw the can opener in his hand or realized it would not have been in her best interest to attack someone (he and his 2 friends were big) or it could have been the fact she was wearing a hair-cap and didn't want it coming off. what a dumb bitch and she didn't even get her dumb pictures. |
Do u think he could have used the can opener like numchuks
there were many different reactions to that girl. people get too fuckin' wild in the summer sometimes. some lunatic actually tried to start a fight with me last week or so cause i sat down next to her and she claimed she couldn't put her bag in her lap cause she was pregnant. i sat anyway cause her bag didn't pay a fare and she was on the phone to her friend talking about how she was gonna kick my ass. she called me white and i said 'bitch, i'm not white' then she talked about taking my wallet and i said 'there's not shit in my wallet' and she said she would just steal my identity and i laughed and said 'Okay!'. then she told her friend on the phone she was gonna slap me and i said 'oh, you and your baby are gonna slap me?' that pissed her off and she yelled WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY BABY? getting all hype and shit. so i just let her go and run her mouth and was standing up looking stupid and i was just sitting there. she was standing up in the aisle trying to get a reaction, but i just wanted to sit in a motherfucking seat so i wasn't moving or paying her any attention. a dude got between us and she tried to swing at me then the bus stopped and people were telling her to calm the fuck down and think about her baby and telling her she had just committed a crime. she took off running before the cops came. guh. she was too pregnant to put a bag in her lap, but not too pregnant to fight? nah, you're just an asshole, girl. a guy in front of me on the bus said 'man, good for you for not moving....i can't believe she called you white.' |
Sounds like you should have some emergency numchuks in your purse
chicago is conceal/carry. :cool:
i already carry mace when i can remember. but def need some 'chucks. |
I'm from PA, so I've got a concealed carry permit, a revolver, a semi-automatic pistol, a bolt-action rifle, and a semi-automatic rifle, that way I can DEFEND MY RIGHT TO GAY MARRY ANOTHER POLYGAMOUS ATHEIST.
/reports you to FBI
"Not this guy again."
How does one sleep through the night without either waking multiple times or just once but staying awake for hours?
like this:
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you don't have to worry about waking up if you never fall asleep
That's very true.
guy came onto the train asking people for money. this happens regularly and i feel like we have two options: give them money/food/whatever they are asking for...or don't.
but when it happened today, a white asshole said, "soliciting on the train is illegal" in such a high and mighty tone. so when i heard that i went to grab some bills and when i handed the guy the money i apologized for the asshole. as we were heading off the train i was behind the asshole and i said "people like you are the problem, not someone wanting to eat." then he said ''no, you're the problem." i said, "keep telling yourself that you privileged piece of shit". that actually shut him up and the two (precious white) women he was with were like @_@ it was a short interaction but that dude had me steamed for a good part of the day. not just him, but the idea of people like him. probably voted for hillary clinton and texts while driving. |
doesn't it get tiring being so angry at white people all the time?
does it get tiring for white ppl to be racist all the time?
they are tiring, yes. but i don't tire of doing what i think is right.
but what do i know i'm just an ovary
Have you read Madame Bovary?
nah my "spiritual peace" only would have been sacrificed had i NOT said anything.
$5 ovary is white; they like to tell nonwhites how to live and react to racism and privilege |
What I like to do as a good ally is wear a t-shirt that says "KILL WHITEY" under a dress shirt like Clark Kent, and I rip open my buttons in times of need
I would also just like to say "numchuks" again because it makes me laugh, specifically with the "m" |
numchuks 4 numb nuts
My kid started kindergarten last week and my oldest stepdaughter went off to college. It’s so quiet here during the day now... it’s weird but nice too.
Aww. Did you cry? I did, both times...
I have a test worth 30% tomorrow and I’m working 20-40 hours a week in an unpaid internship. Father’s Day was yesterday but I just spent it studying. I don’t know if this lady rubs me up the wrong way because I’m stressed or because she’s genuinely annoying or both but man. I am kind of sick of parents like this. Like lady, you made yourself your son’s Best Friend and then sent him to an all-boys school and you’re surprised about how things turned out? You look old enough to know better, tbh https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/a...t7v8JlS8Ajxvh4... |
Wait did **** vote for Jill stein
What’s your internship? |
no one's vote belongs to anyone else, but some people think that they do.
you can't subtract.
14 year olds have the emotional age of a 2 year old. and 13 year olds have the emotional age of a 1 year old, right...?
You know what they say
What age is that supposed to stop? Definitely don't feel 17
Only a couple more years until I'm an adult, emotionally.
It’s just an idea that helps parents remember that regressions and emotional immaturity are a normal and expected part of adolescence, and that patience might be more useful than discipline.
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