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FoolofaTook 07-08-2019 07:34 AM

sounds like a scene from stand by me

FoolofaTook 07-08-2019 07:34 AM


yo soy el mejor 07-09-2019 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by ninsp (Post 4512376)
folks. I just saw Midsommar
You could even say it’s a feminist horror film maybe
It was wildly great

don't listen to "niceguy" ryanbreegull. you can talk about films in any thread you want.

tommy wants to watch that, too, which surprised me because of the "chick flick" factor. i i wasn't too into the trailer when we saw it, but i wasn't offended by it or anything. probs will go see it this weekend, tho. what's so great about it? without any spoilers

Mals Marola 07-09-2019 11:13 PM

didn't think of it as a chick flick at all but i also didn't think it was great

& i really liked Hereditary

yo soy el mejor 07-10-2019 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Mals Marola (Post 4512523)
didn't think of it as a chick flick at all but i also didn't think it was great

& i really liked Hereditary

i don't think i know that movie. is kirsten dunce in it?

Mals Marola 07-10-2019 06:11 PM

you mean Billy Corgan in disguise after leaving music in 1996? i don't think so

toase 07-11-2019 09:39 AM

why some threads just don't die
c'mon people
lets marie kondo this shit
hold that thread, see that it doesn't spark joy, then let it go

yo soy el mejor 07-11-2019 11:29 AM

might need it later though

toase 07-11-2019 02:56 PM

yeah I don't marie kondo IRL

twitter is down so I need to complain here

yo soy el mejor 07-11-2019 02:58 PM

i got rid of or donated clutter and stuff on regular basis way before this lady came to town--been doing it for yeeeears. can't even talk about tidying up without someone mentioning joy or some shit.

Cool As Ice Cream 07-11-2019 03:12 PM

the four j's of tidying up:
- journey
- joy
- smashing jj

FoolofaTook 07-11-2019 04:50 PM

ur dad tidies up

smashingjj 07-11-2019 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream (Post 4512666)
the four j's of tidying up:
- journey
- joy
- smashing jj


yo soy el mejor 07-11-2019 06:52 PM

I've applied for a second job or two since it's summertime (i'm bored and my last year of school is going to be the most expensive yet, ugh), but i'm not stressing about it which, ya know, makes it a lot less stressful.

ANYWAY, I barely submitted a resume to be an evening ESL instructor yesterday and they already asked me to come in for an interview next week (I can write a mean cover letter, baby). It's M-Th 6-9pm plus 5 weekly hours dedicated to making the curriculum--so that's only 17 hours, but the pay is very decent. It will bite into my time with Tommy since he works ~9-5 but we agree that that can't be a reason to not do what I think is necessary.

FEELING: humbled

FoolofaTook 07-11-2019 07:08 PM

sounds like a scene from stand by me

yo soy el mejor 07-11-2019 07:39 PM

i totally guessed you would say that when you got around to eventually reading my post. you're as funny as you look, dude.

FoolofaTook 07-11-2019 08:10 PM

wait, so you're saying i'm not funny looking? is that a compliment?

vixnix 07-12-2019 03:29 AM

the more upper middle class elites I meet, the more I see that they fail to see that they are part of an elite class and therefore part of the problem, and many feel victimised by many things while never having been genuinely hungry or cold with no way to fix it, or subject to the threat or reality of violence with no refuge or protection from it, which basically means they have never experienced poverty or persecution but somehow suffer from the delusion that they have experienced both.



they see that they are elite and that they are part of the problem, but they think that with that limited self-awareness and the years of education and meaningful conversations they've had....they are still very likely to be part of the solution


it is all


smashingjj 07-12-2019 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4512699)
i totally guessed you would say that when you got around to eventually reading my post. you're as funny as you look, dude.

got you where I wanted

Mals Marola 07-12-2019 11:51 AM

Hey if she is serious
If she’s serious and not just playing just tell her to email me so I can touch base with her. My email is on the origin page

Shallowed 07-12-2019 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4512700)
wait, so you're saying i'm not funny looking? is that a compliment?

FoolofaTook 07-12-2019 12:35 PM

so... you guys agree with and support me?

Elphenor 07-12-2019 11:53 PM

I work with basically fuzzyroes at my backroom retail position

brings a guitar to work....jams an Offspring riff over and over

plays the 90's buttrock station over the intercom all night (heard Zero, BWBW, Cherub Rock, and 1979 on this station)

"Punk you say? You mean like Green Day"

"you know we're going to be a minority soon(meaning us white people), it's just the truth"

"Pantera is my favorite band"

"Have you heard Weezer's new cover album, the Teal album"

Elphenor 07-12-2019 11:56 PM

surprisingly ok guy, might even say he's my friend

it's just lol

Disco King 07-13-2019 12:02 AM

[quote=Elphenor;4512816"you know we're going to be a minority soon(meaning us white people), it's just the truth"[/QUOTE]

Does he say this just matter-of-factly, or with a Tucker-Carlson sense of foreboding?

Shallowed 07-13-2019 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by FoolofaTook (Post 4512750)
so... you guys agree with and support me?

I will support you though anything, dearest Took :love:

FoolofaTook 07-13-2019 05:51 AM


Elphenor 07-14-2019 05:26 AM

my first night seeing my on and off SO in a month

things are going great

but then I'm driving her home and I get tboned HARD

nobody was hurt but my car is fucked

And if I had been paying better attention I could have avoided it, so I just feel like a real POS that could of seriously injured the only non-relative I care about

Shallowed 07-14-2019 05:35 AM

Was it your fault though?

ovary 07-14-2019 10:11 AM

one time my wife tboned me so hard in the car we broke it too

FoolofaTook 07-14-2019 10:12 AM

Was it your fault though?

Mals Marola 07-14-2019 11:50 AM

you think he meant to give her mushrooms, girl?
you think he meant to bring her to his world ?

Elphenor 07-14-2019 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Shallowed (Post 4512891)
Was it your fault though?

I'm gonna say technically yes

and trust me I feel like a POS for it

the guy was way speeding though and it didn't need to be a major crash

Shallowed 07-14-2019 09:21 PM

What happened exactly? Were you pulling out from a give way or a stop sign?

Cool As Ice Cream 07-15-2019 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Elphenor (Post 4512890)
could of


Eulogy 07-17-2019 10:56 AM

Midsommar was p cool. Maybe a little longer than it should have been. Ari Aster knows how to create images that linger, that is for sure. Prefer hereditary though.

ilikeplanets 07-21-2019 03:18 PM

Just bought tap and ballet shoes and outfits for my daughter, who will be starting a toddler dance class at the end of next month. I will finally self actualize as a dance mom.

yo soy el mejor 07-25-2019 06:21 PM

i would put my hypothetical kid in dance, but i would hope to never become a "dance mom." they're usually mean to their kids and competitive through them towards other moms. so sad.

speaking of kids, last week or so i was standing in line at ross to buy a bra and a young boy started talking to me about a toy he was holding and we were asking each other questions and just talking. then the woman he was with asked him who was going to buy that toy for him and he said his momma, but she said his momma wasn't going to buy it for him (she was waiting near the exit). after a minute or so i said 'listen, if your mom says it's okay, i'd love to buy that toy for you, but i won't buy it without her permission first.' so he went to ask and she said yes so he came up to the register with me and i bought the toy and it felt good. he said thank you and i said 'it was my pleasure.'

kids tug at my heart so much; i just don't want one.

yo soy el mejor 07-25-2019 06:25 PM

...went to a mental health first aid certification training today. so holler if you need anything, net4ia.

ilikeplanets 07-26-2019 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4513870)
i would put my hypothetical kid in dance, but i would hope to never become a "dance mom." they're usually mean to their kids and competitive through them towards other moms. so sad.

speaking of kids, last week or so i was standing in line at ross to buy a bra and a young boy started talking to me about a toy he was holding and we were asking each other questions and just talking. then the woman he was with asked him who was going to buy that toy for him and he said his momma, but she said his momma wasn't going to buy it for him (she was waiting near the exit). after a minute or so i said 'listen, if your mom says it's okay, i'd love to buy that toy for you, but i won't buy it without her permission first.' so he went to ask and she said yes so he came up to the register with me and i bought the toy and it felt good. he said thank you and i said 'it was my pleasure.'

kids tug at my heart so much; i just don't want one.

that is so kind of you! I get so delighted when the cashiers at the grocery store offer my kid a sticker...I think I'd be at a total loss for words if someone bought her a toy!

and i definitely am joking about being a "dance mom" (although i had a shameful love affair with the show). i'm pretty much the least competitive person to ever enter the dance studio. i just want a chance to meet some other moms of toddlers, and all the women at registration were beyond friendly and talkative. the dance studio here has as much of a small town feel as anything else, so i think it will be a good experience. the class is for 2-4 year olds and little planets will only have JUST turned 2 so i am hoping she is able to follow instructions enough to remain in the class. we've been practicing our arm stretches and toe touches. her tap shoes are the cutest damn things i have ever seen. this fall i am signing her up for dance, gymnastics, music time, and every free thing at the library. i am really sensitive to the fact that she is surrounded by adults, and now that she will be 2 next month it is really important that she start doing activities with children. in a year she will be in preschool, so she needs to have some idea of how to act!

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